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Chapter 076 Butterfly Flower

 Yujie, the residence of Fang Jinghua, a senior official of the Hangzhou Municipal Committee of the Red Party.

Fang Jinghua didn't dare to turn on the light and lit the oil lamp.

He poured Luo Liu a glass of water.

Luo Liu drank it in several gulps and wiped his mouth.

"Secretary Fang, I have an important report."

"Comrade Huaishu, I've been waiting for you to come." Fang Jinghua asked directly, "Do you know the situation of selling fish bridge wharf?"

Hearing Fang Jinghua mention the Fish Bridge Pier, Luo Liu's face showed sadness.

"I was at the scene." Luo Liu nodded, "I was also the one who passed the information about the spies on the dock to No. 3 Yulu Lane."

Fang Jinghua nodded. Sure enough, he had guessed before that it was the 'Sophora Tree' that passed the information about the dock to Meng Qiang.

"What's going on?" Fang Jinghua asked in a deep voice, "Why are there so many spies at the dock? Is your secret service setting an ambush?"

"No." Luo Liu shook his head, "The order received by the Hangzhou Secret Service was to set up an ambush at the dock to capture the Japanese special forces coming from Manchukuo."

"Capture the Japanese special from the Puppet Manchukuo?" Fang Jinghua was surprised. He immediately thought of the traitor Wen Changjian, "Are they the Japanese special from the passengers on the passenger ship waiting to be arrested?"

"No, as far as I know, the target has arrived in Hangzhou. The intelligence showed that they will come to the dock, so we followed the instructions and ambush there to prepare for arrest." Luo Liu said.

Already arrived in Hangzhou?

Not passengers on the arriving passenger ship.

Fang Jinghua was thinking, this was inconsistent with the information he had received. Could it be that the person the Secret Service wanted to arrest was not Wen Changjian and his party?

But other Japanese special organization members?

"The people who set up an ambush to arrest Gao Lan and others were people from the Party Affairs Investigation Department." Luo Liu continued.

"I didn't know where the Party Affairs Investigation Office was setting up an ambush before. I saw Gao Lan and several comrades at the dock. I was worried that people from the Secret Service would notice Gao Lan and others, so I passed the information to No. 3 Yulu Lane.

, ask them to contact Gaolan and notify Gaolan to evacuate.”

"The information spread, and I later noticed that people from the Party Affairs Investigation Department were also at the dock."

At this point, Luo Liu showed a painful expression, "I didn't know that No. 3, Yulu Lane, couldn't contact the superiors, so I could only choose that way to warn, otherwise..."

He didn't say what to do 'otherwise', but Fang Jinghua understood what Luo Liu meant.

He patted Luo Liu on the shoulder, "Comrade 'Huaishu', don't feel guilty. Your choice is right. Your mission is to lurk in the secret service. Without organizational orders, you cannot be exposed."

"But that comrade just died like that." Luo Liu's eyes turned red. "He just sacrificed like that. He also had a wife and children. He..."

He couldn't speak any more.

"Yes, he died like this." Fang Jinghua's eyes were moist and he sighed.

He felt the same pain in his heart, but there was nothing he could do about it. This was the cruelty of the underground struggle.

"You mean, the Party Affairs Investigation Office knew that Gao Lan would go to the dock, so it was setting up an ambush?" Fang Jinghua asked.

"According to my guess, that should be the case." Luo Liu thought for a while and said, "He Huan, the political director of the Party Affairs Investigation Office, personally led the team. It doesn't look like they met on a temporary basis. They went for a clear goal."

Fang Jinghua's expression was extremely serious.

If Comrade "Huaishu" guesses correctly, this problem will be serious.

The municipal party committee just held a meeting last night and arranged for Comrade Gao Lan to go to the dock to pick up rape.

The Party Investigation Office got the news so quickly and set up a trap.

This shows what?

This shows that there are very likely latent agents from the Party Affairs Investigation Division within the organization!

Realizing this, Fang Jinghua broke into a cold sweat on his back.

The enemy is lurking so deep that they have reached the threshold of the municipal party committee. The problem is extremely serious.

"Secretary Fang, are you suspicious?"

"Yes, I suspect there is a spy within the organization." Fang Jinghua saw that Luo Liu was also aware of it and admitted it directly without concealing it.

"Spy!" Luo Liu was extremely shocked when his guess was confirmed.

"Yes, a spy, or maybe a traitor." Fang Jinghua said in a deep voice.

"What do you need me to do?"

"I will investigate this matter, and you will also pay attention to it." Fang Jinghua said.

The Secret Service Office and the Party Affairs Investigation Office are both Kuomintang spy agencies. Luo Liu has a certain chance of detecting the information. However, this chance is not too great. The two spy agencies do their own things, and the contradictions are not small. One party wants to detect the other

It is difficult for one party to hide.

"Understood." Luo Liu nodded. At this time, he suddenly asked, "Secretary Fang, is there a comrade with the codename 'Butterfly' in the organization?"

Fang Jinghua's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes became extremely sharp, "Comrade 'Huaishu', why do you ask this?"

"It seems there really is such a comrade!"

"'Comrade Huaishu'! This is not something you should ask about." Fang Jinghua said sternly, "Tell me, why do you ask this?"

Luo Liu did not speak, but solemnly took out the envelope from his body.

"What's this?"

"Just an hour ago, someone knocked on my door and threw it in through the crack of the door," Luo Liu said.

Hearing this, Fang Jinghua was shocked.

Comrade "Huaishu" is the ace agent arranged by the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee to infiltrate the enemy. Except Fang Jinghua, who knows the identity of "Huaishu", no one in the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee knows.

Someone actually sent a letter to ‘Sophora Tree’ late at night!

What does this mean?

‘Locust tree’ exposed!

No, it should be said that an unknown person knew the identity of ‘Huaishu’.

Fang Jinghua's migraine attacks again, and he looks painful.

Operation dock failed.

Meng Qiang died.

The Party Investigation Office set up an ambush at the dock.

There is most likely a traitor within the organization.

The identity of ‘Sophora Tree’ is very likely to be known to unknown outsiders.

This series of things happened one after another within one day, and Fang Jinghua felt a little confused.

He didn't say anything. He took out the note from the envelope and read it carefully:

The traitor Wen Changjian has arrived in Hangzhou by land. The passenger ship is a special trap, and Butterfly Flower is the target of the enemy. Move quickly!

The handwriting is ugly, written with a pencil, like a primary school student's handwriting.

What brought Fang Jinghua was like thunder.

Wen Changjian actually arrived by land.

There turned out to be a trap on the other side of the passenger ship.

All of this is a conspiracy by Japanese spies, and their target is the 'Butterfly Flower'!

Fang Jinghua immediately understood that the goal was the 'Butterfly Flower' and the ultimate goal was the code book.

The enemy actually knows about ‘Butterfly Flower’ and also knows about the code book!

This must have been provided by Wen Changjian to the enemy.

Wen Changjian, this traitor, is shameful and hateful!

Previously, Fang Jinghua did not realize that Wen Changjian knew about the code book. This was because Wen Changjian's level should not know about it.

Although the comrade who carried the codebook went to the border with Wen Changjian.

However, the confidentiality level of this matter was extremely high, and that comrade would not inform Wen Changjian about it.

The most important thing is that even the comrades who carry the codebook do not know that the codebook was written by "Butterfly".

This chapter has been completed!
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