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Chapter 329 License Plate

 Li Hao glanced at the rearview mirror and saw Brother Fan thinking quietly, so he remained silent for fear of disturbing Brother Fan's thoughts.

Cheng Qianfan has been thinking about the middle-aged man he met in the corridor just now.

The man took off his hat and bowed to him, with a flattering smile on his face.

This shows that this person is not Japanese.

This is the face of a traitor.

And this person only attracted his attention because he looked familiar to him, but he couldn't remember where he had seen this person before.

This is very strange. Cheng Qianfan has always been quite confident in his memory.

"Haozi, did you see any suspicious people or vehicles outside the Special High School just now?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"There is no suspicious person." Li Hao thought for a while and said, "A car drove into the yard, and the car drove out again after a while."

"How many people were sitting in the car before we entered it?" Cheng Qianfan asked immediately.

"There is one driver, the co-pilot is empty, and the curtains of the rear seats are closed, but you can vaguely see a person."

"When the car came out, was the person in the back seat still there?"

"Back row?" Li Hao thought for a while and said, "No more. The back row curtains were opened slightly, and no one was seen."

Cheng Qianfan nodded, that middle-aged man must have taken that car to the extra-high school course.

"Do you remember the license plate?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Remember 1086SMC." Li Hao nodded, "Brother Fan, you told me to keep an eye on the cars going in and out of the Special High School."

"1086SMC." Cheng Qianfan read the license plate. 1086 is the car number, and SMC is the abbreviation of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Public Concession. He asked, "Do you know which company the car belongs to?"

Haozi has a very good memory, and is especially sensitive to the combination of letters and numbers. Basically, as long as the car license plate is officially registered and has appeared many times in the concession, he will remember it in his mind.

"It's not this car, the license plate is fake." Li Hao frowned and said, "1086SMC is Fei Guodong's car license plate. However, although both cars are Fords, they are not from the same batch. Fei Guodong's car was from last year.

Although this car is clean, it is an old car from the 24th year of the Republic of China."

"Haozi, you did a good job." Cheng Qianfan patted Haozi on the shoulder and praised him.

Haozi is sensitive to numbers and letters, and remembers license plates well. Cheng Qianfan said that license plates are dead, but cars are alive. It is not only necessary to remember the license plate, but also the brand of the car and the characteristics of each car.

Now it seems that Haozi not only fulfilled his request, but even did better.

Cheng Qianfan signaled Haozi to continue driving. He took out a piece of white paper and a pencil from the briefcase in the back seat, and wrote and drew quietly.

"Brother Fan, are you going home or going to the patrol room?" Li Hao asked.

"Pull over first."


"Wait until I finish painting."


Li Hao got out of the car, holding a cigarette in his mouth, opening the hood, pretending to repair the car, and at the same time observing his surroundings vigilantly.

About half an hour later.

"This person." Cheng Qianfan handed Li Hao a sketch he had just carefully drawn. "He is four feet eight inches tall, has a Chinese character face, and his eyebrows are a bit thick."

Li Hao took the sketch paper and looked at it very carefully.

"He is dressed very cleanly, well-educated, and polite." Cheng Qianfan said thoughtfully, "He wears small round glasses, and the temples are broken and covered with white tape. This shows that his life is not well-off."

After saying that, Cheng Qianfan paused and said, "The focus is on schools, especially university teachers..."

"Brother Fan, all the universities in Shanghai have moved." Li Hao reminded.

"That's right." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "The school has been relocated, and most of the teachers and students have also moved westward. Only those who cannot leave due to various reasons are left. And among these people, it is naturally not excluded that some of them are

Prepare to be a traitor."

"I understand." Li Hao nodded.

"Take photos, distribute the photos to the brothers, and remember to destroy the originals," Cheng Qianfan warned.

"Yes." Li Hao looked at the sketch paper again, nodded, and put the sketch paper away.

He thought for a while and then asked, "Brother Fan, that river..."

"Lake Baikal." Cheng Qianfan said casually.

Shanghai Pseudo-Special City Government, Detective Brigade.

"Cough cough cough." Wang Kangnian coughed violently. It was cold and his cough had become more severe recently. At the same time, the old wound began to hurt, the kind of pain that hurt from the bottom of his bones. At this time, the hatred for Cheng Qianfan in his heart

There is one more layer.

Daou looked at the captain who was coughing badly. He was really worried that the captain would cough out his lungs.

"Say." Wang Kangnian pointed at the short man.

The short man was currently lying on the hospital bed, holding his broken leg with a bitter look on his face and calling out.

When Wang Kangnian called him by name, he was stunned for a moment, and then howled and cried, "Captain, that Cheng Qianfan is definitely a Red Party member. He and that thief Zhang Ping are together, they are both big fish of the Red Party."

Afraid that Wang Kangnian wouldn't believe it, he pointed to the other healthy left leg and said, "Captain, I swear by this leg that Cheng Qianfan and Zhang Ping are both Red Party members and super big fish."

Daou glanced at his partner and sighed silently in his heart.

"Shut up." Xiaosi couldn't stand it any longer and shouted to stop the short man.

"Say." Wang Kangnian's expression was neither sad nor happy, and he looked at Daou.

"To say that Cheng Qianfan is attracted to this woman Zhang Ping, my subordinates think it is more likely." Da Ou thought for a while and said, "To say that Cheng Qianfan is a red party member is impossible."

"Cough cough cough." Wang Kangnian became angry when he thought of Cheng Qianfan, and then he coughed again.

"I really hope Cheng Qianfan is a red party member." Wang Kangnian said coldly.

If this is the case, even if this person is friends with Araki Harima, or even has a relationship with the three section chiefs, no one can save Cheng Qianfan, and even the three section chiefs will be the first to order the arrest of Cheng Qianfan.

It's a pity that Cheng Qianfan cannot be a red party member.

Even if Wang Kangnian suspected that Cheng Qianfan was involved in Chongqing, he would not suspect that Cheng Qianfan was a red party member.

Greedy for money, lustful, committing all kinds of evil, and ruthless, the number of Red Party members who died in the hands of Wang Kangnian was not even 100 but also 80 or 90 years old. I have never seen such a Red Party member before.

Not to mention other things, if Wang Kangnian doesn't need to do anything about his lechery and womanizing, the Red Party will get rid of them internally.

Then, the only explanation is that Cheng Qianfan coveted Zhang Ping's beauty.

Wang Kangnian thought of Zhang Ping's appearance and couldn't help but nod. This woman was really charming. He had always lived a melancholy life and had little need for women. He was still a little tempted. Cheng Qianfan was such a lustful person.

Regardless of the fact that Zhang Ping was once suspected of being a member of the Red Party, it makes perfect sense to be obsessed with this woman.

Let alone being suspected of being a Red Party member, even if Zhang Ping is confirmed to be a Red Party member, people like Cheng Qianfan probably won't care if they are smart.

As long as this 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' doesn't cause problems himself, no one can defeat him.

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing glasses who looked like a university professor hurried in.

"Captain Wang, Lao Huo is missing." He said urgently.

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