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Chapter 456 The witty tycoon (please vote for me)

 "I understand." Cheng Qianfan's calm face had a hint of solemnity, "How are you doing?"

His expression became more solemn as he spoke on the other end of the phone.

"We must cooperate sincerely with our neighboring units." Cheng Qianfan warned, "Report to me at any time if there is any situation."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Qianfan sat back in his chair. He crossed his legs and slowly lit a cigarette, savoring the smell of tobacco.

Li Hao did not disturb Brother Fan's thinking. He picked up the thermos bottle and refilled Brother Fan's tea cup.

"Something happened." Cheng Qianfan flicked the ashes of his cigarette, and Haozi quickly pushed the ashtray.

"After Mei Wuming left the patrol room on bail, he probably went to Fuxi Road," Cheng Qianfan said.

"Yes, Brother Fan." Li Hao nodded, "No. 39, Fuxi Road."

"The call just now was from Hao Zi." Cheng Qianfan said, "Mei Wuming was taken away."

Cheng Qianfan frowned, something happened suddenly.

According to Hao Zai's report, Mei Wuming has not gone out since returning to No. 39 Fuxi Road, and seemed to have ordered delivery from Maria Western Restaurant on the way.

Just ten minutes ago, Mei Wuming and two of his subordinates, one in suits and leather shoes, were about to go out. This person reached out and hailed a rickshaw.

Hao Zai saw Mei Wuming getting into the rickshaw, and he was about to leave quietly.

This time, he was ordered by the team leader to follow Mei Wuming and find out where Mei Wuming was. Now his goal has been achieved.

However, on his way back, Hao Zai found a shabby rickshaw overturned on the side of the road, and he immediately realized something was wrong:

The number plate of this smashed rickshaw was the same one that took Mei Wuming away.

Hao Zai was shocked and immediately arranged for his brothers to go find out the news.

Soon, news came back that an eyewitness saw a man riding a rickshaw suddenly trying to jump out of the rickshaw for unknown reasons, but his hind legs were caught by the railing and fell to the ground. The man then struggled with the rickshaw driver.

Soon a group of people came and forced the passengers into a car at gunpoint.

In addition, Hao Zai also discovered the body of one of Mei Wuming's men, while another one of Mei Wuming's men was missing.

Hao Zai made a quick decision and made a direct call to the Fuxi District Patrol Room.

As a senior inspector of the Central Police Station, he reported to the Fuxi District Police Station:

Mei Wuming, a bail officer from the Central Patrol Room, is suspected of absconding or being kidnapped, and there are also casualties.

Hao Zai called just now to report this matter.

The focus is not only on reporting that Mei Wuming was kidnapped, but also on his strategy for handling the matter.

Cheng Qianfan was approving of Hao Zai's response.

What he often taught Hao Zi and Li Hao was that they should get used to considering and handling problems as patrol officers, and they should wear the uniform of patrol officers and do military affairs legally.

For example, this time, Hao Zai had a "legitimate" reason for leading people to follow Mei Wuming.

After Mei Wuming was blackmailed by someone arranged by Mr. Xiao Cheng, he "easily" came up with a bail amount of two thousand yuan.

Obviously, this is a fat sheep.

And this fat sheep still has a lot of oil and water to squeeze out.

This is why Hao Zai follows Mei Wuming and investigates this person.

Now, Mei Wuming's whereabouts are unknown, he is suspected to have been abducted, and his men are lying dead on the street. Under this situation, Hao Zi immediately reported it to the Fuxi District Patrol Office and asked the patrol office to investigate the matter. This is the most unreasonable thing.

Picky solutions.

Considering that Mei Wuming is most likely an important member of the Shanghai District of the Central United States, this person was most likely kidnapped by the Japanese or a traitor agent.

At this moment, the French Concession acted most quickly, and the only one who could investigate openly and honestly, and even rescued Mei Wuming, was the patrol house.

Yes, although the French Concession authorities have repeatedly tolerated the Japanese, there is no reason for the patrol office to give in to the Japanese and traitor agents' bad behavior of crossing the border to kill and kidnap people. They must be investigated and dealt with.

And since it concerns the fat sheep that Mr. Xiao Cheng is eyeing, the Fuxi District Patrol Office must work hard to investigate.

And Hao Zai can also intervene in the case in the name of assisting in the case and grasp the progress of the case at the first time.

Cheng Qianfan was quite satisfied with Hao Zai's response and adaptability.

"Brother Fan, who do you think Mei Wuming was kidnapped by?" Li Hao thought for a while and asked.

Cheng Qianfan did not answer Li Hao's question immediately. He frowned and thought, "Haozi, have you ever thought about a question?"

Without waiting for Li Hao's answer, he continued, "Regardless of where Mei Wuming was abducted, the question is why was Mei Wuming targeted?"

"Mei Wuming was just released by us and was kidnapped right away." Cheng Qianfan said, "What does this mean?"

"It means that Mei Wuming has been targeted for a long time." Li Hao said.

"That's the problem." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "Since Mei Wuming may have been targeted a long time ago, we locked up Mei Wuming for two days and extorted a large sum of money from him, even a wealthy man.

Zai led people to follow Mei Wuming, who can say that no one noticed all of this?"

"I understand, this is why Hao Zai immediately reported the case to the Fuxi District Patrol Office." Li Hao said.

Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly, "So, now that this matter has reached this stage, we must be extra careful."

He looked at Li Hao and said, "Protecting ourselves is the first priority."

Cheng Qianfan flicked the ashes from his cigarette, raised a smile on his lips, and snorted, "Xue Yingzhen's people are indeed idiots."

Haozi glanced at Brother Fan. He wanted to say that the people in Zhongtong were also Chinese and were fraternal units. Now they were fighting the Japanese invaders together. They should put aside their previous grudges for the time being and could not ignore death. However, he did not dare to say these words.


Cheng Qianfan glanced sideways at Li Hao, as if he could see Haozi's thoughts. He threw a cigarette to Haozi, smiled and cursed, "Silly brother, I am already righteous enough. If we are in trouble, what will happen to Zhongtong?"

It would be nice to help the idiot and not add insult to injury."

As he said that, he sneered, "As I expected, the assassination of me by the 'First Officer' and 'Qi Zui' from the Zhongtong side has an unclear relationship with this Mei Wuming."

Li Hao, who was still struggling just now, immediately changed his face when he heard this, "Brother Fan, why didn't you tell me earlier? If I had known earlier, I would have killed that guy, and how could I have let him out alive?"

It is not difficult for Haozi to kill people who are caught in the prison of the patrol room without anyone noticing.

"'First Mate'." Cheng Qianfan suddenly fell into deep thought, took a few deep puffs of cigarette, and said slowly, "'First Mate' knows about Mei Wuming."

"Brother Fan, do you suspect that it was the 'first officer' who attacked Mei Wuming this time?" Li Hao asked.

Cheng Qianfan nodded and shook his head.

The ‘first officer’ most likely knew Mei Wuming, but why didn’t the ‘first officer’ take action earlier, instead of taking action now?

Is it because Mei Wuming was only revealed now?

He shook his head, this was a bit strange.

Or was there some unexpected situation on No. 76 that directly led them to take action against Mei Wuming?

There are many things that are difficult to explain.


Cheng Qianfan's expression became extremely serious.

Comrade ‘Zhulin’ once taught him a truth:

When a very complicated situation occurs, or it is a situation that is completely incomprehensible, then the most likely possibility is that there is a traitor.

Only traitors can explain all this, because traitors know the internal situation best, and they often go straight to the core, making it difficult for us to guard against it.

However, when he thought of the word 'traitor', the doubts and solemnity in Cheng Qianfan's heart became even greater.


Who is the traitor?

‘First Mate’?

The 'first mate' was indeed a traitor, but Cheng Qianfan's intuition told him that it was probably not the 'first mate' who betrayed Mei Wuming this time.

The time is wrong.

So, is it Zhongtong, or to put it further, is it Mei Wuming's men who have a new traitor?

Although it is just a guess, Cheng Qianfan is increasingly inclined to this kind of judgment.

At this moment, the phone on the study desk rang again.

Cheng Qianfan picked up the phone and said, "I'm Cheng Qianfan."

"Brother Fan, it's me." Hao Zai said on the other end of the phone. "I discovered something. The identity of Mei Wuming is not simple."

"Big fish?" Cheng Qianfan looked interested and raised his voice a few pitches.

"Maybe he is the big fish of the Chongqing Central Unification." Hao Zai also said in an excited tone, lowering his voice as he spoke, "Brother Fan, Xia Yundi called Liu Yong."

"I'm going over now. Remember, Mei Wuming was the first big fish discovered in our Central District. Now this big fish has been kidnapped in Fuxi District. Liu Yong must give us an explanation." Cheng Qianfan

He said, then hung up the phone.

He snorted coldly.

The Xia Yundi mentioned by Hao Zai is the 15th Patrol Inspector of Fuxi District, and Liu Yong is the Deputy Chief Inspector of the Fuxi District Patrol Room.

He looked at Li Hao and said, "Haozi, prepare your car and go to No. 39 Fuxi Road."

As he said that, he picked up the senior police officer's uniform hanging in the study and put it on while saying, "Also, call the patrol room and inform Hou Pingliang to bring someone to meet me."

"Yes." Seeing Brother Fan put on his uniform and go to say goodbye to Ruolan's sister-in-law, Li Hao picked up the phone and asked for the phone, "I want the Central Patrol Room, who am I? I am Li Hao from the Central Patrol Room."

No. 39 Fuxi Road.

The home of ‘Mei Wuming’.

"Mr. Liu." Xia Yundi glanced at Zhong Guohao, who was staring at the documents in a drawer, and whispered to Liu Yong, "It seems that Vice President Cheng's people are also eyeing this big fish."

"Targeting on the big fish?" Liu Yong sneered, "How can this be enough? Believe it or not, that bastard Cheng Qianfan will even rake him up."

Seeing Xia Yundi's puzzled look, Liu Yong shook his head, "You still don't understand that 'Mr. Xiao Cheng'."

At this moment.

"Brother Liu, Cheng came here uninvited, but he is going to be an uninvited guest." Cheng Qianfan, guarded by a group of his men, walked up and said with a loud smile.

"Since you are an uninvited guest, you'd better not come." Liu Yong squeezed out a smile on his dry face, and then laughed loudly, "Brother Yu was just joking with me. Your Vice President Cheng is here. Brother, I will sweep the couch to greet you."

It’s too late to welcome them.”

"I don't care about your bed." Cheng Qianfan curled his lips, then came closer and lowered his voice and said, "Brother Liu, I heard that the White Peony was sold to you by you..."

"Go away, grandma," Liu Yong scolded.

The two looked at each other and laughed together.

Everyone understood what the other meant and each gave in:

Cheng Qianfan initially shouted that he wanted to beat him up, but Liu Yong immediately pushed back, but he did not dare to offend Cheng Qianfan too much. In the end, the two reached an agreement:

The two families cooked this big fish together.

"Brother Cheng, please look at this." Liu Yong handed a stack of documents to Cheng Qianfan.

Cheng Qianfan took the document and looked at it, but his expression changed slightly.

This is a document entitled "Measures to Restrict the Activities of Alien Parties".

This document is said to have been written in early January, when Xue Yingzhen, the Chongqing Central Commander, led his generals Liang Fucheng, Xie Yongcun, Gao Jian and others to discuss and formulate a series of plans to restrict the activities of the Red Party.

Finally, after intense discussions, the Central Unification Committee completed the drafting of the document "Measures for Restricting the Activities of Alien Parties", which was reviewed and revised by Xue Yingzhen and Pu Mengjiu. It was first finalized as a first draft, then reported to Chen Lifu, who read and revised it, and then forwarded it to Chang Kai


Chang Kaishen was very happy after reading it. After making some comments on the revised draft, he immediately issued it.

Therefore, in January of the beginning of the year, the Fifth Plenary Session of the Fifth Central Committee of the Kuomintang was held. At the meeting, the "Measures for Restricting the Activities of Alien Parties", the collective product of the central unification cadres, was officially unveiled.

As the name suggests, restricting the activities of foreign parties means restricting the activities of red parties.

The "Measures for Restricting the Activities of Alien Parties" clearly stipulates that the thoughts, speeches and actions of all red parties and ideological radicals shall be strictly restricted, and all anti-Japanese groups and organizations led by the red parties shall be sought to be destroyed.

At the same time, for areas with frequent Red Party activities, the policy of "continuous protection and continuous sitting" was stipulated, and a universal "communication network" was established in the Baojia organization to monitor and sabotage the activities of the revolutionary masses.

Cheng Qianfan and Liu Yong had only heard of this "Measures to Restrict the Activities of Foreign Parties" but had not seen it in person, but they saw it today.

The two exchanged glances. It is said that only officials at a certain level within the Central Unification Committee would have such a document on "Measures to Restrict the Activities of Alien Parties", which is enough to show that Mei Wuming's status is impressive.

"Brother Fan, here's another one." Hao Zai handed a pamphlet to Cheng Qianfan.

When the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China actively carried out anti-Red activities, the main method it used was to write pamphlets to slander the Red Party and the Red Party's anti-Japanese base areas.

The task of writing the brochure is mainly completed by the Research Section of the Second Division of the Central Bureau of Statistics.

These pamphlets are called "special reports" within the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. They register and sort out the intelligence collected by special agents during reconnaissance, select the ones they think are useful, expand and exaggerate the content, arbitrarily distort the facts, and discredit the red flag.

party and progressives.

After compiling the pamphlets, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China selected a part of the special newspapers from them and published them in the public under the name of a certain publishing house.

These special reports were all written in a nonpartisan tone, using distorted "truths" to slander and "expose" the "crimes" of the Red Party, thus spreading rumors and causing trouble and deceiving the public.

What Cheng Qianfan is holding is such a similar booklet.

This can also prove Mei Wuming's identity.

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