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Chapter 525 Su Minmin

 Nanjing Party Affairs Investigation Office!

Lao Huang glanced at Cheng Qianfan, nodded, and said nothing.

"I read Gui Yigen's self-reported resume in the Special High School. He led a team to perform execution tasks at Yuhuatai." Cheng Qianfan said, his tone was tragic.

"Yuhuatai?" Lao Huang looked at Cheng Qianfan.

Cheng Qianfan nodded.

Both of them fell silent, and then let out a long sigh.

For Comrade "Flame" and "Comrade Piano", or in other words, for the Red Party members in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, there are two places that are least willing to be mentioned:

Shanghai Longhua.

Nanjing Yuhuatai.

Every inch of the land in these two places was soaked with the blood of revolutionary comrades. Many people from the Red Teco community, including Comrade Zhulin and Comrade Mao Zedong, died at Yuhuatai. Lao Huang's fiancée, brother-in-law, and sister also died at Yuhuatai.

In the ten years from the 16th year of the Republic of China to the 26th year of the Republic of China, Yuhuatai was the killing platform where the government killed Red Party members and progressives!

Countless Red Party members and progressives were killed in Yuhuatai in the past ten years, with a rough estimate of at least tens of thousands of people.

"Good kill." Old Huang Lian took a few sips of rice wine and said through gritted teeth. "Han women are scum, and everyone will punish them." Cheng Qianfan said.

The people of Zhongtong are now nominally friendly forces, so naturally they cannot fight with each other. However, if these are traitors, then it will be fine. They can be killed, and they should be killed!

"Will this matter have an adverse impact on you?" Lao Huang asked.

"The murderer was Miyazaki Kentaro and had nothing to do with Cheng Qianfan." Cheng Qianfan directly pinched a peanut with his hand and threw it into his mouth. "Sanbonjiro, both public and private, will help me carry it."

"In the eyes of the Japanese, the men and women who take refuge with them are not as affectionate as the wolfdogs they raise."

"Moreover," he continued, "killing people is also a way of establishing prestige. In the eyes of the secret service headquarters, this is Cheng Qianfan's way of establishing prestige, and this is a way of establishing prestige with the backing of the Japanese."

"This is very good." Lao Huang nodded, "As your status and influence have doubled, it has brought some convenience, and at the same time you have received more attention, which has brought some trouble to your activities.

This incident can shock some people.”

The two calmed down and communicated about an urgent matter.

Afterwards, Cheng Qianfan left drunkenly.

He can come to Lao Huang at any time and will not be suspected, but he still needs to pay attention to control the time to avoid suspicion in the eyes of interested people.

In the memory of Su Minquan, Nanjing Yuhuatai once represented solemnity and greatness, represented the raging revolution, and represented hope!

It is really ironic to say that Yuhuatai should be a revolutionary monument for China.

When the Revolution of 1911 broke out, the revolutionary army and the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty fought fiercely at Yuhuatai.

The revolutionary army fought bloody battles under rains of bullets and bullets. In the end, the Yuhuatai Fortress was successfully captured by the revolutionary army.

After the founding of the Republic of China, Mr. Sun, the then interim president, personally visited Yuhuatai and gave high praise to the Battle of Yuhuatai.

The national government later buried more than 200 revolutionary army officers and soldiers who died in the Battle of Yuhuatai in the Revolution of 1911 here, and erected a monument to commemorate the heroes who made great contributions to overthrowing the Qing Dynasty.

For Su Minquan, Yuhuatai also represents something in his heart.


Comrade Yuan Qiuxia is his fiancée, a girl who always has a smile on her face.

In the fifteenth year of the Republic of China, Su Minquan went to Nanjing Xiaozhuang Normal University to lead the organization of the patriotic student movement. There, he met Yuan Qiuxia, who was wearing braids.

On the Qingming Festival that year, the two of them worshiped the revolutionary martyrs at Yuhuatai and confirmed their relationship in front of the martyrs' monument.

Yuhuatai witnessed the revolutionary love between the two.

Later, Comrade Yuan Qiuxia died at Yuhuatai, along with Yuan Qiuxia's brother and Su Minmin's sister.

Yuhuatai also means to Su Minquan——



When he was leading students at Xiaozhuang Normal University, there was an older child who often asked him for revolutionary principles.

Later, a traitor appeared in the organization, and Su Minquan was forced to leave Nanjing urgently. Two years later, the big boy grew up step by step in the revolutionary struggle, and in the 29th year of the Republic of China, he became the secretary of the Communist Youth League branch of Xiaozhuang Normal University.

This year, the big boy was only sixteen years old.

His name is Yuan Rongxian.

In May of the same year, Yuan Rong was arrested first.

After his arrest, the wife of Nanjing Weicheng Commander Gu Zhilun, as the "senior sister" of Mr. Qingshi, talked to Yuan Rongxian twice in an attempt to shake his Bolshevik faith, but failed.

Later, Yuan Rongxian was released from prison on bail by his family.

After he was released from prison, he continued to fight.

Three months later, Yuan Rongxian was arrested again.

Mr. Qingshi personally found Gu Zhilun and interceded on behalf of Yuan Rong based on his fellow villager and teacher-student relationship.

Gu Zhenglun put forward a condition that Yuan Rong could be released as long as he first fulfilled the "surrender" procedures.

This request was sternly rejected by Yuan Rongxian.

While in prison, Yuan Rong first wrote a letter to his family.

The letter wrote: "When a person has reached the point where he is not afraid of death, what worries do he have? With this spirit of self-sacrifice and fighting for the public, why should he be afraid that his ideal career will not succeed?" September 17, 19th year of the Republic of China.

Yuan Rong was shot dead in Yuhuatai.

According to the regulations of the government at that time, no one could be executed under the age of 18. In order to execute Yuan Rongxian, Nanjing changed Yuan Rongxian's age by two years without authorization, so that he could be executed.

Su Minmin's sister was only fifteen years old when she died, but her age was changed to three years older.

"The civil rights and revolution have won. Let's bring our children to Yuhuatai to tell us about our love, our passionate revolutionary cause, and the indomitable struggle of the great China..."

This sentence kept ringing in Lao Huang's mind. This was what Qiuxia said to him when he met Yuan Qiuxia for the last time.

At that time, the two were already preparing to apply to the organization to officially become revolutionary partners. Civil Rights.

Su Minmin.

Lao Huang couldn't help but feel a little confused, he almost forgot his real name.

Today, Huo Miao, comrade mentioned to him that the murdered Han female officer No. 76 worked in the Nanjing Party Affairs Investigation Office. This brought back his memories, and then, the sadness and longing could not be suppressed from the bottom of his heart.


Comrades-in-arms, relatives, lovers, so many beautiful memories of Su Minquan are buried in Nanjing, in Yuhuatai!

There was the sound of a piano. It was Pete's new lover from the Political Department playing the piano. Old Huang closed his eyes, and he seemed to see that beautiful, kind, and strong girl playing the Internationale. It was very distant and misty, but so beautiful.


Lao Huang took out half a bottle of wine from the cabinet, uncorked the bottle, raised his neck, drank half the bottle, and wiped his mouth randomly:

I really miss you.

Xiong Jiashang's expression was serious and sad. She said to Miaopu, "I'm sorry." Miaopu looked at Xiong Jiashang in horror, and her heart suddenly hurt violently.

"Xiao Ke!" Nursery murmured, his voice was very soft and his teeth gritted loudly.

"Xiao Ke is fine for now." Xiong Jiashang knew that Miaopu had misunderstood, and quickly explained, "It was Comrade Shan Fangyun, he died."

According to the information Xiong Jiashang received from his superiors, an insider in the organization sent intelligence on the 76th, "The shopkeeper of Fangyun Daily Grocery Store could not survive the punishment. He died. This insider was not a comrade in the organization and could only

They can be regarded as progressive elements united in the organization to sympathize with and support the anti-Japanese war.

Knowing that Xiao Ke was fine, Miao Pu's empty heart was filled again. Then, the news of Shan Fangyun's death made her heartache even more.

At the same time, Miaopu secretly hated and scolded himself in his heart. In the past two days, he had been so worried about Xiao Ke that he actually forgot that Comrade Shan Fangyun was also in danger, or in other words, he was in more danger.

Then, Miao Pu realized something. She looked at Xiong Jia Shang, "Do you know?" Xiong Jia Shang's expression and words just now made her

She misunderstood that her son Xiaoke was killed.

"Yes." Xiong Jiashang nodded, "Actually, Comrade Shan Fangyun was once my lover's downline, and I know him."

Shan Fangyun is the nephew of Comrade Peng Yuou and the cousin of Miaopu’s husband, martyr Feng Jiazhang.

Shan Fangyun's former superior, martyr Xie Tianhua, was the husband of Comrade Xiong Jiashang. "How did his cousin die?" Miao Pu asked sadly.

"I can't bear the punishment." Xiong Jiashang sighed and said.

For arrested comrades, there are only two consequences of being tortured, one is shameful, and the other is respectable.

Shan Fangyun is the latter.


"I'm sorry." Cheng Qianfan lit a cigarette. His smoking hand was shaking, like a child who had done something wrong.

He disguised himself and came to the clinic overnight to meet with Comrade Comrade Fang Jinghua. On the one hand, he reported to Comrade Fang Jinghua about the Robertson Road incident.

The other thing is to further communicate with the organization about the matter of Fangyun Daily Grocery Store.

However, as soon as he sat down, he learned from Fang Jinghua that Comrade Shan Fangyun had died.

Cheng Qianfan held the cigarette between his teeth. The cigarette was shaking and the ashes were falling.

His voice was a little unclear, "I'm sorry, I was too slow and couldn't..."

"It's not your responsibility." Fang Jinghua looked at the flames of self-blame, comrade, "It's not anyone's responsibility, including Comrade Shan Fangyun. Our comrades have made a difference since the moment they joined the organization.

Ready to sacrifice for the great Bolshevik cause."

"I know." Cheng Qianfan took out the cigarette case again, pulled out a cigarette, and lit it, "I understand, I just feel uncomfortable."

He looked at Fang Jinghua, "That kid from Fangyun Daily Grocery Store is..."

"Yes, that child is Narcissus, the gay child Xiaoke." Fang Jinghua nodded, "And, there is a situation..."

He sighed, "Comrade Shan Fangyun is Comrade Peng Yuou's nephew."

Cheng Qianfan looked at Fang Jinghua in surprise.

Just surprised, not too shocked, because this kind of thing is not uncommon for revolutionary families.

Fang Jinghua nodded.

Cheng Qianfan fell silent.

"How did Comrade Shan Fangyun die?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"If electrocution is used, the person will not be able to survive after the torture." Fang Jinghua said.

Cheng Qianfan was moved. The organization actually knew that Comrade Shan Fangyun died of electrocution. This showed that the organization not only had an information channel within No. 76, but also that this intelligence channel was in a more critical position.

Then, he smiled bitterly in his heart, was he really cold-blooded?

A comrade died, so I had the leisure time to ponder the information inadvertently revealed in Comrade Fang Jinghua's words.

"Has the enemy confirmed that Shan Fangyun is a comrade of our party?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

This issue is very critical.

"Probably not." Fang Jinghua shook his head.

Feedback from insiders revealed that the enemy deliberately made the illusion that Shan Fangyun had been arrested by mistake, and that they were going to blackmail the boss who purchased goods from Fangyun Daily Grocery Store in order to confuse the organization and use Fangyun Daily Grocery Store to fish.

The interrogation of Comrade Shan Fangyun was intensified.

Comrade Shan Fangyun disguised himself as an innocent trader who knew nothing about it and was never exposed. However, he was tortured but unfortunately died.

"Why was electrocution suddenly used?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"The inside story is still being investigated by the organization." Fang Jinghua glanced at Cheng Qianfan and said.

Immediately, he warned, "Don't touch this matter again. Although Comrade Shan Fangyun has died, it cannot be ruled out that the enemy is still suspicious and secretly fishing for No. 76 Kejisi Feier Road."

Araki Harima had a fierce expression and stared at Dingmutun. Li Cuiqun asked, "Why did you attack the Imperial High School site?"


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