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Chapter 530 July (please vote)

"What's your name?" Lu Jiu asked.

"Garlic Ming, the garlic that eats garlic is like the chirping of birds." Garlic Ming replied. Although it was Lu Jiufan who asked the question, he answered to 'Mr. Xiao Cheng.

"He's still literate." Ma Yishou said with a smile.

"I've learned a lot." Liao Ming said proudly.

"Suan Ming, you said you have seen Tu Helin?" Cheng Qianfan glanced at the man in front of him, his eyes lingering on the man's lips for a moment, "Where did you see him? When did you see him?"

Lian Ming originally thought that he would not be too scared when facing Cheng Qianfan. After all, he was also in the detective brigade of the police station and was responsible for the job of the Japanese. However, Mr. Cheng glanced at him indifferently.

, he felt inexplicably nervous.

"The return trip was last night, on Baochang Road, in the back alley next to Zou's Clinic." Suan Ming answered honestly, "I saw the notice on the telephone pole today and thought that person looked like

Commander Tu, please come and report to Mr. Cheng immediately."

Cheng Qianfan opened the drawer, took out a cigar and small scissors, trimmed them slowly, and glanced at Lu Jiufan.

Tu Helin is indeed a real person.

This person robbed Mr. Cheng Xiao's goods and was surrounded and suppressed by Cheng Qianfan's men. He killed the generals in the encirclement. This is also true.

Commander Tu is lame, this is naturally true.

As for saying that Tu and Lin Yaozi are not good, I am afraid that no one except Tu and Lin himself knows whether it is true or false. This does not matter. What is important is that the public is willing to believe it.

This is a rumor among the people. The patrol office has never confirmed this rumor. This is a label added to Commander Tu to help outsiders identify Commander Tu more accurately.

"How are you sure that person is Tu Helin?" Lu Jiu asked.

"That man is lame and sneaky," Garland Ming said.

Lu Jiufan frowned, "That's all? There are only eight hundred or so cripples in Shanghai. Are they all Tu Helin? Could they be trespassers?"

"Reply to this police officer." Guan smiled a little obscenely, "This man is holding his waist when he walks. Isn't it rumored that this commander has a bad waist?"

Cheng Qianfan flipped the gold lighter and lit the cigar. He just took a puff, but he was amused by these words and almost choked, "Ahem, cough, you are really a fucking talent." Suan Ming smiled, not daring.


"Brother Fan, it could be Tu Helin. When this guy escaped...well, he was probably injured and he appeared near the Zou Clinic, probably to see the injury." Lu Jiufan analyzed.

Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly and looked at Ma Yishou beside him, "Master, you are an expert, what do you think?"

After hearing this, Ma Yishou thought, "Xiaojiu's analysis makes some sense. In short, it is right to check it out."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the deputy chief inspector's office.

Hou Pingliang hurried in, holding a folder in his hand.

He opened the folder and brought it to Cheng Qianfan, who was smoking a cigar with his legs crossed, and said softly, "Brother Fan, these people have been interrogating this for several days."

Cheng Qianfan nodded and looked at Lian Ming, "Get a foreign currency for this brother."

"Thank you, Mr. Cheng, thank you, Mr. Cheng." The garlic roared loudly, and he hurriedly bowed to express his thanks.

"Have you been hired yet?" Cheng Qianfan ignored the whisper and picked up the folder to read.

"Okay, but..."

"But what?" Mr. Cheng frowned slightly under his handsome face.

"The recruitment of several people is different, and it is impossible to distinguish them at the moment." Hou Pingliang said. Cheng Qianfan glanced at Lian Ming, picked up the pen on his desk, and drew a circle on the document casually.

"Have this person's legs and legs broken, and then ask questions in front of others." Cheng Qianfan said softly, and signed the document skillfully.

Hou Pingliang took the folder and left. Ganwu glanced at it and couldn't see clearly what was written specifically, but he could see what seemed to be several names, one of which was circled.

Suan Ming couldn't help but shiver.

"You and Tu

Have you met Lin?" Cheng Qianfan suddenly asked.

"No, no." Suan Ming said quickly, "I couldn't sleep and was smoking on the window sill. I happened to see it."


Cheng Qianfan was convinced that this person was the guy he saw out of the corner of his eye last night who burned his mouth with a cigarette and spit out the cigarette butt from an upstairs building.

When this person came in, the first thing he looked at was his lips. He could see that there were blisters on his upper lip, as if he had been burned.

Now I hear Garlic Ming say this again, and I can confirm it by comparing the two.

Additionally, here is a prerequisite environment:

He specially arranged for Hou Pingliang to come and act in that scene, in order to put pressure on this person. Just when this person was frightened by Mr. Xiao Cheng's cruelty, he suddenly asked that question. In this mood, this person

There is a high probability that you will not lie, because one lie requires many lies to make up for it.

And from Ganwu's point of view, there was nothing wrong with him telling the truth, just saying that he accidentally caught a glimpse of the suspected Commander Tu while smoking on the window sill.

As for Hou Pingliang, it wasn't really acting just now, but it could be said that he was working normally for Suan Ming to observe. "Mr. Xiao Cheng, the person you circled will really have his legs and feet broken in front of other accomplices."


"Lao Jiu, take a few people with you and follow this guy to Baochang Road to investigate." Cheng Qianfan pointed at Suan Ming and said.

"Mr. Cheng, I, I don't have to follow you." Suan was startled, wouldn't this possibly reveal his identity?

Not to mention that this would affect the mission, if Wu Shanyue knew that he was using the clues he found during work hours to make extra money, Wu Shanyue would be so angry that he would not be able to reap the benefits.

"What?" Cheng Qianfan looked at Suan Ming with a half-smile.

"If Commander Natu finds out about this, this..." Suan Ming said in awe. "Get another five yuan." "Mr. Xiao Cheng," Asali said.

"Mr. Cheng, it's not about money, it's about this, it really can't be done."

Garlic Ming said again and again.

Seeing what Liao Ming wanted to say, Cheng Qianfan's face immediately darkened, and he waved his hand, "Lao Jiu."

"Understood." Lu Jiu turned over and grabbed Suanwu, "Let's go, don't be too greedy, little brother."

After Lu Jiufan and others left, Ma Yishou took a sip of tea and said slowly, "This man is no ordinary Yakuza."

"Master has good eyesight." Cheng Qianfan gave Ma Yishou a thumbs up.

Ordinary bastards would not dare to take the initiative to report Commander Tu. This kind of homeless dog is more dangerous than a mad dog, so don't touch it for free.

Since Suan Ming dares to report Commander Tu, how can he be afraid of Commander Tu's possible revenge? For people like them, it is safest to help Mr. Cheng and catch Commander Tu, and

, This is to help Mr. Cheng, and this is an opportunity that the poor man rushes to do.

Therefore, Luan was so frightened that he refused just now, and the most important thing was that he was not tempted to increase the money. This shows the problem. This cannot be hidden from a patrol officer like Ma Yishou.

Lao Ma may have average abilities, but with more than 20 years of experience as a patrol officer, he has a ruthless vision.

Cheng Qianfan was basically certain that this person was a spy. He deliberately arranged for Lu Jiu to take Garan Ming's custody for investigation. This was normal operation.

Suan Ming would definitely be unwilling, which would arouse the suspicion of Mr. Xiao Cheng, and then he would have to escort this person to Baochang Road.

Cheng Qianfan took a puff of cigar and looked towards the window:

The charterer, comrade, should have evacuated.

He made an agreement with the charterer yesterday that if someone reads the notice on the telephone pole and leaves in a hurry the next day, he must not hesitate and evacuate immediately. Because regardless of whether the person is a spy or not, the patrol room will come here to arrest Commander Tu.

According to the investigation, there has been no incident at Zou's Clinic before, not only because Fang Jinghua is cautious and has experience in underground work, but has not been inspected before.

The person who reported Commander Tu would talk about Commander Tu's relationship with Zou's Clinic, so a search of Zou's Clinic was inevitable.

Fang Jinghua must leave in advance. Once people leave, the patrol room will not break in the door. As for whether to evacuate here or take shelter temporarily, that’s it.

Let’s see how things develop. Lu Jiu brought back three pieces of news.

Baochang Road sent patrolmen to cooperate with Vice President Cheng's search, but they did not find the lame man suspected of being Commander Tu who appeared in Baochang Road in Lian Ming's mouth.

Zou's clinic is closed. It is said that Dr. Zou has gone on a medical visit. According to the information obtained from the neighbors, this man's medical skills are actually quite famous.

"That Gariming is from the detective brigade of the police station?" Cheng Qianfan asked in surprise.

"Yes, my subordinates followed Brother Fan's instructions and kept the guy under guard. He appeared on Baochang Road and secretly observed the movement. Sure enough, something was wrong." Lu Jiufan said, "My subordinates took it immediately and the man had to show it.

Identity, it turns out that these two thugs are detectives from the detective brigade."

"Tsk." Cheng Qianfan clicked his tongue, "I originally suspected that guy was dishonest, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be from Wu Shanyue."

"You can't get on the stage." Cheng Qianfan cursed and said, he couldn't help laughing, "Wu Shanyue is so angry."

Lu Jiufan also laughed, "Those two guys are crying and sad, they are even uglier than the mother-in-law stealing a man."

"Are they performing a mission?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"My subordinate didn't ask that many questions." Lu Jiufan was stunned for a moment and said. He looked at Cheng Qianfan carefully, "If Brother Fan wants to know, I will arrange for someone to inquire..." "No need." Cheng Qianfan

Waving his hand, "You are right, don't join in the fun these days."

Lu Jiufan breathed a sigh of relief, "My subordinates were thinking at that time, Brother Fan, you said that we should do business honestly and not interfere with other things as much as possible."

"That's how it should be." Cheng Qianfan nodded with satisfaction.

After Lu Jiufan left, Cheng Qianfan stood by the window sill, pruning flowers and plants, thinking about this matter.

It turned out to be Wu Shanyue's detective brigade secretly monitoring the Zou Clinic!

This was something he didn't expect.

He had two suspected targets before, one was No. 76 and the other was the Special High School Class. It is no wonder that he did not suspect the Detective Brigade. After Wang Kangnian's red party identity was exposed, and this person was taken down by the Japanese, the Detective Brigade

The brigade has also been purged internally, almost to the point of marginalization.

Why did the detective brigade focus on Zou's Clinic?

Or was Kang Xuyi from before also a member of the detective brigade?

However, this was inconsistent with his previous analysis that Kang Xuyi might be a Japanese spy.

Cheng Qianfan had many questions in his heart.

However, one thing is certain:

No matter what the reason is, "Doctor Zou, is being monitored by the enemy," Comrade "Contractor" must evacuate.

Cheng Qianfan called the headquarters and reported the matter of Zou's Clinic.

Comrade Xiangwu took it very seriously and called back to the special party branch of the French Concession to praise Comrade Huo Miao for his timely and decisive severing of contact with the concessionaire.

In addition, the headquarters also called Shanghai. Due to the changing needs of the struggle situation, Comrade Fang Jinghua was at risk of exposure and was not suitable to stay in Shanghai. He should leave Shanghai immediately and find other uses.

For safety reasons, Cheng Qianfan did not see him again until Comrade Bao left Shanghai.

On this day by the Huangpu River, Cheng Qianfan and his wife entertained Lu Dazhang's family at the Sassoon Building. While they were drinking wine, he and Lu Dazhang raised their glasses and sent them away to a ship that was leaving Shanghai with black smoke on the river.


At this moment, you can see the newsboy running on the road downstairs, and many passers-by stopped to buy newspapers.

"Go and buy a newspaper." Cheng Qianfan snapped his fingers.

Soon, the waiter delivered the newspaper.

"Mr. Wang talked freely about the results of his visit to Japan. The dawn of peace is exciting!"

Cheng Qianfan glanced at the title.

This is the bold banner headline on the front page of China Daily, the pseudo-central government organ founded by Wang’s general Lin Bosheng.

Just yesterday, Wang Chuanhai, who had been dormant for many days after returning from his visit to Japan, made a public appearance and gave a radio speech, openly carrying out traitorous activities to surrender Japan.

This is also the reason why Chongqing ordered Wang Kehai to be wanted across the country last month.

Later, Wang made his first public appearance in China—

At that time, Japan reported the news of Wang's visit to Japan, and Chongqing finally officially ordered the arrest of Vice President Wang, who had forgotten his ancestors.

Cheng Qianfan took a cursory glance at the newspaper and found nothing new. It was basically the content of Wang's broadcast yesterday.

However, whether it is Cheng Qianfan or Lu Dazhang, both of them have serious expressions, which shows that Wang Puppet has begun to build momentum in a big way.

Or, it can be judged from one aspect that Wang Chunhai has received a promise from the Japanese, which means that he has taken the step of establishing a separate central government and establishing a puppet regime. Wang Chunhai is famous internationally and within the Kuomintang.

The influence is too great. Once the Wang Puppet regime is established, it will be an extremely serious blow to the national anti-war situation.

Mrs. Cheng and Mrs. Lu were eating, drinking and playing with their children, while Cheng Qianfan and Lu Dazhang were drinking and talking at the coffee table by the window.

"Headquarters called me and asked me to try to find out the contents of the secret agreement between Wang and the Japanese." Cheng Qianfan said in a low voice.

"This is very difficult." Lu Dazhang took a sip of tea and said. He had a bad stomach and tried not to drink.

Although Comrade Huo Miao has the cover of being an agent of the Special High School, and even has such an important identity as Hyoutarou Imamura's beloved disciple, trying to get peace talks and secret agreements between the Wang family and the Japanese is almost the same as

It's too difficult to walk the Shu Road with a limp. "Yes, the headquarters also knows this." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "'Comrade Xiangwu used his ability, safety first, and acted cheaply."

He pondered and said, "It is basically impossible to get a specific secret agreement, but it is possible to listen in and find out something."

"Imamura's small classroom?" Lu Dazhang asked with a smile.

Hyōtaro Imamura would give Kentaro Miyazaki lessons, explaining them based on specific facts and training them carefully. When Lu Dazhang learned about this, he also opened his eyes and affectionately called this "Imamura and Miyazaki's little classroom."

Cheng Qianfan smiled and nodded.

"You can't rush into this matter." Lu Dazhang said, "Even if it takes half a year, a year, or two years, it will be gratifying to achieve something."

"Don't worry, I know." Cheng Qianfan said.

This task is an unprecedented big deal, no less than "stealing" and "falsifying credentials", and he is prepared for a protracted war.

In addition, Comrade Xiangwu and Farmer both repeatedly warned in their messages that safety always comes first. Remember, remember.

"Chongqing has also issued a similar task." Cheng Qianfan took a sip of Shaoxing wine and said.

Slightly different from the headquarters' telegram, the Chongqing side's telegram to Xiao Mian used the words "at all costs."

However, Qingniao also received a private message in the name of Qi Wu: The horror of life and death, if it cannot be done, please allow me to be flexible and flexible, and I will bear the responsibility. Xiao Mian called back to Chongqing: I will swear allegiance to the bureau and my allegiance.

Party state.

‘Qingniao, call back to Luojiawan No. 19: How can a junior bring shame to a senior?

This chapter has been completed!
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