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Chapter 23 Special gameplay


After washing and sleeping for a while at home, Jiang Yuan immediately rushed back to the criminal police brigade.

When you enter the courtyard, you can feel the solemn atmosphere.

The few people who were at home were all frowning and whispering in heavy voices. Their footsteps were hurried when they passed by, and their eyes were full of exhaustion.

The police rank is different from the military rank. The rank below the white shirt is basically not linked to the leadership position. Including the director of the county bureau, the police rank represents seniority.

However, for ordinary police officers, seniority often means main force status.

If a serious case such as a murder case is handed over to young people who are on the same side, no one will be sure.

Jiang Yuan himself is a young, arrogant young man who is not even familiar with the dogs in the police station. The detective who talks the most is probably the captain Huang Qiangmin.

Wu Jun hadn't come back yet, and Jiang Yuan didn't want to go back to the office and feel the pressure, so he turned around and went straight to the police dog squadron.

The police dog Da Zhuang, who had also been busy all day, was lying in front of the den, his ears drooped lower than usual.

Li Li is busy in the kitchen with her back turned. Through the kitchen window, the kitchen door, and the reflected sunlight, you can see her beautiful back, elegant movements, and amazing slender waist and long legs.

"Jiang Yuan?" Li Li finally turned around, and her Ronaway-like face instantly broke all the previous impressions.

"Wow." Zhenluo Naweidazhuang also shouted.

"Dazhuang, sit down." Li Li waved her hand and asked Jiang Yuandao: "You also stayed up late yesterday, right?"

Jiang Yuandao: "I slept for an hour this morning. I didn't want to eat in the canteen, so I thought I would come over and make egg fried rice."

Li Li smiled, her thick eyebrows clearly raised, and said: "Just in time, make one for me too. I can't even make dog food. Just now I was thinking about cooking more chicken legs...


The police dog's big eyes turned in Li Li's direction, then turned back for a moment.

"I'll fry the rice." Jiang Yuan said, rolling up his sleeves and getting started.

Uncle Seventeen's fried rice not only saves on ingredients, but is also quick to make, like a night market king.

Jiang Yuan quickly cooked a pot of fried rice and made a pot of tea using the teapot in the kitchen.

The skill of making tea comes from Xue Ming's legacy. However, as part of the camping skills, the tea brewed is really lackluster.

"Wait a minute, the dog rice will be ready soon. There is too much meat and it will not be cooked well." Li Li explained.

Jiang Yuan put the fried rice on the table, took another two sips of tea, and said, "Can I pet the dog?"

"There is a possibility of being bitten. If you're not afraid, just roll it off." Li Li pulled up her sleeves, half-intimidating Jiang Yuan.

Looking at the arms alone without looking at the face, Li Li’s arms are actually quite good-looking. They look a bit like a dancer’s. They are shiny white, slender and have some muscle lines. This makes the scars on them quite conspicuous, but if you look closely,

It doesn't look too badly injured, and it's quite alluring, making the man want to be the second man a few times...

Jiang Yuan used his forensic experience to judge the depth of the scar. He felt a little more at ease and said, "Then I'll touch a few times."

With that said, Jiang Yuan stood next to Da Zhuang, eager to try.

Seeing this, Li Li had no choice but to shout: "Da Zhuang, please touch me."

The big ears drooped instantly, the body stretched out, and the tail slowly waggled.

Jiang Yuan's hand immediately covered the big man's forehead, and with a little force, he closed his eyes comfortably.

There is a poem that says: Ronnaway is a bald dog, oily to the touch and slippery when rubbed. Although the hair is thick, when you look at it, it looks shiny, and its teeth are very white.

"It's been trained, and it's different when you touch it." Jiang Yuan praised. Although this dog is as fast as fire when it is fierce, it is as gentle as a licking dog. Its bald head arches up and down, and it sticks out its tongue from time to time.

, so cute.

"It's time to eat." Li Li walked out with a large bowl of dog rice in both hands.

Different from usual times, today's dog rice has a lot of beef added, each piece is the size of a walnut, which is an affirmation of the police dog's work yesterday. In addition, there is also a good ratio of chicken and vegetables, and there are piles of them.

It felt like the meal was overpriced.

"I'm going to serve the fried rice." Jiang Yuan consciously brought out the fried rice, which cost 0.8 yuan per person, and poured a cup of tea for each of them. Then they ate the yellow and orange fried rice, drank the tea, and devoured it.

Ronaway next to him was eating his own meal one bite at a time. It looked like he was neither enjoying it nor willing to give up, just like a licking dog that had sacrificed a lot or resisted but was finally tamed.

Jiang Yuan looked pitiful and said to Li Li: "I fried a lot of rice today, give it to Da Zhuang? I just used oil and eggs, and there was very little seasoning..."

"Give it to me if you can't eat it. You can't give fried rice to dogs." Li Li took away Jiang Yuan's extra fried rice without disdain at all. It was delicious.

Jiang Yuan could only touch Da Zhuang's head, finish eating his own, get up and go back to the office.

Wu Jun was already here, rubbing his eyes, squatting in front of an electric stove, cooking something.

He was getting older, so he was very tired when he stayed up late on duty, and it was even more uncomfortable to stay up late to perform anatomy.

"Jiang Yuan is here." Wu Jun greeted.

"I went to the police dog squadron to make some fried rice. Have you eaten it?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"It's a bit padded, but I don't want to eat it. My stomach doesn't feel good either." Wu Jun waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about anything else, just eat a red egg."

He blew and used a spoon to pick up an egg with a red skin, put it on the table and motioned to Jiang Yuan to take it.

Jiang Yuan asked without surprise: "What is this?"

"If you see a dead person, eat a red egg to ward off evil spirits. It's nothing special." Wu Jun also caught a red egg for himself, cracked it open and let it stand on the table.

When the eggs cooled down a bit, Jiang Yuan also cracked them open, peeled them slowly, and then ate them.

It tastes like ordinary boiled eggs, but leaves a pile of red eggshells.

"In the past, if there were corpses at the scene, red eggs would be boiled in the cafeteria." Wu Jun said while eating the eggs.

"Why is it gone now?"

"There are too many people dying, and the cafeteria is too troublesome." Wu Jun said: "Now there are fewer murders and more abnormal deaths. People often fall from high heights and drink pesticides."

Wu Jun finished the red eggs in two mouthfuls and then said: "Hurry up and sort out the information. I'm very busy today. If I can't find any clues again, I won't be able to sleep at night."

"Okay." Jiang Yuan's mood became heavier.

The criminal police brigade, which is under great pressure to solve crimes, feels the most uncomfortable pressure at this time.

There is a saying that there are 72 golden hours in murder cases. It is said that the 3 days from the incident to the detection of the case are the most important, and it is also the time when the probability of solving the murder case is greatest.

There is also considerable scientific basis for this.

On the one hand, the shorter the time, the more traces of the crime and physical evidence are retained, and the easier it is to discover the correlation between various clues and the case. The memory patterns of witnesses and insiders of the case are also the clearest and most accurate within 72 hours.

, then it will decay greatly.

On the other hand, during the first three days after the crime occurred, the criminal's activities were the most active and his psychology was the most fragile.

No matter whether there is preparation before committing a crime or how well prepared it is, after the crime is actually committed, the criminal's psychology will be greatly affected in the first three days. Considering the possible consequences of the crime, the criminal may cover up or hide.

Perhaps when questioning, there will be a lot of contact with the outside world, and it is also the easiest time to be found out. After this period of time, the criminal's emotions and psychology have gradually stabilized, and the hiding place has been determined. Even if the person is identified, arrested and interrogated

Everyone will encounter difficulties.

In addition, the fatigue value of the police officer responsible for the case will continue to accumulate over time.

In today's environment, the pressure to solve murder cases is increasing. Police officers who are directly involved in solving cases basically stay up late at night. After two or three days of doing this, they are basically exhausted.

If someone can be arrested within three days, then the police officers participating in the war can bite the bullet and continue to interrogate. But if they can't arrest the person and let it go in one breath, it will definitely take twice as long to make up for it.

Regarding the new murder cases in Ningtai County, 24 hours have passed but no new clues have been found. This is definitely a disturbing trend.

"The matching result of hair DNA is not very good." Wang Zhong got the news as soon as possible and quietly came to the medical examiner's office.

Jiang Yuan asked: "Didn't you win?"

"It's better not to win. It's a win, but there is evidence of alibi." Wang Zhong whispered: "The other party works in a KTV and was dealt with by the security brigade. The time of the crime happened to be with guests out of town."

"How could someone stay in the victim's crotch when accompanying a guest out of town?" Jiang Yuan thought for a moment and asked the key question.

Wang Zhong laughed and said in a low voice: "The victim who accompanied me in the morning took 500 yuan and drove to the provincial capital. The traffic police also got the photo. It was the victim herself driving on the highway, and she

There are also witnesses around..."

"The alibi is so complete?" Wu Jun then became a little curious: "She was going to deliver food, why did she bring witnesses with her?"

"Two people, 2000 each." Wang Zhong stretched out two fingers.

Wu Jun clicked his tongue: "The county town is different from the provincial town. The value has soared to four times."

"Special gameplay also requires extra money." Wang Zhong corrected.

Wu Jun shook his head: "People's hearts are not as old as they used to be. I am now partnered with Xiao Jiang. Every time we go out, we are together, and our salary will not increase by a dime."

Wang Zhong couldn't follow him anymore, and looked back at Jiang Yuan stiffly, and said: "The investigation of the work unit and residence also yielded no results. No matching fingerprints or traces were found. The old community where the deceased lived, the nearby surveillance

Not much, I couldn’t find any videos that could be used, and my relatives haven’t completed the investigation, but it probably won’t have any effect…”

"What about now?" Jiang Yuan's focus is still on the case. This is the second murder case he has experienced, and his sense of participation is still very strong.

Wang Zhong was silent for a moment and said: "I heard that the current investigation direction is still based on the interpersonal relationship of the deceased. The final result is difficult to say... However, if there is no result by tonight, the overall situation will be mobilized.


The Ningtai County Public Security Bureau does not have any so-called detectives or outstanding crime-solving experts. When faced with cases, the methods used are conventional methods. If there is any big weapon, it is the human wave tactic.

In a big city, even if there is a murder case that is difficult to detect for a while, the most you can do is to form a task force and second some personnel, with dozens or hundreds of people, and it will be enough. But in a small county, a murder case is a big problem.

If necessary, it is normal for thousands of people to be screened—not to screen thousands of people, but to dispatch thousands of staff to carry out the screening. If necessary, they can do DNA testing for a person from the university.

At this time, not to mention the criminal police brigade, down to the police station and up to the agency cadres will be dispatched, and some police stations will also borrow people from other units.

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly.

Conducting investigations is the basic labor force, and since he has LV4 crime scene investigation, he may be the strongest spot investigation in the county, so he should choose a direction that is more likely to yield clues.

"Let's do a re-survey." Jiang Yuan proposed on his own initiative.

Repeated investigation is a matter of course for current investigators, and it is also a basic requirement for forensic scientists to re-investigate the scene.

Jiang Yuan recalled the previous operations of the surveyors and already had a plan in mind.

The investigators who also belong to the Criminal Division Squadron are all average in terms of skills and professionalism. Jiang Yuan can always find the omissions if he looks at the level of crime scene investigation LV4.

Although he didn't know if there were clues in these places, Jiang Yuan's sense of responsibility expanded unconsciously when the investigation of the case came to a standstill.

This chapter has been completed!
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