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Chapter 31 Likes to set fire

Wei Zhenguo went out in the afternoon and came back the next morning with heavier bags under his eyes and deeper wrinkles.

The person he brought back with him was a young man less than 20 years old, short and thin, with an indifferent expression on his face, except for his eyes that moved rapidly.

As soon as the procedures were completed, Wei Zhenguo immediately led people into the interrogation room.

The interrogation room of the criminal police team is located on the first floor. It is only a small room of thirty or forty square meters.

There is an iron railing in the middle of the room, separated by an iron door and an iron lock. The half of the room next to the iron railing door is the interrogation area, where desks, computers and chairs are placed. The end of the room is the suspect restraint area, with only a solitary hand.

interrogation chair.

The interrogation chair is known in the industry as the "Tiger Stool". The chair is made entirely of steel, with the lower end fixed to the ground. The chair legs are equipped with ankle rings, which just wrap around the suspect's ankles. The armrests are equipped with bracelets, which wrap around the suspect's wrists. The backrest

Hanging a police rope can tie the suspect's body to a chair.

This restraint device not only prevents a criminal suspect from violently injuring others, but also prevents him from harming himself.

For the police force, injuries that occur in the interrogation room for any reason need to be treated with caution, and cannot be explained away by a simple sentence or two.

"Open." Wei Zhenguo supported the criminal suspect with his hand and motioned to his colleagues to open the door.


The iron locked door opens.

Wei Zhenguo entered with the criminal suspect and then signaled to his colleagues to close the door.


Iron gate and iron lock.

After two rings, the nonchalant look on the suspect's face quietly disappeared.

Wei Zhenguo then pointed to the tiger bench and said, "Sit in."

The suspect swallowed: "Why? What crime have I committed?"

"Don't be verbose." Wei Zhenguo frowned. He could hold a mutton skewer without falling to the ground. This time he did not tolerate the other party. Together with a colleague, he easily restrained the person into the interrogation chair.

After a few more "clicks", the lock was fully closed, and the suspect's brows couldn't help but frown, looking like he could hold a cotton swab.



Wei Zhenguo and his colleagues opened the iron door again, went out, closed the door, and sat on the office chairs opposite.

The walls of the interrogation room are extremely thick and sound-absorbing. After closing the outer door, the entire room was completely silent.

A disturbing silence.

Even people who have been in the interrogation room are still emotionally depressed when they come in again.

Wei Zhenguo had a sullen face and asked his colleagues to ask first.

After the routine name and age passed, and seeing that the suspect's mood had calmed down slightly, Wei Zhenguo said gloomily: "Lu Xin, do you know how we caught you?"

"I...you have arrested the wrong person." Lu Xin stiffened his neck.

"When people pass by, they leave traces, and when geese pass by, they leave their voices. Now that technology is so advanced, what have you done, do you really think we don't know about it?" Wei Zhenguo raised his voice and said: "I can send you in without giving a confession. You don't want to explain.

, the sentence will be longer.”

This kind of statement is half true and half false. There are indeed quite a few cases in which zero confessions have been convicted, but compared with physical evidence, the power and value of confessions are still greater. If nothing else, even if the leaders ask, the first thing they ask is

"Have you confessed?" The answer that the police handling the case most wanted to answer was, of course, "Have you confessed?"

Today's case is even more special. Wei Zhenguo hopes to use a small case to lead to a big case, but not only does he not have enough evidence for the big case, but the evidence for the small case is not enough to conclude the case.

Although Jiang Yuan beat Lu Xin through incomplete fingerprints, the requirements for conviction are higher than the requirements for investigation. For investigation, only 8 matching feature points are enough, while for fingerprint identification, 13 feature points are required to be the same. Only this one, incomplete

fingerprints are not enough.

Not to mention, fingerprints, as indirect evidence, cannot alone prove guilt.

However, there was no trace of anxiety or fear on Wei Zhenguo's face at all, only wrinkles and blackness could be seen.

"Have you ever been cracked down by the public security organs?" Wei Zhenguo asked knowingly. This was how the fingerprints were matched.

Lu Xin continued to remain silent.

"I'm asking you a question." The policeman next to Wei Zhenguo shouted.

Lu Xin was startled and waited for a few seconds before saying: "I've been hit."

It was precisely because he had been hit that he knew that "lenity for confession and severity for refusal" was true, especially at the trial stage. Resistance to severity meant a harsher sentence, which would probably add several years to the sentence.

Likewise, this kind of information is recorded and he cannot hide it.

Wei Zhenguo took over, his voice neither high nor low, and asked: "Why?"

"Not everything has been dealt with..."

"Whatever I ask you, just say it."

Lu Xin had a sullen face, waited for a while, and then said: "It was just a fight and detention. I also took other people's things."

"You got into a fight because you set the restaurant kitchen on fire, right?"

"Yes, he was careless and unforgiving." Lu Xin looked very disdainful.

Wei Zhenguo curled his lips. The policeman who handled the previous case didn't have enough information. He was obviously fooled by this guy and failed to dig deeper. A suspect in an arson case set the kitchen of a small restaurant on fire. How could it be accidental? It was clearly

After running to the city, my hands felt itchy.

After tapping the table lightly, Wei Zhenguo said calmly: "You lied."

Lu Xin looked at Wei Zhenguo with an innocent face.

"You didn't accidentally set the restaurant kitchen on fire, you set it on purpose. Your fingerprints are on the oil bottle at the scene." Wei Zhenguo looked at Lu Xin sharply, and then motioned to the policeman next to him to show him the photo.

Through the railing, I couldn't see the breakpoints on the fingerprint very clearly, I just thought it was a complete fingerprint.

"That was...that was during the fight, when I grabbed the oil bottle."

"What are you doing grabbing the oil bottle?"

"I just wanted to hit someone, but then I gave it up. I didn't hit someone with an oil bottle." Lu Xin answered fluently.

Wei Zhenguo smiled and said, "Because you want to use an oil bottle to light a fire, right?"

Lu Xin's eyes flashed and he said hurriedly: "It's nothing."

"You like setting fires, don't you?"


"Then how do you explain the fingerprints I found at the point of the fire?" Wei Zhenguo took out another fingerprint map and said slowly: "Once is a coincidence, two or three times, can it be a coincidence? You are stupid to think that the judicial system is


Lu Xin's lips moved, and the expression on his face was unbearable.

He has begun to regret why he didn't wear gloves in the first place... But when he gets excited, there are no gloves around him. Besides, it's inconvenient to wear them, and it's easy for others to suspect him if he sees them.

Wei Zhenguo waited long enough, and then said in a very oppressive voice: "Say it."

"I...I didn't..."

"If you don't confess, I will use your fingerprints to convict you."

"not me……"

Wei Zhenguo slammed the table and said, "Speak!"

Lu Xin's voice trembled, he hesitated for a few seconds, looked at the two of them again, and finally said: "I didn't really want to set a fire, I was just unhappy with the waste toll station, and I happened to be smoking, so I lit the paper.


He had only experienced arson in a recent period, and the damage caused was not big. Not long after he left, the fire was put out. It is estimated that it was either the owner of the scrap toll station who put out the fire himself, or the enthusiastic people there.


For a case of this level, according to Lu Xin's understanding, the sentence should not be too harsh.

Wei Zhenguo and his colleagues looked at each other and quietly exchanged glances.

The case Lu Xin explained was obviously not one of the few cases they had.

This shows that the Lu Xin in front of him is a habitual criminal who has committed more cases.

Wei Zhenguo's heart moved slightly, but his face showed no expression at all. He looked at Lu Xin and said in a cold voice: "Speak in the order of time and place."

"Yes. In March this year, the waste toll station in Wulipu, Xihong District." Now that Lu Xin started to talk, his expression relaxed and he explained everything in detail.

This chapter has been completed!
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