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Chapter 345 Small dose

 Jiang Yuan spread some photos on the table, looked at them and pondered.

This is his usual practice, and many of his backlog projects start from photos.

Other police officers in the room were either looking at the photos, doing their own thing, or just playing with their phones and taking a break.

Song Jinyou paid attention to Jiang Yuan's expression and stood in front of him to take a look.

They were all photos he had seen, and some were even taken by him. Song Jinyou was not sure whether Jiang Yuan could see something...

"I see among the onlookers, there are many people who appear repeatedly..." Mu Zhiyang said tentatively.

His guess is the simplest and most natural. Regardless of the criminal's return to the crime scene, most people will be particularly concerned about the progress of the investigation of the case after committing a crime.

This is a natural approach. Having a criminal case in your name will become the biggest thing in life for most people, and it is impossible to not care about it.

After listening to Mu Zhiyang's words, Song Jinyou glanced at Jiang Yuan and said: "The people in the photos are all villagers, and they were all taken two or three days after the incident."

Mu Zhiyang said "oh" unconsciously and understood.

The photos of the scene were taken two or three days apart, and each photo was taken several days apart. At this time, the accuracy is indeed too low to forcefully say that a criminal is inside.

If there is anything inappropriate at the scene, the criminal has two or three days to go back and start things over again. The possibility of the onlookers being curious is very high. After all, it is a village far away from the city, and suddenly a group of

It is normal for outsiders to come over, including the police, to watch.

Furthermore, after all, the shooting time cannot completely cover the time when everyone is watching. Therefore, it is really meaningless to make speculation or analysis based on the crowd of onlookers captured in the photo.

"In this case, the criminal will still have a chance to destroy the evidence." Tang Jia added.

Song Jinyou nodded: "This is a very troublesome point. The environment of Lanzhu Village is very closed, and we can't even stay there. As long as outsiders enter the village, they will be noticed, and the news will spread throughout the village very quickly. There is no possibility of hiding.

There is no sex."

Several police officers present became more solemn.

Although there must be traces wherever they pass, if the site is destroyed once or even twice, the difficulty of investigation will be too high.

In other words, for ordinary surveyors and technicians, the traces of where they pass are indeed different.

This is like changing a question, changing it again, changing it again, and then asking candidates to do the questions. The later questions will definitely have a lower score rate.

After all, there are only a few people who have mastered everything. For the technicians at the police station or county bureau, if the difficulty reaches this level, it is considered beyond the scope.

Everyone then looked at Jiang Yuan again.

Jiang Yuan smiled and found a few photos of the footprints at the scene from a pile of photos, and said: "My idea is that face recognition is unreliable, but the footprints at the scene are only a few after all, so we can still analyze them."

In rural environments, surveillance video and even DNA are not particularly easy to use, as the latter decomposes very quickly in rural environments.

However, footprints are relatively easy to use in rural or wild environments.

On the one hand, there are many places with soft soil in the countryside, which is enough to retain footprints. On the other hand, dust can also leave a large number of footprints.

In the photos taken by Song Jinyou, there are a lot of footprints in the photos beside the fish pond, next to the pig pen, and next to the donkey pen.

Jiang Yuandao: "Compared with the photos of the onlookers, the footprints are closer to the scene. I looked at the photos of the three cases. The footprints of the fish pond case are the messiest. People should have been at the scene for many days in a row.

, but the footprints in the case of dead pigs and dead donkeys are well preserved. Although there are traces of footprints for many days, we can basically distinguish the footprints on the day of the crime, as well as the footprints in the following days."

"Hey, can you tell the difference?" Song Jinyou was shocked and asked: "Can you tell the difference between the footprints that the same person steps on today and the footprints that he will step on tomorrow?"

"There is a high probability of distinguishing the footprints that are several days old in this kind of environment." Jiang Yuandao said: "For this kind of footprints on soft ground, you can see the hardness of the edges and the grayscale of the colors, which are relatively easy to distinguish.


Song Jinyou chuckled and didn't even bother to look. It was so easy to distinguish. If it was easy to distinguish, the county's trace inspection would just jump off the building.

Wang Zhong next to him also let out a giggle. He was a trace examiner, and the footprint identification was LV0.1. He even had to carefully distinguish the traces of pig's trotters and donkey's hooves before he could make a judgment.

"All in all, we can identify a few people through their footprints." Jiang Yuan was not going to give them a lecture.

It makes sense to give lectures to knowledgeable people, but to people like Song Jinyou - he doesn't even need to convince Song Jinyou, he can just give the order directly anyway, so there is no need to explain so much.

"This footprint appears most frequently." Jiang Yuan pulled up a photo and drew a circle on a footprint on it with a red pen.

"This footprint appears very frequently, and there are many footprints."

"This also happens every time. It's probably the third most frequent thing."

"And this one, it shows up every time."

Jiang Yuan made a total of four footprints and continued: "The first one is a woman, 46 to 47 years old. She is 156 centimeters tall and weighs about 130 kilograms."

"The second is a male, 51 years old, 165 centimeters tall and weighing 150 pounds."

"The third one is a male, 32 years old, 172 centimeters tall and weighing about 170 pounds."

"The fourth is a woman, 52 to 54 years old, about 155 centimeters tall and weighing 120 pounds."

As Jiang Yuan spoke, Tang Jia started taking notes beside him.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yuan read it again and pointed again: "From 1 to 4, the foot lengths are 21 cm, 24 cm, 24.5 cm, and 22.5 cm respectively."

Tang Jiayi's records.

Song Jinyou frowned and looked at the photo: "Can you tell the length of the footprints directly from the photo?"

"It's the length of the foot, not the length of the shoe, that is to say, it's not the length of the shoe. Remember to measure it when you're looking for someone." Jiang Yuan paused, pointed to No. 4 again, and said, "This one has valgus fingers.

It’s a bit serious, so remember it.”

"Okay." Tang Jia quickly noted.

Jiang Yuan then took a photo, handed the paper to Song Jinyou and said, "Thank you, Director Song, for sending someone to check on these four people, or bring them over for review."

"Okay, okay." Song Jinyou understood. Was this reducing the number of suspects to four?

If that were the case, the case would become very simple.

There are only people a few hundred sizes older in a village. It is very easy to select 4 people based on height, leg length and weight.

Similarly, if four people can be identified in the end, it won't be too difficult to find the real criminal.

Song Jinyou immediately ordered a few people to go on a business trip, plus a few people from Jiang Yuan's side, and headed straight for Lanzhu Village.

"The road is a little better now, but I guess there won't be any news until tomorrow. Let's take a rest and have a meal first." Song Jinyou's politeness increased to three levels.

I heard that Jiang Yuan could solve the case, saw that Jiang Yuan could solve the case, and was solved by Jiang Yuan. This was a three-level rise.

Song Jinyou now looks at Jiang Yuan as if he were looking at the wishing Bodhisattva.

The next day.

Eight police officers brought back four suspects.

Meng Chengbiao accompanied him back. Before going to the interrogation, he reported to Jiang Yuan: "There is a high probability that it is Gan Jingying No. 1."

Jiang Yuan only asked: "Could it be that multiple people committed the crime?"

"No. The poisonous rats found in her home have not been poisoned, and the chickens, ducks, geese, and pigs in her home have not been poisoned. She also has grudges with various victims. In addition, Gan Jingying has an extreme personality and gets along with everyone.

Not coming." Meng Chengbiao gave the reason and then said: "I will also pay attention to questioning during the interrogation."

Jiang Yuan nodded, he still trusted Meng Chengbiao's judgment in this regard.

Meng Chengbiao continued: "The other three suspects have relatively good reasons for appearing at the three crime scenes. Only Gan Jingying did not go to watch the fun the first two times, but there were footprints left at the scene..."

Meng Chengbiao went to interrogation with a preset target, which was not particularly standard. But in the world of criminal cases, there are no standards.

Gan Jingying was almost non-confrontational and explained the crime process.

During the explanation process, Gan Jingying cried bitterly and denounced the villagers for their oppression and humiliation...

Jiang Yuan and others were listening in the monitoring room, which was a bit boring.

This is true for most criminal suspects, who usually try to explain the justice of their actions.

A little trivia: most criminals think they are good people.

Therefore, if self-identity is used as the criterion, the education of most parents is very successful.

An old policeman like Song Jinyou has a higher threshold of sympathy. After listening for a while, he said boringly: "I am a coward who only dares to poison in small doses."

"No wonder you couldn't detect poison when you went there." Jiang Yuan understood. In recent months, including the past few years, Gan Jingying has not poisoned these dead things. She has poisoned her family.

If you are not satisfied, you will throw in a little bit of poisonous rat poison and often mix it into the feed.

In this case, some livestock were poisoned, such as the recent pigs and donkeys, but there were also other people's livestock that were not poisoned.

And when Song Jinyou sends someone over to do the extraction, and then brings it back, and then goes to the county bureau to line up for testing, basically nothing can be detected. Of course, the technical level of the Ningtai County bureau is not good enough. If someone really dies, how can the test be done?

It will be different.

"Okay. Let's arrest this person next." Jiang Yuan said and exported a file, which was a small case he had last night.

This chapter has been completed!
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