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Chapter 38 Not Arrested

Sitting upright, looking straight, and placing Xiao Wang next to him, Jiang Yuan began to carefully mark the characteristic points of the fingerprint he had just received.

Xiao Wang looked more serious.

There is a saying in the grassroots police circles that police officers should not be criminal police officers, and criminal police officers should not be technical criminal police officers. Technical criminal police refers to the trace inspection, spot investigation, drug inspection, etc. in the criminal squadron.

The reason is that those who work as technical criminal police officers often have to act as ordinary criminal police officers. They have to be on the scene when they should be there, and they have to run errands when they should be there. When there are not enough people to arrest criminals, they will be arrested first.

It's the technical police.

Xiao Wang used to like to say this sentence, but after Jiang Yuan came, Comrade Xiao Wang unexpectedly discovered a phenomenon.

Since Jiang Yuan started taking fingerprints, he has never been "caught" again.

The work of the criminal police team is endless, especially when there is a murder case. The captain can follow everyone without sleeping for three days and three nights. Ordinary police officers can find time to take a nap and laugh in their dreams.

However, Jiang Yuan sat in the office unshakable. Even Xiao Wang, as long as he followed Jiang Yuan, was never transferred.

What surprised Xiao Wang even more was that no leader at any level had issued an order for this, but whether it was within the Criminal Division Squadron or several other Criminal Police Squadrons, even those who usually liked to plunder people seemed to have something.

It was like a tacit understanding, and Jiang Yuan was never called upon for ordinary work.

In fact, no one needs to say it, Xiao Wang also understands what is going on.

Because Jiang Yuan can directly identify criminal suspects using fingerprints.

With this kind of ability, any squadron leader would inevitably ask to be here in the future. Even if he didn't care about the world, he would be embarrassed to take Jiang Yuan away.

In the police force, the rank reflects the rank, and the age and seniority reflect the age and seniority. But fundamentally, the business that everyone despises the most is also the truth that everyone can't get rid of the most.

To sum it up in one sentence, you solve the case and I solve the case, who can be nobler than the other.

Naturally, those who can solve crimes are nobler than those who cannot.

Xiao Wang wants to be a noble person.

Xiao Wang sat upright and stared at Jiang Yuan's operations.

He watched Jiang Yuan draw characteristic points and drew on his legs, trying to understand Jiang Yuan's thinking logic.

Fingerprint comparison often involves thinking and logic.

A breakpoint may be a feature point, or it may be a noise point in the image, or an incomplete part during printing. How to judge it in the end is very challenging to think about.

For simple fingerprints, it doesn't matter how you do it, but when you encounter difficult fingerprints, you must first construct enough content in your mind.

"Run it and take a look." Just when Xiao Wang was thinking, Jiang Yuan finished the annotation and threw it to the software for matching. He also saw that Xiao Wang was looking at it, so he said something special.

Xiao Wang couldn't help but be stunned and said: "Have you finished bidding?"

"Well, I marked a dozen, which should be enough."

"This is easier than the arson case." Xiao Wang said casually. From his point of view, today's fingerprints and the fingerprints in the arson case are both super difficult. From a learning perspective, Xiao Wang

I am also planning to study with Jiang Yuan for another week.

However, Jiang Yuan completed the first round of marking in less than half an hour.

At this time, Jiang Yuan also heard a laugh and said: "Then the fingerprints in the arson case may have been burned, and many details are unclear. The extraction is not very good."

The latter sentence is his real complaint. The conditions in the county bureau are not good. It's not that the conditions in any area are not good, but that the conditions are not very good anywhere.

The unit's computer made a squeaking sound.

Xiao Wang's focus was no longer here. He recalled the details of Jiang Yuan's marking of feature points that he had just seen. He felt that his mind was full of confusion, as if he had just taken a math test and had clearly finished all the multiple-choice questions.

, but when I had a question with my classmates, I couldn’t recall my answer.

Jiang Yuan followed the list given by the software and checked the fingerprints one by one.

Xiao Wang calmed down his mood, followed Jiang Yuan's pace, and read slowly.

He hadn't seen half of it before Jiang Yuan swiped it and changed his fingerprint.

Obviously the fingerprint just now has been excluded.

Xiao Wang frowned, and then followed Jiang Yuan to look at the second fingerprint.

Not even half way, the middle road ends.

Continue and stop.

Xiao Wang rubbed his eyes, feeling tired and tired inside.

This feeling is like when I was in school, listening to the teacher explain the test paper very seriously, and halfway through, I heard the teacher say, "The following is very simple, so I won't go into it"...

Xiao Wang raised his head again, with firm eyes and a strong expression - as an adult and a glorious people's policeman, Xiao Wang asked himself that he had become extremely powerful!

"We won the match." Jiang Yuan checked the sixth fingerprint again, couldn't help but pat the table, stood up and stretched.

Xiao Wang's lips couldn't help but burst out into a smile, blooming little by little: "This is the winner...it's great."

Jiang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the person who left the fingerprint is a habitual criminal, otherwise, with only this one clue, it would be really difficult to identify the opponent.

"Cai Bin... this man has been detained three times for stealing electric cars." Jiang Yuan glanced at the records and was quite surprised: "He has been caught three times. The method of stealing electric cars is still violent unlocking. There is little progress.


"Will you upgrade to stealing motorcycles after you improve?" Wu Jun heard that he was successful in the fingerprint comparison, and came over to take a look and said: "This kind of person will upgrade his crime and be more likely to be a gang criminal. Especially after he has been in prison, he is more likely to do this.


Jiang Yuan recalled the video he had watched and said: "He doesn't look like a gang criminal. He just steals a car and leaves every time. The value of the stolen car is not necessarily high, and there are no accomplices to help him..."

"Maybe no gang wants him." Wu Jun interrupted Jiang Yuan calmly.

Xiao Wang glanced at the computer screen and the suspect's photo with inexplicable sympathy, and said slowly: "If it weren't for Jiang Yuan, no one would have caught him. The case value is too low, and there are few clues."

Jiang Yuan only regarded him as a compliment and called Wei Zhenguo and Mu Zhiyang. The cigarette butts were to be DNA-checked. He didn't know how long he would have to wait in line. He had to grab one first.

This chapter has been completed!
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