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Chapter 795 A thunderous strike is required

If he really wanted to negotiate terms, Jiang Yuan wouldn't pay attention. These things were all discussed by Huang Qiangmin. He didn't understand the market or these people. But the case Lei Xin told was really attractive.

Jiang Yuan may have solved more criminal investigation cases in the past two years than ordinary criminal police officers will solve in a lifetime - although the criminal investigation bureau of the ministry is full of experts who have solved thousands of cases, no matter from which point of view,

Lei Xin still produced very powerful buffs one after another.

The first is the possibility of "about to happen". Compared with making up for the situation afterwards, it is obvious that preventing malignant cases is a higher priority.

Secondly, the complexity of the case itself has also become very high. There are actually very few cases of stranger rape at present. Using the data from the "Big Data Report on Judicial Cases of Sexual Assault in China", in the relationship between the parties in the rape case,

Strangers only accounted for 3.77% of the total number of crimes. More than half were netizens, and the third largest number were current partners, accounting for 17.9%.

In other words, most rape cases do not need to be solved at all. When the victim reports the crime, he can identify the perpetrator. At most, a layer of netizens' skin will be used. With the current real-name system on the Internet, that is, there will be more in the police system.

The matter of pressing the mouse.

But it really needs to be solved, and the difficulty of this case is really not small.

The hood means that the suspect's face has not been seen. The binding means that the murderer probably has no defensive wounds, and DNA may not be extracted from the victim's fingernails, or if it was extracted, the DNA would not match...

If it were in the wild and there were no images, this case would really easily fall into a dead end.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yuan asked: "Have you obtained DNA and fingerprints?"

"No, the criminal wore condoms both times. In addition, the two victims reported the crime on the second and third days. They both changed their clothes and took a shower. The clothes were not washed, but there was no mention of sharing them.

"DNA. This happened near the Chinese New Year time. Alas... the social pressure on the victim was very great. Fortunately, they all cooperated with the police in collecting evidence." Lei Xin shook his head.

After being raped, you should not take a shower. This kind of thing is basically known to everyone nowadays. But when most people return home, they first fall into great pain and fall into an escape mentality. Some people just think about it.

After taking a shower and facing a new life again, the first thing I thought about was not pursuing the case.

According to American data, 25% of rape victims choose not to report the crime.

However, 75% of people still called the police, including some victims who had taken a shower. It might not be until the second or third day that they regained their judgment and finally made the decision to call the police.

For cases where the identity of the suspect is known, taking a shower or not does not really have much impact.

In the case of strangers, the intensity of police handling of the case is naturally increased.

"The clothes of the two victims have been preserved, right? No DNA or fingerprints were found, right?"

"No. The clothes have been kept according to regulations. Some of them are torn, but they are not contaminated with semen or blood. Hmm... is it useful?" Lei Xin knew that Jiang Yuan's forensic botany skills were excellent, and he couldn't help it.

I asked: "Can I use that botanical analysis?"

Jiang Yuandao: "Using forensic botany, clothes can indicate the location and the specific location of the incident. However... this information is useless now. You already know the specific location of the incident. It can be used as evidence in the future.


"Okay. My magical skills are not good either." Lei Xin sighed.

"Images and regular operations such as checking mobile phones should have been checked, right?" Jiang Yuan confirmed again.

Lei Xin also nodded again: "There is no surveillance on the road where the incident occurred. I also checked the surveillance in further places. It is too far and is of no use. The same goes for mobile phones. The technical investigation team did not come up with any suitable suspects."

Next to him, Wan Baoming is the deputy director of the Changyang Criminal Technology Center. Listening to the conversation between the two, he couldn't help but say: "In this case, the commonly used technical methods are basically useless. However, this person's skills are a bit strong.

Ah, ropes and pullovers are not something ordinary people can play with. Have you found the rope? Or the rope fibers?"

"The rope fibers have been found. When he was leaving, he would use a knife to cut off the rope, and he would also threaten the victim with a knife. However, there is no result for the time being in tracking the rope fibers." Lei Xin then clapped his fingers and said

: "We also checked the motorcycle all over, and there are still footprints. We actually asked Captain Jiang to take a look at it before, and Team Jiang also gave us his opinions on WeChat."

Wan Baoming raised his eyebrows: "Is this person so cautious? Will he not miss any flaws?"

"There is an important reason. The criminal is likely to work or live outside the home and return to his hometown during the Chinese New Year. During the period of our investigation, there is a high possibility that the criminal was not in the city at all, which makes our investigation even more complicated.

It’s difficult.”

Hou Lejia said: "It sounds like it has some anti-reconnaissance capabilities."

"Yes, we have also considered this aspect." Lei Xin lowered his voice as he spoke, and said: "The roads chosen by the suspect are very particular. These three times, they were all remote roads with relatively high terrain. We suspect that he

He probably hid at a commanding height, saw the victim, and then rode down on a motorcycle... So, we once considered that the suspect might have a military background, such as a veteran."

It is actually not surprising that veterans would commit crimes. The strength of the disciple soldiers is more due to the power of the organization. As for ordinary individuals, naturally they can support all kinds of people with the same rice, and there are all kinds of people.

"Bring me two bowls of fried rice and put them into a basin." Wu Junhao shouted, disrupting the conversation of several people.

Lei Xin also knew Wu Junhao, so he could only smile and said: "Since last year, because of the demise of Jianyuan Pharmaceutical, the security situation in our Qinghe City has actually declined. Of course, I am not saying that it is not good to kill Jianyuan Group.

, but at the social level, it is indeed unstable, and several cases have occurred in succession. Several of them are related to veterans."

Lei Xin spread his hands and said helplessly: "Let's not talk about the tens of thousands of people in Jianyuan and their families, but the small factories and big suppliers who follow Jianyuan to drink soup are also the main force of employment in Qinghe City.

Now, these companies are the first to lose their jobs, and everyone can't find a job. What can we do if we don't hang out on the streets?"

Wu Junhao frowned and said: "Lao Lei, this case of yours was done by people who returned home. What does it have to do with employment in Qinghe City?"

"What I mean is that our advanced area has accumulated a lot of cases recently, and there are many difficult cases, which need Team Jiang the most." Lei Xin had already transcended the case itself, and then said: "We are actually engaged in criminal investigation.

We all understand that the worse the social economy is, the worse the public security will be. Poor public security will also drag down economic development. But on the other hand, even if the social economy is very bad, if efforts are made to improve public security, it will definitely be beneficial to economic development and will be beneficial to society.

The contribution will be greater!”

"Old Lei has reached a higher level." Huang Qiangmin's voice came first, and then walked in from outside the hospital. He didn't know if there was an ambush for a while.

"Commissar Huang!"

"Old Huang is here!"

The criminal police captains who were once equal in rank all greeted Huang Qiangmin politely.

Huang Qiangmin responded one by one and created a good atmosphere around the police dog.

Li Li also brought a bowl of fried rice to Huang Qiangmin.

"I want another bowl." Wu Junhao didn't regard himself as an outsider and raised his hand on the spot.

"Is it enough to eat? I don't eat much now." Huang Qiangmin said with a smile.

"Also." Li Li said.

"I'll fry some more." Jiang Yuan stood up and went into the kitchen. Just as the rice cooker had just cooked rice for 20 people.

Huang Qiangmin picked up his chopsticks and ate the entire bowl of rice with a slurp.

"I'll go over and take a look." Huang Qiangmin stood up and walked into the kitchen, shaking off the people behind him, and asked: "How about it, do you want to go to Qinghe City?"

"If there are no other circumstances, let's go to Qinghe City first. I heard from Brigade Lei that the criminal may really commit another crime around the New Year this year." Jiang Yuan was talking and frying rice.

"Okay. Then I'll go out and tell you. People will be here soon. I guess there are a few criminal police captains. Even if the location of the first case is decided, we can arrange it later. You will cook the rice yourself, and everyone will be very happy.

, there will be that feeling of respect." Huang Qiangmin simply believes that at least he should give Party A a little respect within his ability.

Jiang Yuan didn't care, he just said: "I don't have a clue about Captain Lei's case yet, and I may not know how long it will take to solve it."

Huang Qiangmin frowned and said: "Indeed, they have been working on this case for a while. If there were clues, they should have solved the case long ago. It has been delayed until now, and you have no idea?"

"The current technical solutions are not directly applicable. The crime scene is outdoors, and the clues that can be used are the footprints, and then whether the crime scene can be reproduced. Captain Lei just said that he showed me the footprints, and I showed him the footprints on WeChat

I searched for records, and although I was given a description of the criminal, he was 168 centimeters tall, about 130 pounds, and about 30 years old... But it was still not enough to solve the case."

When Huang Qiangmin heard this, he waved his hands and said, "Don't worry about it. Call Lao Liu and Lao Xu over and sit down together to discuss it."

Jiang Yuan was stunned: "You just came back, did you call Liu Chu and the others?"

To be honest, Jiang Yuan's return this time feels a bit like he has returned from his studies.

Compared with when he left the county, he had almost 10 more skills, as well as magical skills such as temporary +1. He felt that he was in a state of pure crushing, and then...

Calling for reinforcements at the beginning was somewhat out of line with Jiang Yuan's expectations.

Huang Qiangmin didn't care about this at all, and just said: "Thunder blow, rapid detection of cases is the foundation! No one cares how many resources you use, especially this kind of case, as long as you can solve it, you will be a detective!"

This chapter has been completed!
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