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Chapter 824 Continuous

Hot air.

Hot pants.

Durian stall.

Jiang Yuan was tired of eating durian, so he held the dossier in both hands and read it while drinking tea.

Next to them, Wang Chuanxing and others were watching short videos and chatting on WeChat, feeling vaguely happy about vacation.

Including Chu Guanliang, the police liaison officer sent by the embassy, ​​and Cui Xiaohu, who came from the ministry, everyone felt quite relaxed now. Jiang Yuan had already solved two murder cases. From their point of view, this job was already over.

The completion is beautiful enough. Next, even if the case can no longer be solved, it doesn't matter.

If a detective from any place comes here, no one can say anything bad about such efficiency and ability in solving crimes.


Jiang Yuan refilled the teapot and put the kettle down.


Kamaruddin and Zhong Renlong rushed forward at the same time, bumping heads against each other.

"Let me pour the water." Kamarudin said solemnly in Indonesian.

Zhong Renlong did not give in at all, holding the kettle in his hand and said: "I have always been responsible for this work."

Kamaruddin whispered: "You can rest for a while, and then let me do it for a while."

Zhong Renlong also lowered his voice: "You are not my superior, we can each do our own thing."

Kamaruddin stared at Zhong Renlong for a while.

Zhong Renlong was happy and not afraid.

Kamaruddin finally let go of the kettle, stood up and left.

Zhong Renlong breathed a sigh of relief, quickly adjusted his posture, took off the lid of the teapot with a respectful attitude and a serious expression, and let the boiling water roll into the pot.

The tea leaves expand and contract freely with the boiling water, and the color of the tea gradually becomes darker.

Zhong Renlong's mood also calmed down a bit, he gently closed the lid of the pot, and then gently placed the kettle next to the teapot to make it easier for Jiang Yuan to store water himself.


Another kettle was placed next to the teapot.

When Zhong Renlong turned his head, he had a rude black face like Kamarudin's.

Kamaruddin smiled calmly, not caring at all about Zhong Renlong's cold eyebrows, and squatted aside, smiling at the Chinese people in front of him.

Wang Chuanxing and others also smiled in a friendly manner. They had experienced similar situations many times, so it was not unusual.

Hua Hua...

Jiang Yuan poured another cup of tea.

The necks of Zhong Renlong and Kamarudin turned around in a snap, as if they had been trained for three and a half years.

"This case... is actually similar." Jiang Yuan flipped through several files in a row, then looked at the book in his hand carefully, and said while drinking tea: "This is a case of murder with a sharp weapon. The evidence at the scene

There are so many, I see there are DNA and footprints, and there are blood fingerprints as well, are there no matches?"

Zhong Renlong and Kamaruddin stretched their heads to look at it at the same time.

Because it was Zhong Renlong who brought the case, he took a quick look and recalled it immediately, saying: "It was a violent homicide at the port. The victim was a woman. She was stabbed 11 times and died tragically at home. We suspect that an acquaintance committed the crime because there was no force.

There were signs of entry into the house. However, after investigating the people around the victim, there were no results."

Zhong Renlong continued: "In the later stage, considering that some property was lost and the victim was also a young woman with a relatively good appearance, we suspected that the door might have been opened by fraud, so we also investigated some couriers, plumbers, etc. near the port.

The staff who might have broken into the house... also had no results."

"The number of people investigated in this case, as well as the DNA samples and fingerprints investigated, etc., were over 10,000. In the end, the investigation was stopped only after we ran out of options."

Finally, Zhong Renlong explained.

As a police officer, it is still somewhat regrettable and embarrassing that the case cannot be solved.

Not only Jiang Yuan, Cui Xiaohu, Mu Zhiyang and others were also listening carefully.

Kamaruddin looked a little confused. He lowered his head and took out his mobile phone, and kept contacting colleagues who knew Chinese to come for reinforcements.

Zhong Renlong also quickly finished explaining what he knew about the case and looked at Jiang Yuan expectantly.

Jiang Yuan also listened very carefully. Many details of the case handling, or circumstances outside the case, could not be reflected in the file. In particular, some unsuccessful attempts did not necessarily appear in the file.

After hearing about the pitfalls that the Malaysian police had gone through, Jiang Yuan thought for a moment and said, "My understanding may be different from yours."

"It's normal to have deviations. You can say whatever you want." Zhong Renlong glanced at Kamaruddin and said seriously: "You can speak with confidence, I will be on your side."

Jiang Yuan understood, smiled, and canceled the polite part, saying: "Then let me tell you directly, I think it was an acquaintance who committed the crime. Your early investigation direction was correct, but you failed to find the murderer due to various reasons.

, the later investigation direction is not necessary."

Because the previous case was committed by an acquaintance, Jiang Yuan used the term "an acquaintance committed the crime".

Zhong Renlong was a little surprised, and then said without hesitation: "I will report it to the top. Do I need to do a new screening?"

"If there are no other reasons, such as political factors involved, I think the main thing is to check and fill in the gaps." Jiang Yuan glanced at Zhong Renlong and confirmed with him.

Zhong Renlong said decisively: "As far as I know, this case is an ordinary criminal case. If so, what should we do?"

"If that's the case, I think there should be omissions in your list of acquaintances." Jiang Yuan said with certainty, and explained: "From the scene of the case, first of all, from the distribution of blood stains, the crime scene

The center is in the restaurant, which is a deeper part of the room, and ordinary couriers or staff will not go to this location."

Zhong Renlong hurriedly looked at the structural distribution of the house, and then looked at the photos. Although he looked confused, he had some understanding.

Jiang Yuan waved to Wang Chuanxing and asked him to start the recording, so as not to turn around and have to say it twice, and then said: "Secondly, the murderer was standing and the deceased was sitting, but the position of the deceased with his back to the murderer showed considerable

The degree of trust is inconsistent with the principle of strangers committing crimes."

Jiang Yuandao: "Third, the murderer slashed and stabbed 11 times with a knife. Generally speaking, this is the case when acquaintances commit crimes. You should have considered the relevant circumstances?"

Zhong Renlong nodded quickly and said: "I should have had such an idea at first."

"Well, there was a wound close to the genitals. Judging from the forensic autopsy, this was a deliberate attack, but it was cut in half and then stopped. This is a very typical method of killing an acquaintance. Moreover, I prefer lovers to kill.

"When Jiang Yuan said this, he narrowed the scope of suspects again.

Zhong Renlong was even more stunned. He was not that familiar with the case. He hurriedly looked through the files. After a while, he finally said to Ai Ai: "The victim has a boyfriend. DNA and fingerprints were also taken at that time, but there was no match...


"Then let's find out if there are other boyfriends." Jiang Yuan did not change his judgment because of Zhong Renlong's answer.

He used bloodstain analysis and started at LV5. The credibility is much more useful than saying "boyfriend".

Zhong Renlong felt Jiang Yuan's determination and couldn't help but become determined: "I understand, I will inform the police chief in charge now."

He glanced at Kamarudin in passing. This time, it was impossible for him to call someone over.

This chapter has been completed!
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