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Chapter 316 Unburnable Youth

"[Mirror World]." Sunny used her hemispherical complete invisibility shield to cover Elfin, Winkworth and Larva, who came to join the battle for the first time, and moved slightly away from the ninja alliance camp.


Although the night sky in the distance is constantly erupting with light explosions rising to the sky, you probably know that someone is throwing [Tailed Beast Jade] randomly for fun. There is no harm to the fairies if they are thrown everywhere. As long as it does not blow up on the heads of the compatriots, the others are too lazy.


"The security is very high. Including the wounded and the logistics personnel who were brought down, there are about three thousand people, right?" Larva touched the tentacle-like stamens on his head and said sensingly.

"After all, most of the camps were bulldozed by Himawari's [Ultimate Earth Reincarnation] coalition forces, and the ones left behind were also blown up by the [Tailed Beast Jade]. Is this one of the few surviving 'safe' camps? But what if I could know more about it?"

It would be nice to have more information, [Divine Power] should be enough to steal things." Alfin explained.

"It's really not good to make a big fuss. How about trying to end it quietly, and then go in together and turn over all the stored and sealed items?" Larva suggested.

"How to do it? Even the most powerful ninjutsu here can never cover everything, right? If we activate [Susanoh], this genjutsu won't be able to protect us. Wouldn't it force Kai-sensei to open the eighth gate? I heard that the eighth

How terrifying it is to be able to knock the door to the point where it almost kills you with six daggers," Winkworth said.

"By the way, Larva's [Tailed Beast Jade] seems to have disappeared after giving up the Seven-Tails Chakra, right? The super-wide-range attack of the explosion and dust explosion can kill at most chunin, even Asuma."

No one can be killed, right?" After Sunny pointed out, she smiled slyly, "Why don't we go in stealth and assassinate one by one?"

Larva: "Sunny, do you always make me angry? It takes time. What should I do if I attract Naruto and the others during this period? From the information about the defeat of Bei Er and Lia, I learned that they obtained the Six Paths

With our strength, our chances of winning are much smaller. Leave it to me. Have you forgotten the direction of my abilities? [Magic Barrier·Sound and Light [m-w·a]], [Immortal Magic·White Scale Powder].”

In an instant, the whole camp was filled with bright white powder. Before the ninjas could recognize its essence, and even if something was wrong, they had no time to send a report - all the powder exploded, and white light accompanied by brain-shaking sound waves covered a large area.

"Skill, [Scale Pink Aura]." Larva raised his hand, and countless bright white powders gathered into a rotating ball of light.

"Lalva-chan, where is your [Pollen Aura]?" asked Winkworth, who has known Larva since she was born.

"That kind of thing was upgraded and refreshed during the period of practicing celestial arts and training to master the seven-tailed skills and was replaced by [scale powder aura]." Larva said, pushing the hand holding the light ball forward, "Originally [pollen powder]

[Aura] is a curse buff for all enemies on the battlefield, and [Scale Pink Aura] is no different as an upgraded version, but it can also be done.”

Like firing a cannonball, An Qi used the [Scale Pink Aura] to imitate the [Rasengan] and gathered the light ball in her hand, and fired it towards the camp.

"You don't have to go to the battlefield in person to apply a curse buff to the entire battlefield."

Originally, everyone in the camp had difficulty maintaining consciousness due to the large-scale strong light and sound wave vibrations, and the chakra that could originally strengthen the body could not operate. At this time, the body's own resistance suddenly weakened again. What would happen?

Anyone who was unable to operate the chakra state and therefore lacked strength would bleed from all their orifices, and in severe cases, die on the spot.

However, all this is not known to outsiders. Due to the attributes of the ability, no matter how strong the light and sound vibrations in this area are, they are limited to this area and do not spread out.

The ones that can be seen are probably Hinata's troops, but they have been suppressed by An Qi.

"Okay, now you have time to look for it slowly." Larva said.

"Thank you." Elfin's body began to be involved in the whirlpool and twisted, and there were still some living people. Although she did not gain experience points, their souls and experience points always had the same effect. She went to absorb the souls of those people to supplement [Izanagi]

】The number of uses.

"Wait, I'm going to help too." Winkworth jumped into the vortex and disappeared with Alfin.

"Flash, you guys should go take a look too." Larva said to the ground.

"Lalva, aren't we going?" Sunny pointed to herself.

"My abilities are not suitable for frontal combat, and Sunny possesses the strongest resurrection magic. Let's take precautions here just in case. Just stay invisible to prevent being taken over." Larva said.

After a while, they looked at the camp from the outside. As soon as a golden-pink giant appeared, before it was fully formed, it was knocked over by a huge white wave.

Larva: "Sunny, look. Let's sneak attack our compatriots' opponents."

Sunny: "Oh, what a great idea."


Going back in time a little -

As soon as the sound, light and scale powder receded, in a tent, something like a huge golden bell disappeared with a bang, revealing the four members of the Konoha Kaiban inside.

"Tiantian, you are still as convenient as ever." Xiao Li praised weakly, and then collapsed again. It was natural that he and Kai had not recovered yet.

"Don't talk about convenience! This bell jar is made of expensive chakra metal. If chakra is injected, the defense will be very good!" After Tiantian complained, he looked at Neji, "Thanks, Neji."

"Ah." It was precisely because of Neji's precise chakra control and chakra metal that the power of scale powder could not invade the inside of the bell jar, so they were only slightly affected by the sound wave vibration. Although they really wanted to vomit, they couldn't.

Much better than people outside.

"Ugh, vomit, vomit -" But Kai really vomited.

"Ningji, what do you think this situation is?" Tiantian asked.

"There is no doubt that it is an enemy attack, [Byakugan]!" Neji began to survey the surroundings.

There are not many people alive anymore, there are about 900 people left, but judging from the chakra flow, they are all in a coma, but there are two guys digging through the warehouses where the corpses and the enemy soldiers have been sealed!

Tent next door!

Turned around!

"Tiantian, you go and find out how this place is being attacked. The enemy wants to steal the information that increases the combat power. I'll go and hold those two people down." Neji said and stood up.

"How can you let Neci take risks alone!" Xiao Li stood up forcefully.

"Now is the time to burn youth!" Kai said.

"Teacher Kai, your body can no longer keep up with your youth! Your actions and words don't match up at all! Li, too!" Li, who was carrying his limbs and trying to get up every day, looked at the limp Kai who was being lifted up by Neci and shouted loudly

Make complaints.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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