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Chapter 12 Andora, who is blessed with misfortune

The annihilation cannon developed by the goblins was developed and built based on the technology and design drawings of the Kumoyin Village Chakra Cannon brought back from the Naruto World, as well as the energy collection method of the earth spider clan's forbidden art, and combined with their own technology.

Naturally, there is no mass production, but there are several available samples.

The most powerful annihilation cannon has two modes. One is a laser diffusion cannon that scatters over a wide range, which is similar to bombing and clearing the ground. The other is sufficient under certain circumstances, regardless of whether it is a level 90 to 100 target or a single extremely large object.

The special attribute bombardment that kills instantly. Why do you know this? Because I have tried it with the white demon Huanyue who was level 100 recently.

On the spot, Crounpisi found that she could not be resurrected, and the remaining share of her creation was also vacant, so she had to create it again. Fortunately, the experiment was informed in advance, and Huanyue's memory data was backed up, but it was a pity that Huanyue

The level has dropped back to the initial level. I'm really glad that Huanyue's initial level is level 97. If the three fairies of light come to try it, it will drop back to level 60, and all those years will be in vain.

Even Crounpis didn't dare to block it head-on, and launched the barrier of the source magic [World Severing], and spent 20% of her HP to successfully resist.

Momo Otohime and Bai Otohime were also pulled by Crounpis for testing. They were quite relaxed and directly controlled time and space with their reincarnation eyes to avoid it, but it also showed that they did not want to take a blow from this annihilation cannon.

Crounpis was frightened. If this continues, it will develop into a Star Destroyer Cannon. This is why Crounpis hurriedly asked her to calm down when she saw Luna getting enthusiastic about the research as if she was playing with it.


Luna thought for a while and said: "The development has not been completed yet. Although it is no problem to use, the system is unstable and it will be dangerous for us if there is an accident. Besides, it may not be effective against some True Dragon Kings.

"But I feel it's a pity not to use such a beautiful cannon... Well, for the No. 2 prototype cannon and the No. 3 prototype cannon, the Imperial Ministry of Magic also participated in a considerable proportion of the manufacturing and research and development of parts, although it was just for verification.

The technical samples have attack power of the eighth-level magic, which is pretty good for them. Since a lot of the stuff belongs to them, let’s sell it to them at a discount. We’ll tentatively let a few people use our influence to

How about a country knocking out the capital of the kingdom at once, and forcing Mini Gundam and its equal opponents to join the war without causing too much damage? Do you have any objections or opinions? If not, the meeting will be adjourned."

"Yes." A goblin raised his hand and asked, "Why can Mini Gundam definitely go into battle if the King's City is defeated?"

"Does that need to be said?" The other goblin held up his face and looked matter-of-fact.

"I feel like there is no connection."

"Isn't everyone aware? Although the Mini Gundam pilots are not players, they are the offspring of the 'Thirteen Heroes' who married the daughter of a kingdom noble. After so many years, it is strange that the talents of the offspring of players have blossomed.


"...I haven't heard of it."

"Me neither." A third goblin joined the conversation.

"Isn't it quite famous? Andora is the clan that has joined the player's bloodline. Occasionally, it can make big news."

"...No, I really haven't heard of it."

"I think you should pay more attention to gossip news."

"Is there anything worthy of our attention?" Luna was also a little concerned about what these compatriots who had visited less than one-tenth of the human kingdom heard.

"It's an interesting story that the human monk from the temple asked about." The goblin who had previously shown off that he paid attention to the news said enthusiastically——

"As for the Andora family, I don't know if it has something to do with the player's bloodline. They are prosperous now. A spoiled daughter hired a murderer on a whim to poison his jealous half-elder brother.

But the killing was not successful. Although the mother and daughter tried their best to cover up, they were still discovered. The mother sent Qianjin out in the name of proposing marriage, but she was actually running away. As a result, she was ambushed and killed by the eldest son in the wild after leaving the city. Qianjin himself and all the entourage, and the body guard were also

After processing, the news to the family owner was that they were all attacked and eaten by wild beasts in the wild. Unexpectedly, two years later, Qian Jin returned home alone and clean. It almost scared the family to death. But that was

A real daughter, for family members who are not involved in the fight to kill each other, is something worth crying with joy. But the so-called marriage proposal that was nominally sending a daughter to run away was actually carried out. Although it is not surprising to cancel it at any time, it can

The process still had to go through a lot, but Qianjin felt dissatisfied, so she was so angry that she blew up the roof of the house, flew away on the spot, and never came back. Hahahahahaha, isn't it fun?"

After listening to the story told by the goblin, Alice No. 99 said calmly: "That daughter has become an immortal, right? Although people who have not been purified and baptized by priests before burial will inevitably become immortal, but is this improvement?

too fast?"

"Actually, there is a secret society composed of the undead magic casters. I heard that they are exploring the abyss of sixth-level magic." The storyteller elf replied.

"What secrets of the abyss are there to explore in a mere sixth-level magic?" Alice No. 99 was confused. That level of magic would not cause much harm or impact on her. To explore the magical abyss, at least one must be a so-called god.

Is it above the eighth level of the realm?

The other elves were whispering to each other. Although they were a little impressed that the low-level creatures could collectively learn sixth-level magic, they all felt that that level was nothing worth mentioning for them. However, magic casters with level 38 or above could do it.

The level of magic that can be learned.

The Storyteller Elf replied: "There's nothing to explore. It's not the 'Abyss Body' that once had power all over the central continent, so it was casually thrown away afterwards. That organization wanted to let the woman with the blood of the 'Thirteen Heroes'

I became their pawn, but several of them were beaten to death by Qian Jin, who immediately regained his sanity as soon as he was resurrected and automatically understood magic according to the rules of 'five elements restraining each other'."

"So, this story is indeed interesting, but what does it have to do with the Mini Gundam we are talking about?" Luna asked.

The storyteller fairy said without hesitation: "Yes, the one who drives the Mini Gundam is the eldest son in the story I told, but the name is too long and I didn't remember it. I just don't know if he and his half-sister became immortals."

Relationship, that guy has become elusive... Don't all come to see me. I don't know his name or where he is, so I can't find him! Otherwise, when Luna-sama just said she wanted a Mini Gundam

, I’m going to speak! I just didn’t say anything because I was worried that you would expect too much and be too disappointed.”

Luna slapped the table and stood up, saying loudly: "Catch Andora and don't find out that we did it!"

(to be continued)

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