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Chapter 70 The Sadness of the Test Subject

"Why...is this happening?" The tree demon who was pushed into the abyss didn't understand.

"Obviously as long as you listen to me, you can become prosperous."

Yes, the Quagoa themselves do not have the organizational ability to defeat the dwarves, who are born to be relentless enemies. As long as they continue to be obedient, they will continue to taste the sweetness they have never experienced in history.

"No need, go to hell."

In the end, the tree demon only heard such a cold voice, and could no longer continue the conversation. The distance became far away and he could no longer hear it. He could still hear it if he yelled as hard as he could, but it seemed to be meaningless. He felt that he was about to die.

The tree demon has almost given up.

It should be easy to understand if you think about it carefully. "People who are not from my race will have different minds." Needless to say, first of all, use spiritual magic on them. Without an absolute difference in strength, the road has been blocked.

If you die, once the overall situation is decided, you will be dealt with without mercy.

It's something very easy to understand.

But the tree demon, who was born only a short time ago and has no knowledge of interpersonal relationships, cannot understand it.


Bottom of the big crack——

"It's really useless scrap metal." Jumping off the wreckage of Graeme, who was further damaged by himself, Nue was unhappy and kicked Graeme into the state of scattered parts.

It's a machine after all, but how can a machine be killed by a fall? It was so cool just now, but it's not as strong as the young dragon?

Forget it, ignore it, recover the undamaged "main gun" from the wreckage of the Black Panther chariot, remove the protective cover and restore it to the large wand, carry it with both hands to the cliff.

She held the large wand tightly in her arms, and thrust the sickle tentacles and arrow tentacles behind her back into the mountain wall: "Yoshi, just climb up the mountain wall...?"

"Dang!" The sharp tips of the sickle and arrow smashed sparks on the mountain wall.

If you look closely, you will see that the mountain wall is crystal clear. It may be some kind of ore, but is there such strength of ore in this world? Even if the tentacles on the back are weapons simulated by vines, they are relatively soft compared to equipment of the same level.

The level is also close to level 70. How can the tentacles that try to pierce the mountain wall bounce back?

"Ha!" Nue felt a sense of shame, shouted loudly, and launched her only skill [Full sg] with her sickle towards the mountain wall.


The sound of collisions like explosions echoed continuously in the large cracks.

"Successful!" Looking at the tentacle on the back that had been successfully inserted, Nue's smile froze before she could be happy - the tentacle could not be pulled out for a while.

I activated the skill again before I could escape. I couldn't bear the reaction force and hit my buttocks to the ground. This didn't work. I had to use the skill twice once to climb. The force would also make me fall to the ground, so I couldn't get up.

Moreover, the mountain wall is very smooth, so even if you want to get around the edges and gaps, it will be difficult.

Helpless, Nue began to walk around, looking for a place to climb, but unfortunately he couldn't find it for a while, and there was still thick fog here, so it was easy to lose direction. If he kept going down, he might be able to find a place to climb, maybe.

You might crawl to a strange place and get lost.

There are some skeletons scattered around, including those of Warcraft and dwarves. It seems that this is a place of disaster.

"What?" Nue raised his head, feeling as if something had fallen again.

Is it the Tree Fairy? Yes, Nue remembers that one. While she was still quietly wrapping her legs in pantyhose, Crounpisi was made of a twisted-headed ivy and made of indigenous flora.

An experimental product of the tree fairy mass production experiment targeting monsters.

At that time, the child was excited for his birth and wanted to embrace his creator enthusiastically (with the tentacles of his body). As a result, he was kicked tens of meters away by Crounpisi, and then Crounpisi

He left angrily.

It seems that Crounpis just doesn't like the act of hugging, and has no murderous intention towards the fellow creature he created. In addition, Nue, who is also a tentacle type, does not have any ill feelings towards this experimental subject, so Nue still treats him

See as a companion.

Now, Na is falling from above at an accelerated speed. After falling to the ground, his HP has been consumed by 30%. The tree demon looks quite weak, isn't it going to die?

All the tentacles are stretched as far as possible, shot upward, and tied together to form a buffer. Even so, it will consume a lot of the opponent's HP, but at least it will not be fatal.

The tree demon fainted from the impact.

"There's no point in staying here. You might need medical treatment. Let's go in the direction of the wind." Nue continued to hold the large wand and used his two hands to carry the little tree demon who was also a tentacle type.

With two tentacles free, he retrieved Graeme's sword and shield and walked in one direction.

Nue had no means of reply. Although he had many things he wanted to ask, there was nothing he could do with the injured and unconscious subject.

The big crack seems to run across the southeast direction of the entire dwarf kingdom, spanning the distance between two cities, so it will not end for a while.

I don't know how much time has passed, but according to Nue's habitual timing, it should have been a day or two. The ground here has no nutrients.

Not only that, the air here also began to change, becoming drier and hotter.

"Oops, I won't be able to maintain my form if I continue like this. I can stay in place hundreds of times longer by changing back to a plant form, but then I can't leave." Just when Nue was really hungry, she felt something behind her.

The little tree demon moved slightly, "Are you awake?"

"Yeah." He woke up uncomfortably because of the increasingly bad air, so he didn't say it out loud.

It's over, it's over, if it doesn't leave this air-filled area quickly, it will be dead. However, the tree demon who hangs the head of the ivy cannot express its wish to live.

Sure enough, he is very useless. The creator will not fail to see this. After all, it is an experimental product. Unlike its predecessors who can easily defeat the dragon, it cannot even control a mere Quagoa, so it will definitely be abandoned.


"Um... Nue, do you think it's really okay?" it asked.

"Huh? Question, what's the problem?" Nue, who had no feeling for the hot air, was confused for a while, but still said what made him uncomfortable, "Well, I'm a little hungry."

Therefore, the dying tree demon decided that it would be better to just die here. Only being a burden can it play its greatest role.

"Why did you end up here?" Nue, who didn't know what he was thinking, started to ask.

"The chess pieces rebelled."

"Well, is that right? Pisi and the others would definitely not be like this. It's because you are too weak." Nue said without hesitation.

(to be continued)

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