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Chapter 8 The elf king died suddenly!

Overlord world, Elf kingdom——

"What, sister was not resurrected successfully?" Catlea looked at Crounpiss who bowed her head in symbolic apology, seemingly surprised.

"...I only said that she can't come back. Are you really confident that he seems to be dead?" In fact, Clunpis, who had no guilt at all, narrowed his prophetic eyes and looked at Cartel with suspicion.

Ya, "Could it be that you guys worked together to hide something from me?"

"No," it was not government time, and there happened to be no other elves or native fairies in the court. Catlea stood up from the throne and slowly walked back and forth, "Perhaps you already know that although our elves cannot be as good as the dragons,

Normally, you can use your own soul to cast origin magic, but that was the only type of magic before rank magic became popular in this world. We are also a race with a long history like the Dragon Clan, so do we have no research on soul-related magic?"

"I know this. The elven magic adapted after your degradation has become a magic that purely consumes HP, right? But the magic structure seems to have no advantages compared to rank magic. Does this magic have any other unique features?

?My children and subordinates have been studying you for a long time, but they don’t know about it?” Clawnpith asked.

Cattleya shook her head: "It's nothing, because elven magic touches the soul. As long as you get used to it, you may not be unable to identify the souls of the undead and ghosts. Souls like the materialized undead are the souls in the living body. Although it took some time, but

I confirm that my sister’s soul has disappeared.”

At the same time, she added in her mind: It may be that Bai Yiji's soul was condensed into the pills given to her. Therefore, Bai Yiji's resurrection is impossible, but she must leave everything she has to her children.

If you tell Clawnpis, Clawnpis will understand.

The Otsutsuki clan has never valued their own souls. There is no soul in the conventional sense in the "devices" used to inject genetic information into others. It is correct to say that there is a soul, but at best it is fragments. Otsutsuki's powerful soul fragments will

Gradually transform the entire body into a shape that suits you and a consciousness that is equal to your own. The last opportunity is to become a real Otsutsuki - if that person is not exploded by the powerful power of Otsutsuki.

Otsutsuki also has the ability to turn his fellow members and himself into chakra fruits and pills, but it only contains abilities that can be inherited by other Otsutsuki, and has no consciousness.

If Crownpis and Cattleya had a frank conversation, or if Crownpis resorted to spiritual magic after a disagreement, perhaps the conclusion that could be drawn from this conversation and Bai Otohime's fate would have changed.

In fact, Bai Yiji has succeeded.

"Bai Yiji ran away. I don't know where she went." Crownpis told the truth. After covering Bai Yiji's escape, Crownpis wanted to find her, but unexpectedly she disappeared with the cloned little sacred tree.

Didn't show up either.

What happened? We agreed to plant trees together? Did you lie to the goblin?

What will happen if we take away the cloned little sacred tree? Himawari and Orochimaru know its quality very well. If we continue to attack like before for a few hours, the little sacred tree will not be able to withstand the consumption and will automatically wither. It is no different from taking drugs.

Temporary supplies. Where can you run away with something like that?

"I really don't understand. Is she just here as a sex friend?" Crounpis complained.

"Really?" Cattleya was noncommittal, just thinking that Crounpis was dealing with her. She had truly understood part of Bai Yiji's thoughts——

Shironi has a weak self-awareness, and before her death, Bai Otohime asked her to give Shironi a pill containing her own soul power. This means that Shironi was Bai Otohime's new container from the beginning, or she planned to let Shironi inherit it.

part of one's own strength and will.

In Catlea's view, Bai Yiji has a very good bloodline, and the same goes for her husband. She must be dissatisfied with her existing bloodline, or intends to get rid of certain restrictions, and wants to get a better bloodline.


The changes in Sironi's body not long ago also verified her conjecture - the soul in him had strengthened, and on the contrary, the soul that was hidden in Crounpisi disappeared like Bai Otohime.

In other words, it means wanting to break away from the goblins and join the elves.

I feel that Bai Yiji is at least less malicious than the goblins and is not a bad thing to the elves. Catlea has no objection to Bai Yiji's plan. Although she has the option of swallowing the pills herself, she is afraid that her consciousness will be eroded, so she still follows Bai Yiji's "will".

The pills were given to Sironi.

"Cattleya, if you are determined to think that I am making excuses for failure, then there is nothing you can do about it. The success rate of resurrection magic has never been 100%. Do you want to ask for your condolences?" Cronpis said.


"But then again, why are you sitting on the throne? Can't the queen only sit on the bench?"

"Tch—" Cattleya bit her lower lip, stopped and punched the tree trunk that passed through the center of the tree house as a pillar, "King... no, the late king has passed away, although the information is still very confusing.

, but I think the Theocracy used the small consultations behind the peace talks as a guise to trick the former king out and kill him."

"Is this okay?" Crounpis was a little surprised. The Elf King was indeed arrogant, but he was not a fool either.

"That's it." Cattleya sat back on the throne and said, "Only now do I truly understand the reason why the elves' kings have been determined by nature since ancient times - because there must be a powerful ancient power that awakens.

.That is me, who was the eldest princess and queen, and who is closest to him by blood."

Crownpis secretly regretted that she might not be able to see the chaotic scene of the marriage between the Dragon Kingdom and the Elf Kingdom, and congratulated her: "Oh, no wonder your body is suddenly so good, and your racial level has suddenly been improved by 20. When?

Formal coronation? If there is a banquet, I will be happy to come and support you."

Cronpith sat on the armrest of the throne, smiled and patted the new elf queen.

Elf Queen Cattleya nodded slightly with satisfaction. She was not too sad about her husband's death. She really loved her father's marriage, but because of that guy and the goblin's educational philosophy, these children of the Elf King would not not cherish the lives of their companions.

, lost but not a lot of sadness and sorrow. The war between the Elf Kingdom and the Theocracy has never completely stopped. The Elf King continues to send his own children who are qualified to have children out to fight. Although there is a guarantee of the Elf Temple, the birth rate is greater than the death rate.

It is also unavoidable that there are brothers, sisters and other relatives and relatives who will never come back because of the Elf King's polygonal love. Under the high pressure of the former Elf King and the Elf Teacher, they have no time to remember and cry.

Over the past ten years, I have become accustomed to it.

(to be continued)

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