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Chapter 15 The Embrace of God

I, the priest, seem to be very lucky to be assigned the task of evacuating the residents with a few monk soldiers. Although it is selfish, I don't have to go forward and fight the demi-humans and lose my life.

However, it was too late. The demi-humans acted very quickly and very cleverly. They actually surrounded the town and attacked from all directions.

Finally, a few of us hid in the church with the crowd who managed to keep up.

Fortunately, experienced people have made the church into a state that no subhuman would want to search carefully, even if it is based on the sacrifices of those people. Although I am hiding inside and living an elusive life, I don’t know how it is done, but

They will never come back. I can only pray that they can return to the embrace of God.

However, there is still something to be done. After the demi-humans leave, take the people who have finally been rescued and leave here to seek help inland. Maybe everyone will have to live a miserable life than at home now, but there is no way.

The best hope is to stay alive.

Damn, damn demi-humans! Damn elves!

But hiding here, we don’t know the situation outside, and staying in one room is too crowded, so after discussing with a few monk soldiers, we decided to separate into different rooms first, and then lead their own teams to leave at night. The combat power here is overwhelming.

Unfortunately, there is only one way to die when encountering hordes of demihumans. Perhaps it will be easier to escape this way.

However, before it got dark, a violent explosion came from the direction of the room where the other group of people were staying.

I quickly signaled to everyone behind me not to move or make any noise. Something might have happened over there. It was over. It would be great if the other party was satisfied because they found that group of people.

There have been too many dead people in my eyes today. I wonder if the real battlefield is like this? However, I don’t want to see such a scene anymore, or maybe I am afraid of dying.

, even if it is said to be returning to the embrace of God, but in fact it is just death, it is really scary.

As long as they don't say anything, the death of those people might allow the people here to live.

It's heartless, but there's nothing we can do about it.

Thinking of the worthless deaths of everyone, I have the urge to send out the summoned angels to rush out and tear the enemies apart. After all, I know the third level of summoning magic, and I am considered a genius among magic casters.

The third-level archangel can completely destroy ordinary demi-humans. The enemy will not happen to have a strong person in the hero field or a large number of them... It shouldn't be possible, right?

No, we can't make fun of everyone's lives, we can't expose this place.

Everyone was also very strong. Even the woman who was so scared that she almost cried did not make a sound, and she ruthlessly covered the mouth of the child who wanted to cry.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside the door.

Is there no other option but to fight? I motioned to several of my fellow monk soldiers and prepared to release magic.

The door opened, and there were two elves who looked like children, right?

No, elves have a very long lifespan, and may be older than a middle-aged person like me, so they cannot interrupt their chanting.

Several monk soldiers rushed towards the two elves to buy me time.

"[Dominate]!" The elf standing in front released magic, and a monk soldier was controlled by the enemy!

How is that possible! [Dominate] is a third-level magic. Even I need some time to prepare. Although it is not without chanting, it is too fast!

Only the strong men of the Black Scripture and the pinnacle of adventurers can achieve this level—Adamantine-level adventurers!

Moreover, although I understand this magic intellectually, spiritual magic is considered taboo in any country's judicial system. It is a magic that is not even used to interrogate ordinary prisoners. Moreover, it cannot be controlled in an instant even if it resists.

.The only one who can use it so easily——Monster!

"[Dominate], [Dominate]!"

That abominable elf hasn't stopped yet. How many consecutive attacks can it take to control all the people here? Will we be like this? God!

However, they succeeded in buying time. Not killing us would be your biggest mistake! We will definitely save you!

"Demons who steal your mind, you will not die!" I yelled, trying to use these excuses, hatred and anger to embolden me. To be honest, I was actually a little afraid of fighting.

The magic was successfully activated, and the Archangel of Fire was summoned by me. Such a holy and powerful figure made the monster in front of me less scary. The people behind me seemed to see hope, but I knew very well that I had no advantage. The only

The place where I can give it a try is that the Archangel of Fire is relatively good at melee combat. Although my opponent is very strong, he is also a magic caster. The other one is an archer with a giant bow. They should be physically weaker. This is my only chance of winning.

Okay! The one who cast mental magic was hit! Next——

"Unreasonable." Another archer said angrily.

You are unreasonable! Why do you take so many lives and dominate the souls of our compatriots so easily?

"I've been given a chance," she added.

Does the so-called opportunity mean that we are all controlled by your magic?

If I don’t surrender my soul to you, will I be killed without mercy?

Who wants such an opportunity?

Maybe it's important to live, and I'm also afraid of death, but if we succumb here, won't humans eventually turn back into livestock and be slaughtered by other races? That's death, and it may be more tragic than individual death.

Even if it is a personal death, compared to dying in battle, the possibility of turning into food to increase the enemy's power and causing more compatriots to die is more frightening.

She drew the bow vigorously. The arrows had a strange shape and were instantly generated by magic.

Only then did I notice that the elf stabbed by the Red Flame Sword didn't appear to have suffered much damage. It was cured by a first-level healing magic.

Damn, damn, damn, monster!

Then, when the priest saw that after the bowstring was released, his consciousness was still vague. He must have been buried by the collapse caused by the arrow explosion. He was not dead, but he was not far from death.

"Wenka, what have you done? Aren't you all dead again?"

"Isn't this Elfin pierced? It's all your fault for being in a daze."

"How much damage can that kind of broken sword do to me? It has been cured. Even if it is not treated, it will be no problem if it is hit by a dozen more times."

What are these monsters talking about?

"But it's only a dozen times."

"Give me two more blows and I'll be able to control that priest as well."

"If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't have killed them all."

Hey, hey, hey, there's someone alive here... Forget it, these monsters are basically demons. Maybe, rather than falling under the control of these demons, it would be happier to just return to the embrace of God...

(to be continued)

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