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Chapter 17 The first heart-warming date

Accelerator believes that the most important reason why he cannot defeat An Qi is that the incalculable fire and wind as well as the opponent's physical properties are far from Accelerator's familiar knowledge, and he cannot easily manipulate their vectors. He can only

I admit that I can't beat this guy for a while.

At the same time, he had a strange and unknown feeling. Although the direct reason for eating together was that the refrigerator overturned due to a prank this morning, it was because the guy in front of him couldn't defeat it that he could chat and eat face to face here.

How long has it been since he felt this feeling? He can't remember, but he only vaguely remembers the time when the feeling disappeared - after gaining the ability, he had a conflict with his classmates, and they got into a fight. The other party took the initiative to beat him, causing the other party to be injured; therefore, the other party got

Sympathy, more people helped each other, but all the people who came to beat him were injured; the teacher who was alerted came to arrest him, so the teacher was also injured, because the attack was a bit heavy and even fractured... Soon things developed to the point where he was beaten by a large number of people.

Surrounded by armed guards, those people ended up lying in a pool of blood with a bunch of bullet holes in their bodies. Later, it finally evolved into him being surrounded by a large number of tanks and helicopters separated by several kilometers, covering the enemy with firepower. It was like an army trying to wipe out a powerful terrorist organization.

And action——

That was not an exaggerated scene. A ten-year-old child was once overwhelmed by countless bullets, artillery shells and even missiles. As a result, the army suffered heavy losses.

From the beginning to the end, Accelerator really did nothing, did not do anything to harm others, just because he was afraid of being hurt, he reflexively waved his arms and opened the "reflective" layer to protect himself. The reflection would hurt himself.

That's all - this is not an ordinary tongue twister, it is a fact. A natural reaction for a child.

The only way the matter calmed down was that Accelerator entered the so-called special class. In addition to researchers, the people who talked to him were people who wanted to benefit from him, and they were punks who wanted to challenge the "strongest" for some reason. Don't say good intentions.

There is not even one person who treats communication as an equal.

Therefore, he understood that if he moved or was in an unstable mood, someone would be hurt, and he would attract ill will. The snowball would get bigger and bigger, and it might destroy everything. For this reason, all he could do was act like ice.

, existence itself is very dangerous, so no one dares to touch him, and no one will suffer because of him. Indeed, in the years since that incident, no one has been hurt by him except the little gangsters who are looking for trouble, and it has made him even more vulnerable.

Believe that what you are doing is right.

What? Where is Misaka sister?

He thinks that assembly line production of human clones is very cheap, so it doesn't count.

But, what is this feeling now? He actually feels that his belief in treating others and doing things has been shaken, and he also feels a little happy.

Why? Is it because you have an opponent that makes you enjoy fighting with all your strength?

How is it possible? This is not an illusion, it is really impossible. Accelerator, who has never been injured, has discovered that he is really afraid of pain. Even a punch that can make the gangster recoil is enough to hit him firmly in the face.

Let him scream.

Oops, could this be—a heart-pounding feeling?

Accelerator discovered the fact. As the name suggests, in front of An Qi, he thought about all kinds of answers and couldn't get the answer. He was upset for a while, which caused his heartbeat to accelerate more easily than when he faced the gangsters, researchers, and Misaka sister.

What interrupted his thoughts was the huge iron plate placed on the table. What was a bit of a mistake was that the steak was actually a big piece.

"Boring, when are you going to leave?" Accelerator asked An Qi, who picked up the knife and was about to cut open the meat.

"Well... I'm a foreigner. I'll wait until the authorities get my address and ID, hahaha."

"Cut." Accelerator, who was really hungry, couldn't think of any other way to respond except picking up the knife.

Accelerator and An Qi picked up the not-sharp table knives and scratched them. The result was that due to the mechanics of their different movements, the steaks and the iron plate moved around together, making it impossible to cook them medium-rare.

Remove the reddish meat.

Then, the store clerk was horrified by what they did next!

They directly and tacitly grasped one side of the hot iron plate and fixed it. Accelerator reflected the heat emitted by the iron plate into the air. An Qi also added a little fire and "stabbed", and the big piece instantly

The well-done steak was torn in half.

"It tastes really good. Is it the city flavor or the flavor of this store?" An Qi, who was swallowing, asked casually.

"Who knows? Anyway, I know that these are frozen meat that have been stored in the warehouse for who knows how long." Accelerator said.

"...Forget it, it just tastes good anyway."

"Huh, boring."

After a while, An Qi, who was still eating, suddenly put down the knife and put her hand on her temple, as if talking on a cell phone, but there was no cell phone there.

"Well... done? What should I do here... forget it, it's just a sleep and a meal anyway."

Accelerator realized that the other party was using some kind of mental telepathy ability. Although it was not necessary, some people would habitually make phone calls or touch the part where the sound was felt.

After the communication ended, An Qi ate faster.

"Hey, Accelerator, I don't care whether you can win or not. Since you are the 'strongest' in this city, you should be able to live more freely, right? Why is there such a submissive behavior?" An Qi's words were a little unclear because her mouth was a little unclear.

Stuffed with meat.

"Huh? When did I submit to anyone?"

"Isn't that right?" An Qi pointed her free hand in the direction of where Misaka's sister died last night, "You know you don't want to do it, but you use bad words to force the other party to beg for mercy, isn't it? Do you really believe that killing 20,000 little electric eels will make you invincible?

, then the fishermen have long been invincible, hahahahaha. The last sentence is a joke I just made up. Come on, laugh? Hahahahaha."

"Not funny at all!"

"Haha, I'm sorry, I mean, haven't you considered doing it exactly as you want? Even if killing monsters can really increase experience points, wouldn't it be okay to choose the monsters and experience you like? Judging from where you live.

, I feel that your actions are very restricted and not free at all. That kind of surrounded structure is definitely not the reason why the investment in the house where you live is small."

Accelerator gave a rare sigh, "Let me tell you... how can I be considered free? Should I just occupy the Prime Minister's Office and claim it as my own, go to a high-end hotel to eat, kick open the door, have a king's meal and walk away?"

"Uh... Just make yourself happy, that's all I meant. Where did you want to go? Haha."

"It's just an analogy." Accelerator leaned his back on the sofa, spread his hands and started a rare "long speech"...

(to be continued)

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