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Chapter 22 The Great Cause of National Founding

"Eh?" Crownpiss, who was brought in by the atmosphere, suddenly woke up, "Let me tell you, Ruo Luji, the good impression you have on me now is because I used magic to give it to you, right?"

"Well, the magic released in front of me did not remove this part of the memory, I know that." Ruo Luji nodded calmly.

"So don't you feel something strange?"

"No, no, Pisi's magic is really perfect? ​​Is it because it is given by the rules of the game instead of self-taught? I'm so envious." Ruo Luji put on an expression of envy and hatred.

"Are you envious? Don't you think it's a problem if you notice something strange?"

"Is there any problem? You know, it's good to have a best friend who is also a reincarnation with whom you can feel so close. After all, you will also feel fear and emptiness when you are reincarnated."

"Then, is there a problem with this?" Crounpis sighed and snapped his fingers, dispelling the confusion of the entire race of the group ssrps.

"Ah, eh?" Soon, the happy light in Ruolu Ji's eyes disappeared, and she fell directly on Crounpisi's lap and cried loudly, "Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

"Isn't it the same as before? Don't smear your tears and snot on my legs, it's disgusting!" Crounpis kicked Wakasuki to the ground a little angrily.

"Next, I want to talk to you and Fluder about how the empire conducts magic education and brings this system to the dwarves. If you are in a bad mood, it will be a disgrace to the entire group."

"Wait, wait!" Ruolu Ji shouted, stretching out her hands, and then moved her facial muscles to try to make her face smile.

Crownpiss objected: "The smile is too unnatural, rejected. The entire race of the group is confusing SSRPs. What you said just now was very pleasant. Get dressed and go call Fluder."

"Oh, wait a minute." Ruoluji quickly put on her clothes, turned her fish tail back into her legs, and ran out with a smile on her face.

"Hehehehe," Star smiled with a fake eldest lady laugh and said, "Pissy's way of teasing people is really great, I lose."


"Do you know? The feeling of being hypnotized by the whole race is very comfortable. If you do it a few times every time you meet, if you can't bear the torture of negative real feelings, you will become willing to believe that illusion is reality. When all your feelings are

Replace it with illusion, and the illusion becomes reality, and she might accept this false emotion." Star said with a smile.

"Really? No wonder it's so easy to infiltrate the Elf Kingdom, right? That's it, that's it." Cronpis nodded thoughtfully.

"Sunny, I think this is a little scary. Do we also want to learn from it?"

Luna said, and Sunny nodded.

What follows is a meaningless conversation, because no one goes deep into the power structure. At most, they just ask for a few words.

Finally, Crownpis hopes to introduce where it is suitable to plant a large number of trees without destroying the existing ecology.

If Sagihime and Fluder can be considered people who have traveled in and around the Paradise of Mankind, it is not difficult to name a few places.

After the two left, Sunny asked curiously: "Is Pisi going to add more juniors to us? It seems that Pisi's skills have been used to their limit."

"No, that's not the case." Crounpis scratched her face a little embarrassed, "I think I'm going to have a baby by myself. For some reason, this year's flowering period is particularly early, and the flowers blooming are also special.

So many, I still have the urge to plant all the flowers I bloom and bear fruit.”

If Crounpisi returns to its true form now, it will be discovered that the trees are now filled with huge flowers.

If the size of the tree is reduced to the size of an ordinary tree, and the anthropomorphic parts are removed, it will be very pleasing to the eye.

But in reality, such a big tree is full of flowers? If there is a strong wind blowing, it is guaranteed that there will be a "sandstorm" composed of pollen!

It should have taken half a year for the fruits to grow and mature, but now Crounpis predicts that it will only take about a hundred days, and the output will be more than ten times that of previous years!

It’s so strange. Could it be that my behavior of just using the fruit as a stored cannonball for the body to throw it until it rots every year has finally made me “unsatisfied”?

But the three fairies of light obviously don't think that way, their thoughts are more positive and positive.

Sunny: "That's great. Will Pisi get many children? I also want to try to see if I can give birth to children."

Luna: "Can it be used as an army? If the body is not as strong as Pisi, would it be better to let them ride in a chariot?"

Star: "In this case, we will have to carve out a piece of land to establish our own business. Where will Pisi plan to use it as a home for herself and her children? It's not good to always live in other people's land."

According to Star, if Crownpis is to follow its instinct and have many children, it must have a sense of nationhood.

"But, don't you think it's strange?" Crounpis scratched her face, "Why do I want to plant the fruit so much during the flowering period this time? I obviously used it as a reserve of ammunition until it rotted. Is it mine?

How have your thoughts been guided, accidentally or deliberately?”

"Isn't it true that something happened when Pith was in the Elf Kingdom?"

"Speaking of which, I do often watch the breeding scenes of the Elf King and the Theocracy's bastards, but this is not what I have in mind. Monitoring is very important." Crounpiss shook his head in a panic.

Start arguing.

This argument is definitely not a quibble.

"Then, maybe that's it." Star smiled and clasped his hands together.

"But the other fairies didn't watch around like me, so it doesn't matter." Crounpis muttered.

"Luna, give birth to a baby with me." Sunny suddenly reached out and hugged Luna's arm.

"If you can't make it during the flowering period, you can handle it yourself." Luna took Sunny's hand away without disdain.

"In that case, the hybridization experiment I want to do seems to have little hope, but the results will not be seen within a few years." Crownpis continued to mutter.

"Then, where does Pisi plan to raise her little baby?" Star asked.

"Well, I have an idea." Crownpis took out a map from his infinite backpack and spread it out. On the right side of this map, which is only convenient for human use, are the three major Western countries among the six major countries in the Central Continent. Only on the map

He drew a circle at the seaside place that occupies such a small corner, "Here, although it has a forest and grassland climate, the child does not need as much nutrients as my body, it is enough. This is also the area that Wakagi-hime thinks is optional.

First, being near the sea is also conducive to getting closer to the so-called ruins where the plug-in is located."

to be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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