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Chapter 80 The Defense of Endinion

Lily's attack would probably have determined the outcome if faced with an unsuspecting esper student, but this time she faced a large number of battle nuns who had undergone considerable combat training in this area.

Although many people were knocked to the ground by the explosion, none of them died. They were dragged to a hidden place by other companions.

This is also Lily's purpose. She has no experience in fighting large forces. Even if the attack range is large enough, she cannot prevent the opponent from scattering. If there are some corpses left, if the opponent is some kind of fanatic believer, someone may fall into madness, or at least someone will.

Adopt a more sacrificial tactic and find other unexpected ways for Lily to disrupt the ritual inside, so as to give them some hope of a positive victory.

There is a square in front of the main bridge of the space elevator, but the nearest building is not out of the range of the magic.

"There is only one enemy!" a nun shouted, followed by several nuns.

"First, the second squad and my guard found a nearby bunker to contain the attack. The third and fourth squads passed under the bridge and went around behind the guy!"

The torch was waved, and magma blocks flew out from it toward the opposite side; canes, axes, crosses, Bibles and even the huge hands in the bell tower became tools for performing magic, and colorful magic radiated towards the bridge.

The magic volley fired by two hundred people is very spectacular and majestic, but Lily's "normal attack is a large-scale combo attack for the whole group" is not enough to target two hundred people at the same time, and has exceeded the upper limit.

A few rounds of magic that could control the trajectory of the projectile, with small wings or feathers, launched a surprise attack from outside the range of Lily's barrage.

Just like being bombarded by level 5 abilities, part of it was deflected directly to the side. Only a few magics based on controlling the flight of spiritual equipment hit Lily, but no visible damage was caused to Lily.

"Sister Agnes, that person seems to have some kind of invisible all-round shield, and it also increases the strength of the body. Is it Academy City's super power?" An, who had just successfully hit Lily's three magic spells but was ineffective.

Jelina said with a somewhat uneasy tone.

If the opponent only attacks very hard, there is still some hope, but if the attack is ineffective, how can we fight? She was worried about her companions who went around under the bridge.

"It seems that the other party is also warning that the density of magic here does not match the number of people." Yanis said, if the defense is so strong, then it is time to attack, right?

If that happened, Agnes planned to let the troops behind them rush directly into the opened door.

"All things take care of it. The fifth element of the five elements unfolds the priest's staff that symbolizes peace and order." She held a silver staff longer than her own height in both hands and recited the hymn, "One of the idols. Follow the laws of the Son of God and the cross.

Connecting foreign matter and foreignness.”

The six small wings on the top of the silver staff spread out like flowers blooming.

"Dang!" She slammed the priest's staff against the wall of the bunker.

"Woo!" Lily's body bent ninety degrees, ignoring all defenses and rushing towards her, causing her to fly back several meters and fall to the ground.

"Dang!" The second blow came, causing Lily to roll several times on the bridge before she could get up.

"What?" It's not like she hasn't been wary of coordinate attacks, but if she doesn't understand the mechanism, it's useless to be wary.

The staff in the hands of senior priests originally evolved from the war hammer among weapons. Just like some priests in the Overlord world wield maces or bolas in battle, they are weapons used to defeat the opponent's armor or shield. Yanni

The shape of the priest's staff in Si's hand does not look like it can be used as a war hammer, but based on the symbolic meaning of magic, coupled with the five elements that make up all things in Agnes's chant, its symbolism extends to all things, for example, it can directly affect

to space and specified objects.

Therefore, the defense covering the whole body is meaningless. The response should be to avoid it and prevent the opponent from carefully confirming the target. Lily naturally has no way of knowing these things.

Lily turned to look at the battle nun, and concentrated on launching the barrage again to push back the approaching magic bombing. She looked at the red-haired nun who appeared to join the attack. Even if she didn't understand the opponent's attack, she should have such an eye-catching staff with such an eye-catching staff.

It's the leader. Unlike casually killing minions to make the opponent red-eyed, there's nothing better than defeating the leader to make the opponent collapse.

A light bullet possessed the attributes of "equal speed" and "dark matter", directly smashed several rounds of interception magic and shot towards Agnes.

Agniss smiled slyly, as if some kind of conspiracy had succeeded, and hit the priest's staff at the seemingly powerful light bullet as hard as hitting a baseball.

Lily was confused for a moment, thinking that the silver staff was very strong as a magic weapon, could it withstand the "dark matter" whose attributes were specifically added with knowledge of magic? Can the dwarf withstand the "relative constant speed (

equal speed)" impact?

The attack caught both sides by surprise.

Yanis, who seemed to be trying to "hit the ball", was blown away. After all, she was not something fixed in place. She was not the flame giant who could only move within a limited range of the rune's "small advertisement". It was just like a person being hit by a car.

A car bomb approaching at high speed would knock it away, but no one would trigger it and detonate the car bomb. The light bombs at the same speed continued to fly unswervingly, and the nuns on the trajectory avoided them cleverly or awkwardly, eroding the space.

The same penetration failed to hit anyone.

"Sister Agnes, are you okay?" The nuns hurriedly helped Agnes up, who was bleeding from the corner of her mouth, and someone began to perform healing magic on her.

"Intensify the treatment. Once this level of injury is treated, it won't affect the battle." Yanis stood up with the help of her colleagues and looked at her temporarily mute opponent.

Lily lowered her head and glanced at the big hole in the center of her body, Mo Ran's eyes wavered.

Yanis: "Huh, do you think that defeating me or destroying my spiritual equipment will solve the problem? Huh, what a pity. As long as I damage this staff, my target will be injured, and it has nothing to do with whether the staff is damaged, it depends on the damage.

Its attack power is what the war hammer symbolized by the five elements is like."

The Agnes troops that passed under the bridge immediately launched an attack. They were battle nuns who were good at close combat, had strong jumping ability and muscle strength, and wielded a variety of heavy weapons.

A large number of weapons and magic hits instantly!

Then, they were blown everywhere in an instant. Some of them even flew dozens of meters and fell behind the crowd of Yanis's troops. The fact that they didn't die was probably due to the considerable protection provided by their nun clothes as spiritual clothes.

, but from the looks of it, we probably won’t be able to return to the front line soon.

"HP-189, due to super power experiments... it is impossible to use recovery magic, lacks human body, recovery super power fails to activate... use aim force field to materialize to fill the vacancy recovery function, activation... takes thirty

Eight seconds.”

However, the battle waits for no one.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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