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Chapter 103 The Girl Who Calls the Sea

"Can Chinese food be cooked on the oven?"

Based on her rich experience, Pliny bought a meal to eat while walking, and gradually left the tourist destination, the villages, towns and facilities on the island, and came to the uninhabited land.

"Excuse me, are there any trash cans nearby?" Pliny looked up at the girl who seemed to be doing archaeological excavation work on the remains of the great nautical carvings, and shook the clean dinner plate in her hand.

"No, but I don't want uncivilized tourists. Please take the garbage away by yourself." The girl stopped what she was doing and turned around and said unhappily.

"I understand. I will take away the garbage after finishing the work. Are those on you the emblem of the British royal family and the spiritual attire of the British Puritan Church?"

"Are you a magician? This is from the UK, but I'm not from there. It's just because of some personal connections." The girl seemed to want to distance herself from any connection with the UK.

"That's right, this island is regarded as an ominous symbol by the surrounding islands." Pliny glanced at the ruins a few times, walked up and sat on it as if nothing had happened, and said to the girl, "I'm here to solve this problem.

Do you know anything about the incident?"

"It was an accidental misfortune at first. But it brought pain to the residents here for decades. So, maybe someone wanted to artificially make the disaster happen this time - using a big flood to wash everything away," the girl said.


"I see, is it the magic that caused the flood? If it is more controllable than the flood magic I know, then I have to challenge it." Pliny put the dinner plate and paddle board beside her and supported her chin with her hands.


"Excuse me, can you come down? This is a precious relic." The girl looked embarrassed.

"No, I refuse. Aren't you the magician who can cause a great flood? At least you are an equal magician." Pliny pointed to her eyes, "I'm sorry, I have the ability to see through my opponent to a certain extent.

The magic of strength. If I didn't sit here, you would have attacked me just now, right?"

"Don't underestimate [Red Flood], it's not just a flood."

In an instant, Pliny flew away. She was lifted up by a huge pillar that was three meters thick and twenty meters long that suddenly emerged from the sea and flew to the sea hundreds of meters away.

The girl threw blood from her hands.

Ignoring the laws of physics, the entire sea was dyed red, and the magical red viscous seawater restrained Pliny, dragging her into the sea and pressing her into the deep sea.

The girl smiled slightly.

She used magic to adjust the salinity and properties of the seawater. Now the seawater has the texture of a swamp, and it is impossible to break away. As long as you are not an alien like a saint or a Valkyrie, rubbing the underwater part of the island on the way down,

Collision with sand and rocks, until she reaches the heavy pressure of the deep sea, all the bones and internal organs in her body will definitely be broken. Even if she has some powerful defensive magic, she will suffocate to death sooner or later when she is pressed in the sea.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh..."

Several kilometers away, high-pitched cheers can be heard from all over the island. These are the voices of the islanders, which seem to be approaching and moving here. Not only the young and middle-aged, men and women, but also the trembling old people and even young children.

Even the baby is a reaction!

In a sense, it's very cruel.

"I'm here to solve this incident. Do you know anything?" Pliny said while sitting on the ruins.

"How, how is it possible?!" The girl was so surprised that she opened her mouth from ear to ear, but it immediately turned into confusion.

Didn't she just meet this person? Why did she feel that she might not be able to kill her? No, why did she think that the person she met for the first time was an enemy? Have she and I met a long time ago?

"Did you just kill me once?"

What surprised the girl was that Pliny was equally surprised by the current situation, and what she said was even stranger.

"Does that mean you can kill me instantly? After all, this world has [Angel Fall], a powerful magic that ordinary people can cast. Although I used that trick as a precaution, my strength ranks high among the magicians in the world.

, was really defeated? It seems that you are stronger than I can estimate your strength."

The girl became more and more puzzled by this conversation, until she discovered a problem. Except for the waves in the distance, it was extremely quiet here. She almost said to herself: "Where have the cheers of the residents here gone?"

Eh? Although it is like this every time I use my power, the distance seems to be very far last time. Why...

"Oh, are you going to kill me instantly and then accept the cheers from the islanders? It seems that you are very popular here." Pliny put her right leg on her left leg and teased with interest.

"How is it possible," the girl laughed miserably, "Isn't this island floating due to changes in the earth's crust? But it's not just here that the changes in the earth's crust occurred. Natural disasters also occurred on other parts of the island. The seabed landscape changed, and due to the change of sea currents, fishing grounds were lost.

It has also moved... Among these changes, only this place has benefited as if it has been blessed. People who have lived on this island and can now be called local residents are at war with the outside world. I am obviously just here for archaeology.

Because it was remote enough and there was no exorcism spell, I was discovered using magic. Faced with the unexplainable phenomenon, I was regarded as a patron saint from heaven by the residents with low education. People believed that as long as I was around,

It will bring them strength. People on other islands think that sooner or later this island will let them be submerged by me, and they only care about me as the 'Guardian Saint' to maintain balance.

"I left quietly as if nothing happened. It's very simple. The problem on the magic side may be solved, but the delicate balance here will be broken. The ignorant local residents will definitely have a large-scale fight, and many people may be injured.

Or even die."

"Hehe," Pliny smiled at the girl's complaint, "But what does this have to do with me? As long as I can solve the problem and get paid, I'm not a bad person who insists on saving everyone. You accidentally let outsiders

It's your fault to see power being worshiped as a patron saint and becoming the fulcrum of conflict."

As she spoke, she opened the magic circle.

"Don't underestimate [Red Flood]!" the girl shouted, attacking first, summoning a huge pillar of salt to slap Pliny into the sea before the magic circle was completed, and manipulated the sea water to pull her into the sea.

In Norse mythology, the material that makes up the world is the corpse of a giant called Ymir. But when the gods Odin killed Ymir, a large amount of blood flowed from his wounds. This flood of blood destroyed the previous old ones.

The world was completely washed away. The girl used the principle of idol worship, just like ordinary crosses also have the religious symbolic meaning of the original execution cross, and she mixed her own blood with seawater and turned it into a magic item called the Blood of Ymir.

(to be continued)

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