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Chapter 27 Dragon Girl's Fear

To the orcs, the Dragon Kingdom is a gathering place for fodder. They seem to regard this place as a baiting ground that will increase automatically. From time to time, a wave of orcs who have not been mobilized or organized by the state will gather and invade for the tooth-beating ceremony.

Dragon Kingdom.

Then the Dragon Kingdom resisted, paying many times more casualties than the orcs, and then the orcs took the corpses as food and left with satisfaction. This is basically the process.

What the Dragon Kingdom needs to work hard to do is reduce the proportion of corpses belonging to its citizens that are used as food. The more orcs are killed, the less food they need.

It's not that such an orc group has never appeared during this time, but that such an orc group will be destroyed before it gets close to the border.

The one who took action was a large human mercenary group headed by a certain "loli".

In a country that often faces war, it is not surprising that there are mercenary groups. Mercenary groups are not serious groups. They fight as mercenaries for others during wars, and become bandits when not at war. Moreover, they are timid externally and ruthless inwardly.

That kind of.

However, it is unrealistic to ban them. Their existence does reduce the losses of the regular army raised by the country. Moreover, they mostly choose the floating population between countries to carry out their robberies. Monsters are rampant in this world. Even if someone suddenly disappears while away from home,

There is no basis and no way to accuse who did it.

This type of person is better than nothing. It is not that they are heartless, but even if they are affectionate, there is no better way. Even if there is a way, they are not capable of executing it. Even if they are able to execute it, they will pay a greater price in other aspects.

Apart from sighing, it is really not enough for outsiders.

However, a series of mercenary groups who were engaged in the side business of bandits were gradually gathered and unified.

According to the news known to the Dragon Kingdom's senior officials, it was only the four "loli" group headed by Aitaniti Larva that accomplished all of this.

Legend has it that Larva can hum a tune and wipe out a group of orcs that is difficult for a team of adamantine-level adventurers to destroy (but they can always escape), and a single orc cannot escape; legend has it that the other three "lolis" all have adamantine-level

The strength of adventurers.

Using this forcibly gathered mercenary group to deal with the orcs, even if the victory relies on numerical superiority, there should be great losses. However, the actual casualties are very few. The spies inquired about Lar from the members of the mercenary group who returned from victory.

Watt has some kind of "magic" that weakens his enemies.

After receiving such news, the Dragon Kingdom sent spies to conduct surveillance, verify the news, and then learned that Larva was annexing illegal mercenary groups everywhere.

Larva did not simply use his own force to make the mercenary group surrender, but also included other methods that did not require any extra effort on his part, causing Drodiron to slap his forehead and yell why he had not thought of doing this in the first place.

But there was no way, she couldn't do it. No matter what method, she didn't have enough strength to destroy those organizations at any time. Even if she gathered the illegal organizations, it would still be a time bomb.

"They regard taking the initiative to eliminate the orcs as an achievement and want to come to me to receive the reward. Don't they know that this will make the orc country take it seriously and develop into a war of genocide? Alas." Drautilon sighed.

"Originally, the Demon War had just ended, and there was still some hope of having some communication with the Orc Kingdom, but this hope was also extinguished," the Prime Minister also sighed, "What are the Theocracy doing?"

"There's no way of knowing. Anyway, they can't tolerate anything except humans. If my country hadn't acted as a barrier against the orcs, they would have killed me first. Two of the heroic groups who destroyed the demon god have

Orcs of 'player' origin (who knew all kinds of racial conflicts, so they left the human race players) were excluded from the publicity. Not long ago, they took the opportunity to kill one. It's troublesome. It's a miracle that other heroes didn't gather to cause trouble again.

"Drodiron said angrily.

Drautilon didn't know what "player" meant, and certainly didn't know about games, but he knew about the existence of "player" and knew that it was probably very difficult to mess with.

"Don't worry about whether the news will stimulate the human side," the Prime Minister said confidently. "In fact, another 'player' on the orc side was killed by Larva when he first went out to defeat the orcs.


"Ah, orcs, that's the enemy! Have you ever fought a demon and become a hero? I don't know, just kill him first!"

"That's how it feels. Maybe the Theocracy didn't intend to provoke the 'Thirteen Heroes', and only then took action on the remaining one after knowing what happened there. No one from any other human country knows about this at the moment.


"...Then you are powerful enough to know this. How many of you know this?"

"Including the spies, the three of them are all people your Majesty can trust."

"That's good, but, alas..." Drotilon couldn't help but lie down, covering her forehead in self-defeat: "Fuck, if they who have fought against the demon god are very prestigious in the orc country, then if they die, then

A war will only happen sooner or later. Maybe it will happen in the next few months. Although the national finances are not in deficit yet, if the money is not spent on military expenses, the soldiers will become stronger immediately. The Theocracy needs to

Be responsible and ask the Theocracy for help when the time comes!"

Before he finished venting, there was a knocking sound on the door.

"Come in!"

A hurried figure came in. After a big salute, he began to report: "Your Majesty, the false dragon king rode the frost dragon across the Qazi Plain and passed over our country."

Drotilon is the "true and false dragon king" who has blood but no strength. Then the "fake dragon king" is Crounpis who has strength but no blood. Crounpis does not mean to show off, but so much has happened.

Incident, Crownpis's movements have naturally reached a point where even the surrounding countries, even if they are not involved, at least pay attention to the movements from time to time.

Drautilon: "I understand, don't neglect surveillance. Go down." Then she put on the look of a little girl who is scared when she sees a ghost. It's an acting skill. She is indeed scared, but she usually doesn't put on such an irritating look.

A look of affection.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" the visitor replied with great momentum, and then strode away.

Drautilon: "What do you think she's here for?"

"Aren't you here to see Larva?"

"Would it make our country better off if the disaster that befell the Abelion Hills also befell the orcs?"

"Then I'm afraid our country will face new pressure."

Drautilon covered her face with her hands. No matter what she did, the future was getting worse and worse, making her tremble all over. She felt that her acting skills might one day become a reality.

(to be continued)

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