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Chapter 229 Killing Angel VS Angel of Water

The Killing Angel and the Water Angel's single strike in the air produced a devastating impact that reached the horizon. It was lucky that Russia did not cause four-digit casualties.

However, the pilots and crew members in the air combat were unlucky, not even a single element of their composition was left.

What is perhaps even more surprising is that the floating "island" of the "Star of Bethlehem" and the chariot under Silas are actually safe and sound.

Xila bent down and pulled out a long wrench from the chariot tool box.

Of course she wouldn't use this blunt instrument to swing at her opponent's head like a villain. What she needed was just a symbol that strengthened the symbolism of wielding the wand to punish the world.

Under the forcibly covered night sky, high in the sky facing the wrench, the light wheel expanded outwards in an instant, and various complex symbols and characters continued to appear and arrange themselves inside the light wheel.

"Then, what is that?" Mikoto's knowledge and thinking obviously could not keep up with the development of the situation.

"Ugh..." Cynthia, who knew the extent of this thing, stiffened and said dryly, "Does it mean that in order to knock down that floating fortress, it is necessary to activate magic to destroy the world?"

"How could it be? I have prepared a good job for you. How can I have fun if the world is destroyed?"

Regarding the civilization magic [Noah's Flood], An Qi accidentally performed it once in the past and it was broken. However, in the "temple" built around the above family, there was another one using the same formation in parallel and it was broken.

The magic of civilization.

The influence of [Angel Fall] has not completely disappeared from the present world. Otherwise, if the Fire on the Right wants to summon angels that humans are absolutely unable to control, it will never have to make this level of preparation.

Xila used the remaining influence to activate [Permafrost] and his original [Noah's Flood] here in parallel.

The vast land below the floating "island" [Star of Bethlehem] was immediately replaced by the majestic ice sea with huge waves and icebergs.

The snow in the snow-capped mountains in the distance and the ocean below began to decrease, turning into a large number of temporary ice wings constructed by Misha.

Xila didn't care about Misha who was trying to use his power. He stretched out his hand and threw out a large amount of blood. Only a few drops dyed the entire ice sea red, and the dense ice salt pillars rose like plum blossom piles in water acrobatics.

stand up.

As a signal to start the war again, numerous ice wings behind Misha and ice and salt pillars in the ice sea below fell and rose rapidly at the same time!

The confrontation between the ice wings and the ice and salt pillars seems to be nothing, it just turns into dust floating in the air like broken ice and salt particles.

Just such a scene makes the entire front line no different from a million-scale war.

Not only that, every grain of ice and salt scattered and fell, causing more sea materials to be blown into the air. It seemed that Xiela's domain was damaged, but all the scattered materials were once again turned into her attack materials.

Shoot towards Misha.

Every shot was obviously comparable to the angel wings that had just flown out and exploded and chopped off the mountains, but this kind of attack seemed to travel through the entire world.

Although Cynthia knew it was pointless, she still squatted down slowly with her forehead covered with one hand, wanting to stay away from the terrible conflict. She cursed in her heart why Flampis would bring her into such a battlefield when she should have no room to intervene.

She stole a large amount of spiritual equipment information from Daying, and was able to use the large number of spiritual equipment she kept. With the right arrangement and combination, she could even fight with the saint for a short period of time. She could face tens of thousands of troops without fear at all, but she imagined

I don't know what I can do here.

"Okay, it's time to work." Flampis suddenly grabbed her collar and jumped out of the chariot with a happy look, spread her fairy wings and flew up.

"Eh? Ehhhhh?!"

But the one who was really in crisis was not Cynthia, but the Tokiwadai girl who was left behind.

Xila has no intention of protecting any human beings. The protection of the chariot just now was done by Flampis. When she leaves -

"Shouhou!" Mikoto connected to the "Misaka Network" and pulled out the chariot, jumped off the chariot that was instantly blown to pieces, grabbed a piece of the wreckage and activated its magnetic force to start gliding in the air.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

"Stop talking! I have to concentrate!" Meiqin didn't have the confidence to play a dodge barrage game in this space where just rubbing the crushed ice and salt would break her bones into pieces, but there was no safe passage——

In order to protect Cynthia when flying, Flampis will blow away or even destroy the broken ice and salt grains around the space she passes through, turning it into a short-term safe area.

"Although I really want to go up and find that fool right away, I can only follow him now!"

Her heart was bleeding, and her strength was completely insufficient. Let alone this terrible confrontation, since the fool was in a foreign country, it meant that he should have traveled thousands of miles to enter the battlefield on his own initiative, and had a deep understanding of the realm of this battlefield.

Know it well.

"There is still a way..."

The mixture of water and salt can greatly improve the conductivity, and even allow her to control the collection to a certain extent and gather it around her. The opportunity is here. But now her own computing power will have no fighting surplus once she does this. Mikoto began to ask Misaka

The sisters provided more help. The Misaka sisters began to rest and sleep when there was no need to work. Even if they only squeezed out a little computing power for the "Misaka Network", they thought that unnecessary physiological interactions had stopped.

Two blue rays of light erupted from Mikoto's back, forming a pair of wings of light. Strictly speaking, they should be water wings, which rely on continuously collecting the surrounding conductive salt water and then electric shock to generate gas explosion jets as forward momentum.

She chased Flampis at high speed.

"Oops? You'd better pay more attention up there." Flappis looked back and shouted.

Originally, Misha was at a disadvantage in front of Silas. [Star of Bethlehem] was defeated at the edge. The spiky-headed boy was dancing in the air and doing a free fall. The only good thing was that he could still wave his right hand to deal with the stray bullets that were shot at him.


Flampis didn't pay much attention to the frightening exclamations of the two women and continued to fly forward at her own pace.

Flampis flew more than ten kilometers and came under the [Star of Bethlehem], created a magic plane, and lowered Cynthia down.

"The spiritual equipment that keeps this floating island floating is in this large area. Chop them up."

"I heard that the product of this war center was planned by God's Right Seat's Fire of the Right. It's hard to imagine that he doesn't care about it..."

Just as she said, the fire on the right appeared. A man in a striped suit could stand almost upside down without feeling any magic related to flight or anti-gravity.

"Hmph, as expected, you are still going to get in the way. But it was a step too late. The [Star of Bethlehem] floated up, and the control of the celestial body using the 'power of God' ended. When the four attributes returned to their original positions, the preparations were completed."

(to be continued)

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