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Chapter 253: The Battle of Lindy Blushack

Bruschak is a family that attaches great importance to blood. Her employer, Ole Bruschak, can indeed gain a lot of benefits from the war. No matter whether this battle succeeds or fails, she will have to cough up a large amount of money or anything.

Only if it can bring benefits to the motherland. To this family, her child is something of this level. I wonder if the U.S. government had expected it before hiding that person and allowing him to live on this island.

Saraya held the magic machine gun that fell from the speedboat, and its spray attacks were beyond their understanding, which really caused some trouble for the two of them.

But Saraya is not good at fighting after all. Although she obtained information about the abilities and tactics of those two people, Mikoto's large number of ultra-long-range attacks and offensive defense were too disadvantageous for Saraya. She didn't have the ability to shoot.

The magic bullet made Mikoto avoid the machine gun, and she might have been killed instantly.

During this period, Touma cracked Saraya's proud Lacey Technique and took full initiative.

"Saroya, from your standpoint we can see clearly what you see. That is what I will fight next."

Saraya hurriedly retreated to distance herself and pulled out her pistol.

Facing the threat of technology, Touma's eyes trembled, but his body still moved forward.


A blue-purple electric arc flashed, and Saraya had to hurriedly drop the metal pistol that might trigger the thunder, rolled to the side, and used Touma's body to block Mikoto's shooting line.

"If you think that because of the unfair treatment your country has suffered in the past, you have the power to do whatever you want to other countries and innocent people, this pitiful illusion will be shattered by me!"

"Ah, ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

A little angry at herself for not exercising more muscles, Saraya used the machine gun in her hand as a club. Touma clenched his fists.

Then, primitive violence rang out.

Seeing that Saraya fell to the ground and lost consciousness, Touma moved his hand that was sore from the blaster machine gun. If it wasn't a magic item that broke his right hand at a touch, then his right hand must have been fractured.

Destroy everything on this person that can be destroyed by touching it with your right hand - it is just destroying items related to magic, there is no other meaning. Fortunately, her light green clothes make her look like a forest fairy.

It's beautiful, but it doesn't have any magical meaning, at least it won't be treated like a bomb.

After Touma tied him up properly, he slapped Saraya's face back and forth.

"What are you doing?" Mikoto asked with strange eyes.

"After all, there is no guarantee that her magical influence on Congress and the US military has disappeared. If not, I would at least ask about how to remove it." Touma paused and said in a painful tone, "Also, although the method is wrong, she is doing it for her own benefit.

I am not without responsibility for her country becoming like this because of the national actions. It would be too tragic if she was captured and executed for this. At least I hope she can hide for a while..."

Mikoto tightened her hand, this idiot always does this. Although it cannot be said that it has nothing to do with it, it is not Kamijou Touma's will that drives everything, but rather the result of various behind-the-scenes operations for their own benefit. This idiot is kind-hearted.

Take everything down, so sooner or later you will be crushed by the heavier and heavier burden.

Just as Mikoto was thinking about how to enlighten this stubborn fool, Toumasu stood up and said towards the house not far away: "Next, let's solve the matter of Lindy Brushack."

The little girl is hiding there with a man who may be a neighbor, a friend, or someone who was accidentally involved.

"Ah, you're right." Mikoto secretly said that no matter which side she handed over to during the war, there would be problems, so she could only hide for a while. If there is a better place to hide now...

"Excuse me, are the people sent by mother attacking?" Lindy asked from a distance.

"Ah, there are still as many problems as mountains, and it is no longer safe here——"

"Boom!" A canyon ten meters wide and hundreds of meters long suddenly opened between Touma, Mikoto and the cabin!

"What, an earthquake?!" Mikoto used the metal fence of the nearby vegetable patch to stabilize her body, and then activated the magnetic force on the metal buckle of Touma's belt, which was almost on the edge of the crack, to pull her over to prevent the idiot from falling accidentally.

What kind of power can do such a thing? Touma stared blankly at everything in front of him.

The wooden house opposite was safe and sound. It seemed that Lindy and the others were fine.

Hmm? Where is Saraya?

Touma and Mikoto, who realized that the person was no longer there, did not need to look around, because the initiator did not hide, she was right on the opposite side, holding Saraya in her hands, opening a "door" and putting Saraya inside.

"Where's Saraya!" Touma shouted.

"She will be punished by any official she hands over, right? Do you really want to kill her? Or would it be more satisfying for your enemies to treat your companions as abandoned children and ignore them?" Pliny gave her a mocking look.

"There is a reason for her obsession, but if she continues to follow you, she will only continue to make mistakes!"

"It seems that you are a righteous partner. Let's see what impact you have had on the world in the past few months and then confirm what you want to do." With that, she headed in the direction of Lindy.

"You-" Mikoto took out a coin, precisely because she judged from the blow that cracked the ground that the opponent was a threat that must be dealt with with all her strength.

The coin turned into an orange beam of railgun and shot towards Pliny, but she activated her warrior magic [Perfect Warrior], converting the huge amount of magic power she used into a physical value, and stretched out two fingers.

Hold the hot coin in your hand.

"A reward? Let's not talk about rewards with game currency. Taking game currency out of an entertainment venue seems to be against the rules. But I will be kind enough to help you destroy the evidence of your crime."

She casually threw the game coin and punched it through a nearby metal telephone pole. She turned around and continued to walk towards Lindy. The man next to Lindy stood between her and Lindy holding a dagger that was obviously not suitable for fighting. Just talk about it.

The physical intimidation of a man holding a dagger is probably greater, but——

The atmosphere is different. If Pliny exudes a girlish atmosphere just like her appearance, then the man is not even a baby. If the man is a strong adult, then he is undoubtedly facing an inhuman monster.

Although in fact it is indeed an inhuman monster.

"Are you Lindy Brushack's friend? You won't do anything except increase the number of corpses that make him sad." Pliny slightly rolled her eyes upwards and said in a tea-time conversation tone.

This made everyone present even more nervous, and Pliny didn't bother to raise her head. For her, this was the same thing as drinking tea. Holding the Mach 3 "cannonball" between her fingers was enough.

(to be continued)

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