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Chapter 287 The short-lived ordinary high school student

Before Kamijou Touma finished speaking, he felt himself turning somersault in the air. He was probably pushed up by the thigh he was resting on just now. Fortunately, he was not at a height where he jumped from the second floor, and his face was not injured when he landed on the ground.

Touma stood up and shook his head, it was a strange blond girl who looked like a fairy.

"You're awake, then get up and leave quickly." The other party stood up and was about to leave.

"Who are you……"

"Didn't Misaka and Mitsumi tell you? If we hadn't arrived and knocked Othinus into the Atlantic Ocean, and she didn't want to crash into the Alps on the way back, I don't know what would have happened to you at that time.

." Franpis crossed her arms and looked down at Touma, who was stunned.

"Is that...?" Touma touched the hedgehog's head. Of course he had heard of that, but every time he resets the world, because the filters on the mask are different, even if he meets someone he knows, history and opinions should still appear.

Differences can be connected to the original world but contradictory.

However, I heard from those girls that that person was once so powerful that he beat Othinus until he was covered in blood and flew to the sky. Although the damage she received was probably much heavier than Othinus, it already meant that she was in a position where she could challenge him.

At such a level, it would not be strange even if it could jump out of Othinus's palm.

Or is this an anomaly like Misaka and Mitsuru, who are using laws that Othinus doesn't understand? They seem to be worried about being eavesdropped by the devil and find countermeasures, so they don't disclose it in particular, but if the world created by Othinus,

This abnormality continues to expand, which may be the key to victory. He thought this way.

Touma looked left and right, and felt that the scenery looked familiar, so he quickly asked: "Is this Academy City... How are Misaka and Mitsuru?"

"They should be busy with their own things. They need to contact me on their mobile phones. Why are you asking me? This is Academy City, and the mobile phones should be working. Anyway, I have rescued them, so I'm leaving."

There are quite a lot of problems in Touma's stomach, but they don't seem to be things that must be confirmed by the devil.

Anyway, let’s contact those two people.

They responded quickly. They felt that something had happened, something serious, and it would be troublesome to explain clearly on the phone. The three of them decided on a time and place to meet.

Touma looked at the time and saw that there was still a lot of surplus. He touched his pockets and saw that there was very little money. Then he remembered that coins were of no use in that country or even on the snowy mountains. Everything other than coins was burned to keep warm.

Since I have time, let's go there because I want to see it first.

I always felt that there was a strange feeling in Academy City, as if I was not in this world. It was very similar to the feeling of being close to the devil, and there were some inexplicable differences. If Index was here, there should be an answer. He called the dormitory phone number and

Index's mobile phone number was unanswered and out of service respectively. It seems that Othinus did not allow him to team up with Index this time. But it may be good news that it is out of service rather than empty, that is, at least Index

There is no chance that Tix will meet as a stranger or even an enemy.

This made Touma panic for a moment. Unlike countless desperate worlds before, he would only think about it when he had more time. He had lost a lot of memories. To be honest, how could Index live in his room and still seem to have established a relationship?

I don’t know the reason or process of the relationship that is deeper than anyone else. But it was his “first” after losing his memory, and it was like a spiritual haven. This is also the reason why he tried his best not to let her appear when he was in trouble.

Well. (It turns out that Index is not so much the first heroine as the name of the novel suggests, but she is the first heroine, right? Index in the original novel has a lot of photos, but she seems to be more in the daily chapters. Part 1

There are really very few occasions when Yin and Gong fight.)

Touma was thinking about it as he walked, looking left and right, and thinking about withdrawing some money from the AIM machine on the road.

There were people coming and going on the road, and it was a peaceful scene. Think of it as a temporary reset of Academy City to normal.

But considering that the world was created by Othinus, he must be mentally prepared to deal with a sudden collapse that will crush his soul.

He discussed it with the two girls, and each time they collapsed quickly, which meant that the other party did not use the time difference between gods and humans to defeat them. In other words, the opponent should be more impatient than imagined. From this point on

Find loopholes in the process and figure out the world's reset rules, and your chances of winning are here.

Suddenly, he was stunned for a moment.

There was nothing special that appeared in his eyes. They were just people who met each other: Kumokawa Maria and Kihara Kagun. Is it suitable for Kihara Kagun to go shopping with a former student like a date?

Want to say hello?

The answer is no. In a world that is destined to collapse, establishing too many relationships with people who cannot share it will only cause greater mental wear and tear on oneself. This is an experience he has experienced many times.

After that, acquaintances kept showing up.

Accelerator and An Qi took Last Work and walked into a convenience store like a family of three.

Has Tsuchimikado in the dormitory next to him finally crossed the line between brother and sister? Motoharu and Maika are actually doing the same thing as dating.

There is also the blue-haired earring who seems to be working in a Gutai doll costume and the blond goth loli eating a lollipop. When did spring come for these things?

Is this area a dating mecca?

There was a girl with a dumpling head who spoke with some "Kihara" words mixed in, pushing her aunt in a wheelchair. When she passed by him, she said hello to him and called him "Brother Touma". She must have been someone he knew before he lost his memory. Touma had no choice but to say hello in response.


Kumokawa-senpai, who had a good relationship with him, was comparing the size of the lower part of the shoulders with Shokuhou Misaki...

Everyone we know and don't know is in harmony.

What kind of plane is Othinus doing? Do you want to overwhelm Mr. Kamijou with encounters, family ties, and friendships that make him envious? Just like a person who has been hungry for a long time and suddenly overeats will be life-threatening?

The fragrant smell wafts from the crowded mobile store on the roadside.

Touma's stomach seemed to be making a strange growl.

In this case, Othinus set the "starting point" of this world in the snowy mountains, so Kamijou-san failed to eat a normal diet.

In order to prepare for the big collapse that is coming at any time, it is also important to fill up your stomach first. When you look at the price - two thousand five hundred yen?!

Although there is a bonus dessert of filling a doughnut with cream, the amount of sugar and fat is simply...

It seems very advanced, but if she can't defeat Othinus, this continuous cycle of collapse will never end, and she will always torture him. She should be as good as possible when she can be better for herself.

Touma squeezed in and queued up, took out five 500 yen coins and bought a set meal. However, he still had to pray: he hoped that after "returning to the original place", his wallet would be restored to its original state.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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