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Chapter 47 Real Fried Chicken Breakfast


Crounpith, who was assigned to the outer position under Larva's bed, woke up from her sleep.

"Wake up, wake up." Larva was still talking and tapping the bed board.

"I heard you, stop!" Crownpis could wake up if she wanted to, but she still knocked on the bed board to show her dissatisfaction.

The senses are always on, there are no problems around, and it doesn't seem like it's time for the mercenary group to go to work. Why are you getting up so early?

"Then, get out." Luna, who was sleeping inside, pushed Crounpis.

"Oh, there's no way." Crounpis rolled sideways to the outside. The edge of the bed was a little low, and her hat, which was a little wider than its maximum width, almost got stuck there.

Eh? Do you still wear a hat when sleeping?

After all, the hat used to be a Mimic that was attached to the body. After giving up the summoning sequence to Granbell, I replaced it with a magic-made hat, so I got used to it.

On the straw spread on the floor on the other side of the room, Sunny seemed to be still "sleeping soundly", while Star, who was supposed to be sleeping on the rafters, was no longer in the room.

"Sunny, get up. Do you know where Star went?" Larva shook Sunny again and looked at the goblins who got up one by one.

"I went out about half an hour ago. I just came back. I'm in the outer room." Clawnpisi pointed to the door.

Thinking of what happened last night, she deliberately pretended to be cool to save face. She closed her eyes and sensed it again. This ability was quite vague, but she could vaguely sense what she was doing——

"Star is preparing breakfast," said Crownpiss.

"Huh?" Larva was surprised.

"What's wrong?"

"No," Larva scratched his head in embarrassment, "I'm used to eating overnight food from the sideline restaurant downstairs every morning."

"In other words, as long as what Star cooks is not the 'game' of the past, it can be regarded as an improvement in the food." Luna said.

This means that it may be worse than overnight meals. After all, Star's cuisine basically follows the Beiye route of surviving in the wild.

"Well, just take a look... and you'll know." Crownpis stood up and walked to the door, opening it.

"Ah? Do you really want to have breakfast so early?" Star, who had his back turned to this side and faced the desk that was used as a kitchen stove outside, turned around strangely.

On the table were twenty long bread buns stuffed with various foods, as well as a few empty buns.

Generally speaking, this kind of thing is called a hot dog. The food that Costa stuffed in it was so diverse that it was difficult for Cronpis to equate those things with the hot dog in human memory.

"It looks quite high-end." Crounpisi walked up and picked up a piece of bread and looked around in his hand, "Can I eat it?"

"Just eat what's cooked."

"Then, I'll start first." Crownpis raised her head and swallowed the long bread stuffed with other food into her body as if she was performing a sword swallowing show.

The other goblins ate it without any courtesy.

The food melted quickly.

"Hey, this bread tastes like it's made with flour that only nobles can afford, right? Where did you steal it, Star?" Crounpis, who was the first to swallow the food completely, said immediately.

"I didn't steal it. It was originally the food left by the rich people in this city to send away their servants, and they were going to use it to feed the slimes. It doesn't matter if you take away some of the slimes' food, right?" Star laughed.

Let's talk.

Slime is an indispensable monster in the city's sewage treatment system, and there are many in the sewer.

"This is obviously something that ordinary people can't afford to eat in a day, isn't slime over-nutritional?" Luna started to eat the second one.

"Not bad, there are still a lot of rats in the sewers. Some of them have grown so big that they have to hire adventurers or organizations like mine to kill them." Larva had just taken the first one to eat.

“Don’t you think production capacity is wasted?”

"No, it actually increases the income of farmers and us, doesn't it?"

"Broken windows theory? Why are you talking about economics all of a sudden?" Kraunpis began to eat his fourth one.

"Hey, Pisi, you can't eat anymore." Star, who was loading the last empty bread dough, suddenly said.

"Ah, why?"

"Isn't there an average of four goblins per person here?"

"My level and body have higher nutritional requirements than yours, so I should eat more, right?" Clawnpith expressed dissatisfaction.

"But then I don't know how to divide the bread. In addition, there is this." Star took out a large bird that looked like it had just been plucked but had not been processed further. "Lu Xing died after accidentally eating rat poison."

Bird, looks like a**? Do you want it?"

"Ah, my mouth is not that big in this form."

"I originally wanted to try making roast chicken." Star pouted in displeasure, turning the knife made with magic in his hand, "Didn't you get up too early and didn't have time to deal with it?"

"Ah, there's really no other way, I'll do it." Crounpis stretched out his hand and pointed it at the chicken.

"Hey, Pisi, you don't have a chef professional level..." Before Luna could finish speaking, Crown Pisi's indigenous heating magic was activated.

In an instant, the chicken that was thrown away by Star's conditioned reflex turned golden. However, this was not a golden crispy chicken, but——


"[Magic world·fire]!"

Almost the next moment, Luna and Larva activated their magic.

There was a golden light, and in an instant, the chicken exploded. The impact of the explosion was blocked by Larva's magic barrier within a very small sphere that would not damage any facilities in the house, and the sound was eliminated by Luna.

"Phew, I thought my hand was going to explode." Star shrank his hand that had just shaken off the explosive.

"Hahahahaha..." Sunny, who had done nothing but had plenty of time, covered her stomach and laughed, "This is real 'fried chicken', hahahahaha!"

Crownpis was stunned, and immediately held her chin in pretense of thinking: "Ah, how strange is it? This is indigenous magic, and it should have nothing to do with the chef's professional proficiency. Is it still bound by the rules of the game here?

How careless.”

"Maybe it's just that Pisi didn't control it well?" Luna complained.

"Don't say it..."

"I'll try to learn that magic next time."

"Then, Pisi's extra meal will be gone." Star gloated.

"It doesn't matter, I have food stored up, hehehehehe." Crounpis put his hand into the infinite backpack and rummaged around.

In fact, if we continue to develop according to our current feelings, we might be able to invent a magic that is not restricted by levels - internal explosion. If it is a level magic, the same kind of magic is in the ninth to tenth level.

However, the fairies, who were mostly uninterested in the battle itself, did not expect this at all.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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