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Chapter 360 Maybe, being weak is also a kind of luck

In the first round, Crownpis distracted the attention of everyone in the "Golden Dawn" by shouting "Aleister Crowley", thus achieving a challenge that no individual or organizational magician in the world could achieve.

Possible opportunities.

In an instant, four "Golden Dawn" magicians were smashed away, and their leader, Samuel Reed McQueen Mathers, was pushed away from the formation and pressed against the earth for continuous friction.

Even so, after another magical confrontation, the "Golden Dawn" came back to its senses——

The terrifying fluctuations convinced Crounpis that it was a blow worthy of killing a god!

With her back facing the overwhelming magic attacks of the "Golden Dawn", Crounpis didn't need to interrupt her chanting, and she couldn't stop time casually while chanting this kind of magic. After all, she had to connect to the demon side. If that side or this side resisted,

The inconsistent degree of time magic will cause structural dislocation and cause magic to fail.

The black and red dragon flew back from Crounpisi's right arm, wrestling with the overwhelming magic. No matter how they are combined to produce terrifying power, it is still magic used by humans. With this level of magic,

The fantasy is just right.

If Flampis were to join the "Golden Dawn" like a grand concerto, they would not be able to release the same power. As for the power of the other world that has little restraint in fantasy, after Flampis's complete qualitative transformation, it would not be able to release the same power at all.

Existed, the current Flappis only exists as the Flappis of the period that was recognized by the world in the forbidden world.

"Boom, boom!"

The aftermath of the confrontation shattered part of the spire and walls of Westminster Abbey, but no stray bullets could reach Crownpiss and Mathers.

Crownpis's chant was not interrupted at all.

"...the power to bind the stars in the sky is engraved on the earth, and will eventually gain the power to peer into the abyss. In the name of...Aleister Crowley, he will summon the people of the abyss who have failed to achieve the Holy Code to the surface of the four realms, symbolizing

The name - coronzon!"

Although I almost vomited when I discovered that Aleister's name was included in the spell, that man had such a great influence on modern Western magic. As a result, the magic that humans use today that is influenced by his theory is ineffective against him.

.But it doesn’t matter, everything that Cronpis could do with Anila has been done.

"Heat and Humidity."

Crounpisi slid out of the way of the Wind Blade, which instantly cut the nearby building and its foundation in half, and followed the trend with a sweeping sweeping kick.

Mathers, who had regained his standing posture, leaned slightly to deal with it. Crounpis knew very well that this man had a technique similar to Aikido. In popular terms, it was magic and martial arts. Although magic was inferior to physical ability.

Overwhelmingly powerful, but it is not an opponent that Crounpis can suppress with physical skills.


"Some people just like to wear a long scarf to look cool, so, yeah!"

At the moment when Mathers was slightly dumping his force and the aftermath blew up the long scarf, Crounpis, who was almost lying on his back, grabbed the long scarf and pulled Mathers' upper body down!

The foot that kicked upwards on his face caused a double-layered magic circle to flash.

Even so, Mathers immediately launched the most terrifying counterattack.

"Cold and dry, then cold and wet." The cup of water and the plate of earth danced around him, "When the prosperity of the earth decays, appear and spread, O demon king born in the place of corruption."

A large number of hard little beans were scattered and turned black, squirming and pulling sticky threads to intertwine and stick together.

"Your name is [King of Flies]. Anyone who is disrespectful standing in front of me should be cleared away and dispersed as soon as possible."

Just like Crounpith's high-speed chanting in an instant, these confrontations also happened in the blink of an eye.

The black sticky thread attached to the heart of Crounpith's host, Yanila, and used it as a starting point, instantly eroding all the blood vessels and everything inside the bones used to create blood. It could not be avoided or defended. It looked like

The woman's long black hair fished out of the dirty ditch is simply the most unclean of all.

This is not a magic meant to directly kill people, because it is meaningless. Its name is the spread of fear. Before defeating the enemy's body, the soul will be corroded and collapsed.

The relationship between Mathers and Flampis did not deteriorate during his lifetime. One of the reasons for the cruel attack was that the girl in front of him was a stranger who was not good for him. But even if Flampis, whom he knew, challenged him, the result would be the same.

It won't change, and it is the right choice for him, a self-proclaimed noble, to challenge with all his strength and use the most effective magic that is not fatal at the moment.

But of course this was a failure at the moment. The body of the opponent in front of him was not his at all.

Crownpiss decisively blocked Yanila's senses. The black threads all over the inside of her body did make it difficult for Yanila's body to extract magic power, but it did not hinder the output of MP from her own soul.

, successfully activated the magic circle spread out from the feet printed on Mathers’ face——

"[Magic Disintegration [m-d]], [Advanced Exclusion [g-r]], completely cut off the 'door' between Coronzon and the outside world, let the energy that has been instilled through you have nowhere to vent, and destroy that guy from the inside!"

Immediately, her mental space opened a "door" that traveled through space, abandoning Yanila's body and disappeared in a flash, leaving behind Yanila who was unconscious and collapsed on the ground and the "Golden Dawn" who stared blankly for a moment.


This world is not without space magic, but at least no member of the "Golden Dawn" that Crounpis knows knows how to do it.

Everything that needs to be done has been done.

Use Mathers to thoroughly discover the existence of the great demon Coronzon and attack it.

There is no way to confirm whether it was successfully destroyed, but this layer of contact was cut off and attacked, and Cronpis could feel that the only remaining connection between the three major sects and herself had disappeared. It seems that the appearance of the "Golden Dawn" was not caused by Flanpis.

Power, otherwise it would be impossible for Flanpisi, the core of Crounpisi, not to know.

It should be some kind of defense mechanism that uses the symbolic establishment of the "Master of the Temple" to summon the "Golden Dawn" when necessary.

Thanks to this, it is enough for Crownpis to achieve this level.

Flampis, who manifested as the union of Alice 3 and the innocent girl, was just a reappearance of the completely demonized Flampis sucked into the defense mechanism. She didn't even have a soul, and neither did the power gained from the demonization.

Crounpis wanted it, so there was no need for her to continue to mess with this matter.

Just give all the blame you took in this world to that Flappis.

Anasha stumbled and ran towards Anila, who was lying on the ground unconscious. The magicians speeding past her like a high-speed train did not pay special attention to this "little ant". Except for the blowing wind, Anasia's appearance changed.

It looks even more messy, and there is no intersection between the two sides.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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