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Chapter 1 The Flame Fairy Cirno

At night, the dwarf kingdom——

"Hmm, hmm... it's really troublesome to grasp the hue and saturation used to describe highlights and reflections... Pisi really memorized all of this."

In the studio used for painting, Nue retreated a few meters away from his paintings, holding his chin and staring at his paintings, thinking with some trepidation in his heart.

However, the dwarf on the side who was in charge seemed to have a bit of a misunderstanding——

"So this one is finished, then..." As he said this, he was about to move the painting away.

“Wait a minute—it’s not over yet!”

"Then... when can I take a break?" The dwarf who was being used as a model on the stage looked like he was about to freeze.

"No problem...in fact, you could have left an hour ago."

After all, after the coloring stage, relying on the light source in this room, the model has no reference value at all.

Then the model actually fell down on the spot. I thought her legs were weak, but then she snored.

At this time, Nue felt a voice coming from his head.

"Then, that's it for today. This is the last one." So Nue put down his pen and turned around and left the studio without waiting for the dwarf to reply.

"Okay, walk slowly! Have a drink when you have time!"

Nue never thought about having a good relationship with the dwarves in particular, so he often seemed rude. However, because he was doing valuable work, and the dwarves were originally a careless race with no elegance and etiquette, Nue could still get some

Dwarf respect.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Nue's own thoughts. She just received a [message] from Crounpis.

Crounpis: "Xiao Nue, could you please call the wise king of the forest?"

Nue: "It's no problem. What's wrong?"

Crounpis: "I just wanted to contact it directly, but I couldn't get through. Is there something wrong with the magic?"

Nue: "I understand, I'll go take a look."

Crownpiss: "I'll contact you again in a while."

After the communication was temporarily interrupted, Nue remembered a crucial question - where is the wise king of the forest? It seems that he has never been seen since he went to the Abelion Hills with a few goblins.

Go to the forge and ask your new friends.

Ah? Not here either?

After inquiring, it seems that the fire dragon grass fairy who climbed up from the lava pool to befriend the dwarf and helped here at the furnace seems to have gone down again.

There is no way, Nue is not used to the lava environment, so she needs to make some preparations. Go back to the room to get her trident. It is a trident that is longer than her own height. It was given to Crounpis when she came last time.

My own good thing is said to be a good thing that hinders Crownpis's slashing on the hilly battlefield. Although it is not a very powerful weapon, it can be regarded as a good way to improve one's own skills for Nue who has no equipment.


After taking the trident, Nue left the city and headed for the lava pool that spewed out poisonous hot air from time to time. He walked on the plank road that was scorched by the hot air, doing actions that a dwarf would never do - risking being killed.

The "danger" smelled by the hot air was peeking towards the lower side of the plank road.

"This is it." When she saw red clothes hanging on the lower rack, she jumped down.

Just before it felt like the heat might take a toll on HP——

"Ha!" Nue suddenly stuck the trident on the mountain wall, jumped up with a twist, and stood on the trident.

"Hey! An Qi, are you there?"

Angel is the "nickname" of the Fire Dragon Grass Fairy.

At first, maybe it was just because they had different attributes from Ice Dragon Grass. The appearance of the Fire Dragon Grass Fairy and the Ice Dragon Grass Fairy Cirno were simply poured out of the same mold. The only difference was that the color was red.

What? Do you think this can become a red and blue CP? No, the attributes are too incompatible. Just using skills next to each other will cancel them out, and the Fire Dragon Grass, which is only level 30, will also damage its own HP.

Let's go back to the name. Because the color and attributes are like this, when Crounpis was asked what her name should be, she casually said Fire Cirno's name. It was really casual.

But this would be confusing, but as fairies who summon and create monsters to be born, fairies basically have no particularly rebellious ideas. If you want to mention the case of the fairy who went to the sea by himself - then treat it as silent.


Therefore, Nue and the Fire Dragon Grass Fairy briefly argued several times about how to shorten the term "Fire". Fire was too direct, and the level of the original indigenous fairy Elfin was too tasteless to be ignored. Finally, after talking to

Roman pronunciation related to "fire": Choosing between Anqiya (achii) and atsui (atsui). Nue thinks the latter sounds simple, but the fire dragon grass fairy thinks it is taller and taller.

In the end, she called herself Achii cirno, and Nue casually called Achi, who could be called a "nickname".

Hearing Nue's voice, An Qiya poked her head out of the lava.

"Exercise diligently, you-" Nue curled her lips a little unhappy.

I see others working harder than me in certain aspects, but I have to avoid the same things. In addition, An Qiya's level is not even half of my own, so I have immunity to An Qiya's fire attribute (

The feeling of envy, jealousy and hatred (sixth level and below).

"How about a fight?" Anqiya raised her fingers provocatively. Perhaps it was because she was similar to the Ciruno plant species, and she also had a warrior's heart.

"Okay, come up."

"No, you come down."

"Come up here. What's the point of hiding in your own home court!"

"Come down here. Even if your level is less than half of yours, I'll fill you with sticky hot lava and beat you up."

"you come up."

"get down."

"you come up."

"get down."


The two sides went back and forth more than ten times like primary school students.

Finally, Nue remembered what he was here for: "Forget it, I don't have time to compete with you. Have you seen Pisi's pet hamster?"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh..." Anqiya looked like she was thinking seriously for a moment before she said, "The dwarves complained that feeding them was troublesome. I heard that they moved to Feo Lanzo, a cave some distance away from the surface.

There are also plenty of herbivorous monsters outside. I will occasionally go to the surface to increase my food supply."

"Really? Thanks, bye."

In order to speed up, Nue continuously waved the sickle-arrow tentacles on his back and passed through several dangerous cliffs that ordinary people could only avoid. It only took one-third of the normal time to cross half of the country and reach the surface.

Even so, from the last time Crownpis contacted until now, the dark sky that was just falling at night has already brightened.

Nue was a little agitated. It took so long. He wouldn't be scolded by Clawnpisi then, right?

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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