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Chapter 66: Orthodox Nobility VS Rebellious Royal Family

Fundilete's defensive magic was violently shattered by ten slashes from the front of the leader of the Golden Guards. The impact caused her to lose balance at her feet and she spun into the wall.

The leader of the Golden Guards took advantage of the situation and planned to launch a pursuit from outside the possible range of Fundirete's direct magic attack. Fundirette fell down and aimed a sliding shovel at the door hole under his crotch.

"Hmph!" The leader of the Golden Guards showed a burst of contempt. This kind of opportunistic response must be good against ordinary soldiers, but for a person of his level, it is easy to immediately adjust his posture and kick him.

If Shuchi maintains his high speed, with his strength and the strength of his metal boots, he can easily kick her in the stomach and cause her to splatter with blood for five steps.

Just when he changed his posture and prepared to kick down——

The movement of the lower body was suddenly hindered unexpectedly, and he lost his balance and hit the wall with a harder impact than Fundirete.

"Goooo!" He exhaled the air from his lungs. He slowly realized that his belt had been ripped off and his pants had slipped down. How did he do it? Let alone the problem of hand speed. He was wearing full-body plate armor. Where did he come from?


For the same reason, he couldn't put on his pants quickly using emergency measures.

"Hee." Fundilete, who was holding her belt in her hand, rolled over, got up on one knee, and dodged the [Water Sky Slash] shot from Karius.

"Fortunately, I have been replenishing myself with Wrightfegard's demonic power these days, and I have done nothing wrong." She was a little shocked.

If she could, she really wanted to steal more critical weapons and equipment, but unfortunately the Demon of Wrightfegard couldn't do it, so she had to settle for the next best thing. In fact, it might be more effective to catch the leader's big pants, but the girl really couldn't do it.


"Ha!" Karius's big upper slash slashed forcefully as he approached.


With a crisp "applause", Karius's eyes widened for a moment. He knew very well that Fundirete's ability as a warrior was only slightly better than that of ordinary soldiers, but she actually put her palms together and used her bare hands to kill him?


"Oh, even though you can't steal the sword, you can still use that power to attract my hand to your sword. [charm person]."

"[Mind of undeath]]."

Fundirete tightly clamped Karius' weapon and launched spiritual magic at close range, while Karius strengthened his mental response.

"[Double Magic·Lightning]]!"

"[Magic shield]!"

Fundirete then released a penetrating thunderbolt, one hitting Karius's facade directly, and the other leading along the sword. Karius immediately cast defensive magic.

When it comes to magic, Fundirete is much more skilled than Karius. She firmly controls the main attack, forcing the opponent to defend and then defend. If there is a slight flaw, Karius will definitely use magical martial arts to attach it to the sword.

Force her to let go.

It's a pity that Karius is a prince. If he were a warrior with some experience, or just an old soldier, he would just kick Fundilete in the pretty face right now.

This time there was a brief stalemate.

At this time, the leader of the Golden Guards was about to regroup.

"[Double magic·earth bind]!" Fendirete shouted.

In response to her shouts, the soil sprang out like a whip, making Karius and the leader of the Golden Guards alert.

Then what happened next was beyond their expectations. The dirt did not wrap around them. One tied up the treasure chest and threw it towards the leader of the Golden Guards. The other exploded on the spot, and the dust flew towards Karius' face and eyes!

If he were tied up directly, he would probably be able to use his magic to offset it and tie the fight. It would have to be an unexpected blow to create a flaw.

"Ah! Despicable!"

"Your Highness!"

The leader of the Golden Guards casually swung an [Air Slash] at the treasure chest to knock it away. He had no time to pay attention to any tricks and baits. He had to defeat Fundilete as soon as possible. However, this blow revealed the true appearance of the treasure chest - that

It’s a treasure chest-shaped monster that serves as a trap!

This blow completely turned the hatred towards him, and the Mimic jumped towards him, leaving him unable to care about the other side.

Fundirete took the opportunity to twist the sword to the side with both hands, knocked over Karius, grabbed the wand sword, and swung a wind blade in the room, causing dust to fly in the room that was already covered with dirt. Taking advantage of this flaw,

She used her magic [fly] to pick up Ashley and quickly rushed out of the room, flying in the passage at high speed to escape.

"You are such a weak soul, have you lost your noble dignity to monsters?"

Behind her, Karius's roar could be heard, as well as the sounds of collisions and clashes between them and the Mimics.

"Idiot, when necessary, feelings, likes and dislikes must come second to action. When necessary, do it without hesitation. Isn't this what you have been taught since childhood? You are the one who is unqualified, right, the former Crown Prince."

Fundirete naturally doesn't like shameful and despicable methods. If others do this to her, she will definitely be very angry. But facing a battle that is difficult to win, she will be finished if she doesn't do this. She still has to do something

Things. For this reason, what's the harm in her temporarily throwing away her dignity?

"What the hell is this! [water whip]!"

"Your Highness, it's dangerous! [Super enhanced ability], [Weakness perception]! Drink!"

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!"

Feeling the sound fade away, Fundirete breathed a sigh of relief.

"Um, will your highness the prince and the knight be okay?" Ashley showed a little worry. After all, the other party was the emperor's son and an important figure in the knights.

Even if they have a problem, killing them here would be bad for them.

"...The monster's level is over 50, but its moving speed is very slow. If they can wake up and run away, they should be fine. It seems that it is not safe at all. Ashley, it seems that it will be delayed. Use the summoning magic that you are good at.



"Ah ho ho ho ho ho!"

There was a roar from the corner ahead, and Fundirete suddenly stopped, and a one-handed broadsword as huge as a guillotine fell in front of them.

A huge figure that completely occupied the passage rushed out from the corner, and its huge sweeping legs, like wall pillars, hit the two of them!

"[Magic arrow]!"

Fundilete's instant magic was faster, and the golden arrow hit a brick on the ground that was no different from a floor tile. Then, an automatic saw like a chainsaw sprang out from the wall, cut through the passage, and cut the huge

The figure's legs were cut off neatly!

In the game, this is actually a mechanism that can instantly kill a level 60 device. The problem is that when it becomes reality, it is much sharper than an ordinary saw. Even if it is sharp enough to cut apart holy relic equipment, just cutting off the legs will not kill anyone instantly.


(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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