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Chapter 155 The Second Six-Party Talks

After Clunpis saw the fleets of other countries coming to join as promised, she asked Star to send a signal to them.

The order seemed normal, but Costa immediately complained: "Pisi, you idiot, how can you send a signal when we are clearly 'not' here?"

They did not participate in this war in name, but if they followed secretly but did not help and were exposed, it would make historians question it for many years.

"..." Crownpis was silent for a few seconds and tried her best to reply, "If Michaelis doesn't understand or forgets to send the signal, you can use it as a supervisory contact to remind you of the progress."

"Ha, Piz is right, I understand." Star smiled and clapped her hands in mockery.

However, Michaelis was quite competent. When the scheduled time came, pillars of fire were shot upward from the top of the ship, and seven fireworks arranged in a designated order burst into the air.

Countries that send warships to prepare to participate in a joint crusade have two conditions: 1. Because they have "Yggdrasil" heritage and technology in the country, they have been violated by the "Blood Chain God Group" or they have found out that there is a "Blood Chain God Group" organization in the country;

Second, it must have a sufficiently powerful navy with cross-sea combat capabilities.

However, judging from the communication level in this world and the gap between races that are almost equal to the differences between species, joint operations are really difficult. However, considering that the "Blood Chain God Group" has deployed multiple combat forces close to level 100, these countries cannot help but abandon race on the surface.

Former suspicions unite.

Even so, even if the enemy's lair is identified, the target is established, and the strategy and time for joint operations are determined, no one is willing to reveal their combat strength in advance and select a commander-in-chief. Now the armies are far apart from each other to avoid exposure.

They hold a final meeting to coordinate their respective operations before the formal joint expedition, but the biggest purpose of the meeting is to avoid the possibility of getting in each other's way and stabbing each other in the back.

The meeting place was taken over by Titania's ship. This was also because the Alsace battleship and the Normandy-class battlecruiser were not their strongest battleships. Let them see it on the Holland-class light cruiser used for the meeting.


Even if the ships are ten to twenty nautical miles apart, it doesn't take long to use flight magic.

Kroenpis and Star did not participate, and were only responsible for watching the show through the wall to prepare for unexpected events. In fact, because many places have not followed the script recently, they were specifically responsible for supervision. If necessary, they would consider contacting Nue's Chimera clones.

Megaris ordered her undead elf subordinates to lead everyone into the war conference room.

As expected, when they passed the deck and the cabin aisle, their eyes kept spinning, as if they wanted to take photos of all the details and keep them in their minds.

The presence is basically the standard configuration of one representative attending the meeting and one attendant.

What surprised the goblins who were secretly observing was that the representatives of the Theocracy were Wuyi and the angel Ankelil who had been transformed by them before, and a leopard-headed warrior with only light armor and fur with a pretty pattern on his body.

The beast-eared girl with the veil covering her face is 100% a match made by the descendants of the players. They actually appear on the same stage.

"Everyone has come from all over the world and is willing to condescend to come to our ship. Thank you for your hard work, Your Excellencies. I am Michaelis, who is the commander of the Titania Front this time. Please give me your advice."

First, Michaelis put her hands together to greet her, and everyone else introduced their identities and positions——

The generals of the Bajas Empire: Aix-Ji Fordor Fried, a hereditary noble of the navy; the generals of the Holy Kingdom of Roble: Lanza Candino, one of the "Nine Colors"; and the representatives of the Dragon Kingdom:

Sabrik Angus; the representative of the Silian Theocracy: Wuyi; the representative of the Lionheart Kingdom: Gakul Ampati.

The Elf Kingdom also planned to participate in the war, but the country did not have a navy and therefore had no right to speak. At Victoria's request and coordination, it did not participate in the command and only sent a few hundred troops to Titania's command.

These were the only five groups of representatives who came to the meeting room of the Holland. If the first two were influenced by their family background and bloodline talents, the latter three were indeed able to obtain their positions through their own efforts and the ideas of their superiors. The goblin could see

Gotta come out.

"As the organizer of the conference, I should entertain everyone, but due to the barriers between various countries and races, smooth communication has not been possible before, so I think if I have to start from scratch, there will not be enough time, and the speech will be roundabout and test other countries that have nothing to do with this quelling the chaos.

I’ll skip the intelligence stuff and let’s talk about the main point. Let’s just talk about this war to quell the rebellion. Let’s announce the results. Do you have any objections?”

No one present publicly expressed dissent.

Then, Wu Yi spoke up: "According to the Theocratic State's intelligence reports, the enemy also has a number of flying battleships that pose a threat to ground and sea forces, plus the captured ghost battleships. Although the number is unknown, those who are presumably excluding individuals are

The biggest threat besides elite combat power. The Theocracy has never been attacked by aerial battleships. Can you please provide detailed information from the countries that have fought with it?"

In addition to Titania, the Holy Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom were also attacked by flying battleships, and the Lionheart Kingdom was attacked by an old ghost battleship from the Empire that was shot down during the "Hundred Days of Humanity" war but could not be repaired and sank into the sea.


"In order to defend against that kind of warship, we sacrificed many of our brothers and provided information to humans in vain. What benefits can we get?" said the leopard-headed man Gakul with a rather ferocious expression towards humans.

But if you know about orcs, you will understand that the expression is not as ferocious as imagined.

Although he expected to bargain, Wu Yi was unexpectedly cheerful and said: "Our country has a secret treasure that can control the evil zodiac transcendent and transform it into a more powerful loyal angel. Therefore, we have captured and controlled an important enemy cadre. We can provide it."

How about all the information you got from it?"

If it is the enemy's black masked man, the intelligence value contained in it is definitely greater than that of the flying battleship, but everyone looks bad. Because the focus of Wuyi should be the previous sentence, they have the ability to control the enemy's transcendent

, even if they dare not attack many countries as enemies, if they manage to use the secret treasure to take all the transcendants and cadres of the "Blood Chain God Group" as their own, the balance of national power will undergo terrible changes in the future.

Mai is not a stupid and frank person either.

Then they started bargaining.

Of course, Cronpis and Star were secretly observing.

Crounpis: "Xiao Nue's Chimera clone really doesn't have any extra information about me, right?"

Star: "Although full power has been given to Xiao Nue, I can guarantee this."

Crounpis: "Speaking of which, the secret treasure that the maid and miko mentioned is the 'Allure of the City'. Isn't it okay to reveal the trump card like this?"

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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