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Chapter 184 Lightning Strike

"Why did it turn into a normal perfect ending?" Alice No. 107 said with an expression like "I'm ready, just show me this."

She threw down the crystal she had recorded in her hand and thought: "Anyway, I took photos of some good things worth teasing earlier. Just giving them to dad like this should be enough to entertain her... No, I don't know if this will be good for her.

As for what kind of impact dad has had, let’s report it truthfully first.”


Crescent Lake (Sea)——

"Boom! Boom!"

The Imperial Glory battleship, which was relying on its high maneuverability to constantly dodge shells and still press against Titania's ghost battleship, suddenly triggered a huge explosion amidships. Raging waves slapped the side of the ship, and the water column rushed over the hull.

At such a height, the explosion caused the entire ship to fly out of the water.

Although the ghost ships in this world have the ability to float, in a serious naval battle, in order to reduce the area affected by bombs, and when it is determined that there are no underwater combat units, the hull will still be immersed in the water to keep the waterline as low as possible.

At this moment, he was rushed out of the sea. The terrible impact caused the keel of the ship to be torn apart in many places. The two-hundred-meter-long battleship was broken into four sections. The negative energy escaped and he died.

The ghost battleship turned into a real sunken ship and quickly disappeared on the sea.

"Wha--" Seeing this scene, Clawnpis whistled.

"Is the effect of torpedoes destroying ships so terrible? Ah, I almost forgot that their bones are just piles of wood." She said to herself.

"If their warships are not this kind of ironclads but warships with the same structure as here, this trick will not work." Brinkmann said.

"Ah, it's true. It doesn't hurt to punch a few holes in the ghost ship. Fortunately, the torpedo explosion principle is different, and the ghost ship they made will not have the ability to be immune to secondary physical phenomena."

However, the same method seems to be ineffective. Because of the sinking of the Imperial Glory, the Imperial Reputation, the only remaining Imperial battleship among the mutinous battleships, began to emerge from the water. Even if it could not leave the attack range here, it could avoid coming from the enemy.

Terrifying attacks underwater.

But in this way, the opponent's bullet-receiving area increases, and the trajectory has to be more curved, making it easier to dodge and hit.

"But, that ship is a dreadnought..." Crownpis pretended to look at the sunken ship with a telescope, ignoring the new battle situation.

"My subordinates believe that the types of ships should not be classified solely based on their appearance."

"..." Crounpis was speechless at this. Originally, she regarded the boat as a toy, and of course the appearance was what she paid attention to.

"Well, let's keep up the good work anyway. The empire is already in tatters anyway, and sinking another fleet will do the same."

Crounpis, who needed a distraction for the time being, received a contact from Star.

[Pisi, was your existence deprived by the outside world just now? 】

[Ah? Star, can you sense it? 】

[No, I received the report from Alice No. 107.]

Then Star relayed the situation there.

Crownpis then turned around and left the bridge, found a room that was not in the way of the battle, opened the small [Yellow Springs Hirazaka], touched the head of Alice No. 107, and took out the recorded image crystal, and clicked on it.


"Haha, hehe, hehe..." After laughing happily, Crounpis said to herself, "Meili is at a big loss now. Although this Fundirete's strength as a human is lower than that of Meili,

It was a third higher, but the level of 'Dream Summoning' was a full 30 levels higher, and before Alice 107 interrupted further replacements, the attendant girl was also affected. It may be necessary to confirm the creation of Granbell.

What about the method of offspring? The difference can’t just be that my human form and her human form have opposite genders, right? Otherwise, what will be the result if I try it with her? Hee hee hee.”

【Well done, Alice No. 107.】

【Thank you very much for the compliment, Dad.】

One sentence was enough, and Crounpis hung up the communication line between Alice No. 107 and her without saying a few words.

[Pisi, are you still here?] This time it’s Star again.

【Ah, yes.】

[I haven’t finished what I said just now. But for us transcendants in the ordinary world below, the next thing is the focus. 】

[You already said it was the mortal world...]

[Even if we direct and act by ourselves and the script almost gets out of hand and is not exposed, it is troublesome to control the public's reputation for us. We may not pay much attention to it, but when the local temple is having a headache about it, there happens to be a person who just appears.

A person who can guide people's thoughts and is suitable to be a saint - if she can consciously control her power.】



Suddenly there was a terrible sound outside. From the direction, it was coming from our own camp.

"Hey! The only remaining ship, the Holland, suffered an explosion of ammunition and sank in two battles! Are the imperial dignitaries who were salvaged okay?" Crownpis shouted to the bridge.

[It's okay, I took them to the Alsace... Of course, I restricted the scope of my activities to avoid leaking information about this technically confidential battleship.] Migalis joined the group chat.

[Migalis, when did you come in?] Star asked.

[Isn’t it just now? Oh, you want to ask me how I knew about Pisi’s problem? Captain Brinkman reported it immediately after hearing it. 】

I wish I didn't hear Crown Peace and Star discussing the issue of directing and acting.

[Migalis, can we guarantee victory with minimal losses if this continues?] Star pretended to change the focus and changed the subject.

[I tried my best. Fortunately, I have temporarily stored the large number of landing troops I prepared in my underworld. There will not be heavy losses caused by the sinking of several other countries' troop transport ships. However, because my underworld is the so-called 'underground'

, they must be released when landing. Unfortunately, there is no way to support the battle at sea.】

[Anyway, keep going, Michaelis. Just focus on this matter first... Now continue the lightning strike battle to maintain the advantage.] Crounpis gave symbolic encouragement.

【Understood.】Migalis agreed and exited the group chat.

[Star, what did you say about a saint just now? Are the duties different from the duties of the Miko Princess that my believers granted Meili without permission? 】

[This is something they plan to plan themselves, and they will continue to pay attention to the details later. But I think the saint is the kind of person who usually puts it as a vase, and when necessary, it is enough to take it out to gather people's hearts and boost morale. But this is something we have complete control over

What happened after her and her power. Let’s also talk to Sunny, the Pope.】

(to be continued)

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