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Chapter 194 The battle of the Titania natives

[Find some smarter guys.] Star suggested to Migalis in the communication.

【Ah, just in time, there are two clever ones in front of me.】

Michaelis had no fear of the warship made of the magic tree material of Crounpith. The reason why she didn't make a move even though she was already close to a suitable distance for impact was just to be wary of the kind of warship that was not bad in terms of strength but just disagreed with her.

There are people who self-destruct and people who have mastered banishing objects into the turbulence of time and space.

But the opponent actually "gives up on himself" and directly uses the warship to ram it, which at least means there is no room for dispatch here.

Even without the power of Crownpiss, the Old Black Devil soared much faster than the fastest other power ships in this era. At this time, it had already approached more than a thousand meters despite all kinds of artillery fire.

There was a space fluctuation on the old Black Devil, and a goblin with mushroom hair landed on the barrel of the front turret pointing directly to the opposite side.

"Oscar Kabisi." She bowed politely to the bridge, "If you are willing to stay there quietly, your death will be easier."

This startled Grint, who was in charge of the ship, but he quickly reacted and shouted: "Don't aim at the opposite side with your next blow, just fire!"

The turrets of the old Black Devil were arranged very reasonably in order to have a good shooting range. The turrets on the bow of the ship were arranged in a piggy-back stepped manner. Even if Oscar stood on a turret, there were more than ten large and small gun ports.

Can target her.


A large number of shells exploded at the bow of the ship, but no one was worried that the ship would sink as a result. These were negative explosive grenades, and hitting the ghost battleship was like repairing or strengthening it.

"What's wrong? Have you become nervous or excited? Your breathing will be more rapid, and your body will be excited and hot. It is indeed a good breeding ground. I told you, it will be easier if you don't move."

Grint quickly turned around and found that the other crew members all looked like zombies inexplicably, with different expressions, and mushrooms sprouting from their bodies at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Oscar, just lean against the door.

When Grint saw Oscar who had invaded in an unknown way, he did not panic and immediately reacted and drew his one-handed sword.

Although he is a commander, he naturally has less time to practice, but he also has the confidence as a warrior. The sword is also a magic sword given by the superiors of the "Blood Chain God Group". Of course, this sword looks so uncomfortable in front of the transcendent.


He seemed to see himself rushing to death resolutely for the ideals of the organization. This was the last but most shining battle in his life. The sparks that bloomed may be insignificant, but they were enough to start a prairie fire and illuminate everything in the vastness. This was not

Is that pretty good too?

Oscar lowered his head and took one last look at Grint, who was covered in mushrooms and lying there with a silly smile. He turned and left the bridge and whispered: "Violent movements and passionate emotions are good nutrients. You

Just indulge in the poisonous dream and slowly turn it into nourishment. Yes, isn't this good?"

When she appeared, she had a perfect chance of victory. Her spores had been spread throughout the ship. All the life in the ship that needed to breathe normally was turned into nutrients. The mushrooms grew wildly and turned into tentacles to strangle.

He stubbornly resisted everything and sprayed poison, knocking down all the remaining racial crew members who had special breathing and escaped.

In the end, the old Black Devil gradually lost all control and crashed into the sea.

"Elle! Cicily! Please!" Oscar, who didn't know how to drive a ghost ship, leaned out of the side of the ship and shouted down.

Aier is a water elemental demon who is now integrated with the sea water; Cicily, as a wetland fairy, is also her home in the coastal environment, which is similar to a wetland.

They were driven by Crounpith to fight and earn experience to the point of dying. Although they did not have matching high-level abilities and had no levels, the benefits of high levels were immediately reflected, that is, the amount of material they could control as elemental creatures.

Increased substantially.

Elle transformed into a giant that was half as tall as the old Black Demon battleship and stood up from the water. This size was not big enough to lift the battleship, but it was enough to serve as a buffer.

Sisili was lying on the seabed with a depth of less than ten meters under the surface of the sea. She controlled the tentacles formed from the seabed mud to rush out of the sea, trying to entangle the huge warship that was about to fall into the water.

"Boom!" The bodies of Sisili and Elle collapsed greatly under the tremendous pressure caused by the huge bodies touching the sea. Fortunately, this pure physical damage was harmless to beings like them with elemental creature properties.

Originally, it was not their mission to rescue the battleship, but now there is no sign of the enemy Transcendent being dispatched, so there is now a surplus of manpower. Although the god who rules them has some "that" character, but the rewards and punishments are clear, they can still do it.

The old Black Hawk was no longer on their radar.

The old Black Hawk was smaller in size, and all the weapons on its surface were crystallized and solidified by the spar fairy Cordia; the guardian fairy Kukarika once again transformed into a huge form with long arms and legs, grabbing the side of the ship and pulling the entire ship hard.

The boat turned upside down and rocked wildly.

If there were people inside who were at least level 30-40, they wouldn't be able to sit still and wait for death in this situation. But now they can't do anything but struggle pointlessly. No, even if Kukarika and Cordia don't

At their current level, with their original level, intelligence and abilities, they were enough to secretly sneak into the old Black Hawk battleship and start a massacre.

It would indeed be useful if intelligent creatures could create or obtain technologies that far exceeded their own physical capabilities. However, with the current power system and technological level in this world, racial characteristics and personal strength still determine the situation. If quality and energy are measured,

To overturn it, it means that the quality is not big enough, but the converse is not completely true.


Where the battlecruiser Languedoc sank just now, a burst of water appeared from the inside of a lifeboat that had been flipped upside down, and Star's head popped out of it.

"Although I transferred to a next-level warship as a precaution, I didn't expect such a bad situation to happen..." Star concluded in a low voice.

She would regularly monitor the situation at the headquarters of the "Blood Chain God Group", and then an unexpected counterattack occurred this time.

It was still an eighth-level [explosion], but at this level, defense was easy. She defended reflexively. Unexpectedly, it was a trap to determine the enemy's reaction and strength. It would be better if she didn't defend.

Her defense was followed by a series of ninth-level magic attacks from the air. She was able to resist part of it, but the ship was not so resistant.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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