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Chapter 197 Props for establishing a game guild

Star secretly thought that other matters could be put in a row, and then said: "This is not something that can be solved by our efforts, or can it be solved by your current status, Pisi, by tying players and NPCs affiliated to the guild to study it?

?If it’s possible, I think it’s okay to do it as soon as you’re ready.”

After listening to Star's words, Cronpis took out a transparent sphere and threw it around in his hands, grinning and saying: "But before that, owning a guild is the key point. Generally, players can only carry their property with them, but owning a guild

I think that's what she does. Temporarily remotely summon paid items that use guild property. In this way, it is impossible to judge what kind of weapon combination this opponent will use. It is really useful to use this among the same level.

It’s very troublesome.”

"Haha, Pisi is so upset on purpose, so she must have a clue," Star said, leaning forward slightly and looking at Crown Pisi.

"That's it." Crownpiss placed the ball in the middle of the table, "Players can click to build a union stronghold on the spot - of course the guild members, the terrain and location of the building must meet the guild building requirements before it can be activated."

"Could this be the thing that 'Destroy the Country' thinks triggers the trap? The Platinum Dragon King also collected all the props and redistributed them. Pisi, you really won't lose yourself, ha. So, are you going to use it?" Star

said happily.

From Star's point of view, this planet probably won't be able to hold down the future Crounpith, so we have to consider the absence of Crounpith and a few high-level fairies who have the ability to travel through the planes. If there is a guild base

, the defensive trump card will also increase.

But how to use it probably needs to be considered in the long term. Crounpis hasn't mentioned it until now. She only brought it up after seeing Wu Yi's seemingly lame behavior. There must be a reason.

It's just that Crounpis poured cold water on Star, which was a bit unexpected: "But I can't use it. This thing is not used by a player character, so it doesn't seem to have any reaction."

She hit the transparent sphere to make a "ding-dong-dang" sound.

"...How about using Pisi's high-level personality to analyze and use this?"

"We can forcefully draw out part of the power by scrapping it, but if Star is going to use it, will he be satisfied with this method? If there is an urgent need for combat power and strongholds at a critical moment, forget it. There is no urgent need now, right?"

He raised his head and spread his hands.

Star rolled his eyes and said: "I understand, this thing will find a way here."

"Ah?" Crounpis didn't react. She didn't have a good idea for a while. What could Star do?

This is not something that can only be accomplished with IQ and intelligence network.

The only role the intelligence network can play here is...

"Ah, let me tell you, are you going to request or simply tie up a player? It is absolutely not okay to hand it over to outsiders. The authority may be taken away at any time." Crounpis said uncertainly.

"Anyway, Pisi doesn't have any other good ideas at the moment." Star said with a smile.

Seeing how confident Star was, Crownpis thought that there would be no additional losses anyway, so he agreed.

Then, Star opened several [crystal monitors].

Above are scenes of fighting in various places.

Crounpis: "The Theocracy's attributes are really very restrained against the undead. With her in control, without Megaris taking action, the native subordinates can end up safely. It is said that the necessity of orcs really exists.


In multiple sets of pictures, after Wuyi conquered a level 90 Chimera clone using "Allure the City and the Country", the remaining Chimera clones with levels ranging from 60 to 85 were unable to make a splash.

Although the number of members of the Eighteenth Clan Chiefs has been reduced, and there is a lot of water above level 90, they still have this level and a numerical advantage. Unfortunately, according to Crounpisi's observation, most of these experience points have been taken away by Wu Yi.

In terms of the convenience of killing monsters and gaining experience points, the natives can never compete with the characters who travel through the game.

The armies of the Theocracy and Titania also landed from the rear and rushed into the castle.

The orcs were still fighting on the front battlefield with the remaining soldiers of the "Blood Chain God Group".

The morale and high-firepower weapons of those guys who had been stunned by the naval guns were basically destroyed. Without the Transcendent taking action, it would be enough for the Theocracy to send out a six-color Holy Code troop or Titania to send out one of the patriarch's cronies.

Easily annihilated with zero casualties.

Star said: "Once demi-humans like orcs are unified, they will have the largest population of mammalian demi-humans in civilized society. It is not surprising that they want to maintain their presence in the world. Since they are willing to work for free, why should we?

How much effort? They are not at a loss, for the orcs, every war is a harvest sacrifice. Is there anything else that Pisi is interested in in this battle?"

"Well," Crownpis deliberately sold a pipe, leaned on the table and stared at Star at close range and said with a smile, "Isn't Star interested in the Theocracy's new weapons? Although the range is a bit short for a cannon.

, but that really easily damaged the battleship made of my original material."

Costa looked ignorant: "Didn't Pisi see through the mystery? Even I saw through it. But it's a shame they did it. You know, they have devout faith in gods and even summoned units with sacred attributes."

,Doing that kind of thing really doesn’t tarnish your faith?”

"Hehe, how could it be?" Crounpis sat back on the chair and hugged the back of his head, put his feet on the edge of the table and raised the legs of the chair, and said nonchalantly, "You know, the big goblin and I have always been in single-line contact.

The information she sent back to me is that it is natural for the 'gods and messengers' to fight for people, so it is normal for them to be dedicated to such an extent. The principle is similar to the 'gold' system."

"Pisi! You didn't tell me such important information!"

"Eh? Is this important?"

"Isn't this importance reflected now? It is true that faith can only judge the spirit and bottom line of a person or organization at most, but in a world of faith-based magic, this is not necessarily the case." Star said on the ship of the Silian Theocracy.

Knocked on the magic image.

[summon legion heavenly], which was developed through Star's information on heroic spirit replacement magic that was leaked by Star, after so many years, it seems that the Silian Theocracy has now been able to use the power of faith related to gods to a considerable extent.


To put it bluntly, ordinary people in the Theocracy basically draw their powerful power from angels. Summoning angels above the seventh level requires a considerable amount of magic power, as well as the site and cost of the ritual venue.

As for magic power, it would be there if more people worked together; as for the ceremony site, Clunpis and Star almost agreed that they would move it directly onto a huge battleship.

(to be continued)

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