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Chapter 18 Study Plan

Despite being questioned by Clawnpis, Sunny said she was confident in her ranking——

"Enrollment is our business, and it is very close, so of course it is the first priority. Our children are also our own business, so naturally they are equally important. Everything else can be left to others or solved by time or long-term tasks, so no matter what

It doesn’t matter, right?”

"By the way - am I the only one who doesn't know about the Feilong Tribe?" Clawnpisi said again speechlessly.

"No, I don't know either." Luna agreed.

"Sunny, I really want to hear your explanation as to why my intelligence is worse than yours." Star looked a little unhappy.

"I once stole a magic item for communication. Although it's not easy to use, it's okay with more practice, so I'm talking to other fairies. What's wrong?" Sunny tilted her head.

"Why don't you tell us!" the other three goblins said in unison.

"You didn't even ask, and didn't I say this?"

“We only said this after asking!” x

"Ah, isn't it just half a year? It didn't delay anything. Why are you angry?" Sunny looked aggrieved.

It's only half a year, which is really a short time for fairies with infinite lifespans.

"Oh, it's really okay to say that. If you think about it carefully, I often ignore the importance of consultation, so please forgive Sunny." Crounpis' face almost turned green when she saw the information about the flying dragon tribe, and she sighed.

Was it like this at that time? In fact, the big goblin's infiltration of the Feilong tribe had already begun, and it was going very smoothly. It was really embarrassing for him to indiscriminately regard her arrangement as if the situation was unclear and ask her to retreat.

Fortunately, the big goblin misunderstood again without permission, and adopted the method of teleporting there multiple times and administering light poison. Perhaps it would be better than receiving a large number of dying bodies after a few heavy poisonings. It has no other use than using the relatively good body as material.

The dragon is better.

"Look at it this way, other things either don't require our intervention, or there's nothing to lose even if we don't care about them. It doesn't matter if they are sorted this way. Sunny did a really good job." Crounpis praised again.

"Hehehe, yes." Sunny took advantage of the situation and raised her chin with her hands in hand, looking great.

"As long as there is a means of communication, a living thing can do it." Star continued to undermine him.


"It's just the truth."

"Hey...why do you always like to argue between two people?" Clawnpisi felt helpless.

Sunny and Star like to tease each other in a physical sense, Luna and Star compete with each other in cooking skills, Sunny and Luna... this pair seems to be quite harmonious.

Crowenpis simply clapped her hands: "Okay, okay, there is only one week left until the first batch of students in the college will be promoted to second grade. Although my daughter Granbell is joining the class, she will become our 'senior sister'.

, shouldn’t we consider the major we choose when we prepare to enroll?”

Sonny: "Theology."

Luna: "Civil engineering."

Star: "Alchemy."

Crounpis: "...You guys have already decided, right?" As he said that, there was an extra "#" on his head.

"It's better to say that Pisi is not planning her future well." Star said sarcastically.

Crounpis raised her face with some boredom: "Humph, anyway, I came here to learn magic theory. It must be magic. Excluding you and Granbell, I can only go to the magic department. When the time comes,

Shall we continue exchanging memories?"

"Of course, each of us should not monopolize knowledge!" x

"Excuse me, I want to have some fun over there where warriors are trained...is that okay?" A voice came from under Clawnpith.

Crown Pease: "Xiao Nue? Well, it's up to you. Then, besides the primary enrollment matter, the most important thing we have to do is the second thing."

Sunny: "Hahaha, of course, who dares to make trouble with the dragon that Dajiang has conquered? Isn't it just a shame for us? There is just - there is a problem with the timing. I feel a little bit embarrassed to call Dajiang here every time I teleport.

Ah, Star's teleportation can't bring people."

"Hee hee, hee hee hee." Crounpis smiled and stood up, "This is the time to show the return of the face I gave to mankind. It will be done in one day."


Feilong Tribe——

To the west of the mountains where the flying dragons inhabit is the territory of the empire and part of the edge of the Katz Plain. Here, Crownpis once ordered the frost dragon to place the undead tree here, and let the empire's magic chanters pick it up and transport it back to the imperial capital.


That night, there was a flash of magic here.

Two figures, an old one and a small one, appeared out of thin air.

"Thank you for your hard work, Fluder." Crownpis raised her head and said to Fluder.

"It's not hard at all for my mentor."

"Don't worry, you will be rewarded. You haven't been here before, so take me and fly there. It will be faster."

"Yes." Fluder used magic to create a floating plate, asked Crounpis to stand on it, and then applied [Flying [fl]] to himself, flying with Crounpiss like a horse in a carriage.

Into the air.

After crossing the two mountains, Crownpis saw two rows of dragons lined up on the ground.

Because Crounpis has been here once, she notified her in advance using [ssage], and the dragons here have been trained by other fairies in advance, and her own figurines have been well distributed, so the main features of their appearance can be

Be known by the other party.

Therefore, Crounpis was not surprised at all. At the same time, she secretly sighed that many of the goblins below her were too capable. She basically did not have a good fight with these conquered objects, and always accepted a bunch of complete strangers from time to time.

Bowing down, it feels quite strange.

If he were a true emperor, he might be able to deal with it calmly. With so many subjects, it is normal for him to have many unfamiliar faces that he does not know. However, Crounpisi is not an emperor, nor is he expected to be one.

Before the man and goblin landed on the ground, in order to look more impressive, Crounpisi jumped directly from a place dozens of meters above the ground and landed steadily. This was not the power of magic, but physical ability.

"Huh... I exercised my body balance because of my low level. Although I can't develop bulging muscles, it is good for my proficiency." Kroenpisi, who was worried about bromide, breathed a sigh of relief.

Although if she fails to stand firm, the Mimic Clothes will automatically fix her body, but being able to stand firm on her own is better than anything else.

"We are deeply honored to welcome Lord Rampades here." The largest green dragon who seemed to be in charge of hosting bowed his head and said.

"Yeah." Crounpis responded with a slight nod.

Even if it sounds uncomfortable, you may still listen to it often in the future. Every time you feel uncomfortable, it will never end. Just deal with it simply.

(to be continued)

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