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Chapter 295 Limuru enters the village

"M, American?! Hello? OK?" The guy who looked like the mirror image of Crounpis sat on the ground and greeted Crounpiss with a confused look on his face.

"Stop speaking bad English, there is an automatic translator." Crownpis put her hands on her hands and looked down at him and said.

"Are you Veldora's friend?" she asked.

The other person's eyes widened and he looked very surprised: "I am Rimuru. Do you know Veldora?"

It seems that Rimuru had no vision, hearing, or the ability to sense magic before he met Veldora, otherwise he would have been able to recognize Crownpiss.

"More than just knowing." Crownpis conjured up a mirror and showed it to Rimuru.

Rimuru was even more surprised when he looked between himself and Crounpisi. Except for the subtle difference in height, Rimuru's golden eyes and long straight hair, they were almost the same.

Then he realized what immoral things he was doing in the dense forest late at night, and hurriedly tightened his body and tried to cover the key parts - even though it was completely gone.

Rimuru, who couldn't hide it, simply transformed back into slime form and said, "I'm not an evil slime!"

In an instant, the forest shook, and birds and beasts fled wildly.

Facing this lethal sound wave, Clawnpi's skin felt like a breath of autumn wind. What was a little surprising was that it turned out to be a golden slime. Did it absorb something else under the influence of her butterfly effect?

However, there were some questions. Crounpis asked: "Rimuru, I don't care what the sound principle of your slime form is, but can't the decibel be adjusted better?"

"Um...Sorry, I imitated the sound wave skills of the bat monster to simulate pronunciation. I haven't gotten used to it yet. There is no problem talking to Veldora, but it seems that that can't be the standard. Is it noisy?

Really sorry."

"Well, then apologize to the village in the forest for causing trouble. Why do you look like me?"

"...I want to ask too."

Then they both did the same thing at the same time——

"[The All-Knowing One], tell me what's going on."

"[Great Sage], explain it to me."

[The Omniscient One] and [The Great Sage] have some overlapping abilities, and they actually gave a unified answer like the voice of the world——

"Report. Through the storm dragon Veldora, Rimuru was given the name 'Hekatia Tempest', and she and Clawnpis Lilith Heka, who had built the soul corridor with Veldora earlier,

Tia Lampades forms a series circuit, because the latter is a spiritual creature..."

"Stop! The Soul Corridor or something... keep it simple!" Unlike Crounpis who listened patiently, Rimuru said that novices should just listen to the conclusion.

"Addict." The unique skill [Predator] indirectly obtains the magic element of Crounpis Lilith Hekatia Rampades, and integrating it with [Great Sage] is equivalent to preying on part of her, and obtains

The ability [similar to fairy transformation] and some of its abilities, the appearance refers to the prey."

Then, the specific abilities he obtained were listed in front of Limu's eyes, which made him dizzy. He simply threw them aside and solved the urgent need first——

"[Great Sage], can you get me some clothes?"

"Report. You can imitate the ability of Clawnpith Lilith Hekatia Rampades to construct clothing. Do you want to imitate it?"

"Yes, I definitely want it, but please change the style."

He really didn't know why he had the nerve to wear the clown costume that was modified from the American flag, and he was too embarrassed to ask.

Finally, Rimuru constructed a suit that mimicked the demonic transformation, and tied her long golden hair into a low ponytail behind her back.

He looked at the mirror conjured by Crounpisi just now. Although there were still many places he wanted to explore, it was not the time to do this, and he was relatively satisfied with this "simple" shape.

"Although slime's body is very convenient in many aspects, it still feels real like it has hands, feet and a head." He sighed to himself and asked Crounpis, "How about clothes like this?"

He doesn't know the aesthetics of this world. If Clawnpisi is in an ordinary state, then he is too big.

"Well, I think there is no problem. There are many races in this world, so the clothes are also different. How about I take you to a nearby village first?" Cronpis asked.

"Oh, okay. Thank you so much."

They were still walking along the forest path. During the journey, Rimuru obviously regarded Crounpis as a resident here. He was still the kind of person who knew Veldora well and kept asking questions.

Crownpis only said that she was passing by to talk to Veldora and was not a local race. She introduced the settings of some novels about the Jura Great Forest to Rimuru as "hearsay" that may not be accurate.

, and also told him not to go near human towns until he learned to completely hide the monster's aura even if he turned into a human form.

There are barriers to block monsters, and those who break through will be punished. Especially the Western Holy Church, an organization that is basically a "human supremacist", has basically brought all Western countries into its sphere of influence; the Eastern Empire has been waiting for an opportunity to invade the West.

It is also not friendly to the Jura Forest race in the middle.

Rimuru was somewhat disappointed and annoyed about this. You must know that before he was reincarnated into a slime, he was a real human being, and it was natural that he would be more friendly to humans. However, in his current state, most humans seem to be hostile.

Crownpis also told Rimuru how letting Veldora "disappear" might cause turmoil in the surrounding area, and that the Jura Great Forest might be about to be invaded, so he should be responsible for this.

"Ah...a war of aggression...I really don't want to encounter this kind of thing." Rimuru sighed.

Crownpis was a little bit slanderous about whether your country is qualified to say this, but there is no point in saying this to someone who was a white-collar worker in a company in her previous life. She has done similar things herself, so it would be unreasonable to complain here.

"Well, maybe it's easier than you think." Crounpiss shrugged, "After all, you are helping my friend break the [Infinite Prison], and you are living in my face. If something bad happens, I will

It’s troublesome, anyway, this is just a chance encounter, I have other things to do and I will leave soon. Before that, I will reluctantly arrange a place for you to live that is easy to develop."

"Thank you so much."

After a while, Crownpis followed Ligulas's footsteps and arrived at the Goblin Village.

The simple environment made Rimuru, who was accustomed to civilized life in his previous life, almost want to frown, but having experienced the life of ordinary monsters, he immediately understood that this was rude. There were a few beauties with curvy goblins that caught his eye.


The arrival of Crounpisi was warmly greeted, and the goblins also prepared barbecue and tea.

(to be continued)

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