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Chapter 50 Fairy Dance

Crownpis didn't want to cause trouble at the dance party, but she didn't expect that Sunny, who was acting as a shield as her best friend, would still be entangled by a self-respecting aristocratic child.

So, Sunny, it’s over to you!

This is what male companions do.

As a result, Sunny actually squeezed Crounpisi's hand without saying a word and prepared to walk away.

"Hey! Boy, do you know who I am! I'm-"

"As a civilian, just get out of the back and queue up!"

"Wait! I was here first!"

No matter how passive the third person was, Crownpis probably understood - class society is really harsh, but with Crownpis's skills, there was no way to obtain the title of great noble for everyone without any sense of disobedience.

Sunny pulled Crounpisi and walked quickly in the hall, heading to the dance floor. As long as she danced a song first, it would be easy for others to get involved. Even the children of the nobles would not interfere with the dancing.


At this time, some people appearing in Cronpis' field of vision made her feel disobedient, as if she were facing an enemy, so she said: "Sunny, go bump into the waiter holding the tray at ten o'clock."



The waiter seemed to be frightened by Sunny and Cronpis who had "escaped" from the noble siege, and quickly protected several goblets containing expensive drinks on the tray to avoid Sunny's collision.

"Sunny, what do you think? I feel like [Intermediate Magic Invalidation 2] blocked something just now, and he actually did it here!"

"Well, I am now in the form of a mimic demon with high physical parameters instead of a fairy. Even though I didn't take it seriously, I can dodge that blow and am level 25 or above."

Claudius and Sunny pursed their lips secretly.

Even if such people attend the banquet, it is not surprising, but people above level 25 are basically guests in the empire, so how can they be a waiter? And they secretly attack other guests?

"That's enough for me," said Crownpiss, who lost all strength. "Don't go to a dance and meet your 'son-in-law''s parents. What kind of conspiracy will you be involved in?"

"But there's nothing we can do on this occasion. It's time for the next song. Why don't you dance a song first?"

"Hmm... well, who's to say I can't beat them up here? They're lucky, huh!" Crounpis glanced sideways at the nobles who were still there and followed them for some reason, and raised the tip of her nose.

He snorted.

To the brisk music, the goblins and mimics began to dance.

Generally speaking, civilians would at most learn to dance social dances or something like that, but the figures of the two monsters suddenly became so beautiful that they seemed to be performing gracefully.

"Hey, Sonny, are you trying too hard?"

"Ah, it seems so, really...these inferior creatures~"

Unexpectedly, the dance floor actually spontaneously gave up space in the center to these people. That is to say, if we treat this as a stage song and dance performance, Crounpis and Sunny became the starring roles.

"That means, Sonny, those of us who have only practiced dance steps for three days are better than other kids who have been learning since childhood?"

"If human aesthetics is like this, it seems so, Klaus. The people who invited you before also looked at it with straight eyes. It would be better to confirm with their eyes——"

As she spoke, Sunny held one of Crounpisi's hands in time with the rhythm of the music and asked him to raise it.

Kroenpis followed the tune and flipped the petal-like skirt. She turned lightly with her raised hand as the axis and swept her eyes across the entire venue.

The class's top graders, Merriface and third-year student Tajix, also formed a team and acted as backup dancers to watch.

"This is the first time I have seen such a moving dance. Did I really learn it for only three days?"

"Yes, even in the first semester, I still had a rough atmosphere. It's really amazing."

Melphis and Tajix were discussing separately.

There are two pairs of people in the same class, who they are, I only know their names, they are Pliny & Alode, and Sylvie & Cephalus, but I am not familiar with them.

Huh? Why are Will and Melchi here? But since this dance party is nominally a banquet for the top students of the Magic Academy, it's not surprising that they are here.

Melchi takes a fancy to your childhood sweetheart. He seems to have discovered something very scary with a horrified look on his face. Look here, am I so scary?

At this time, Sunny interrupted Crownpis's thoughts about the two strangers——

"Why exactly? Does Klaus know?"

"You know something about it, right? I heard Melphis complain - learning to dance is not as easy as learning combat magic. My body is so sore."

"Really? Human beings are really pitiful."

"Oh, yes."

Cronpis and Sunny couldn't help but feel a little pity for human beings.

It’s easy to understand why—

Fighting requires memorizing various things, not only skills, magic, tactical movements, strategies, experience, cooperation abilities, etc. also need to be accumulated, and dancing also requires the above equivalent things, but it does not require an overly strong body, and dancing also requires

One element that should not appear in combat - movements must be standardized and elegant.

The human race has various organs, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, bones, etc., which are all factors that limit or expand the activities of the human body. Human activities require the driving of these, and the range of movements is limited. Some activities are not limited to months.

Even if you practice on a year-by-year basis, you won’t be able to do it, and if you interrupt it, you will regress.

For example, when humans practice leg pressing, leg pressing is enough in combat. It does not need to touch the face to the feet, but some dances require it. Not only does it need to be done, but it must also be done gracefully, and it also consumes concentration.

Unlike fighting, it is not life-threatening, and it is relatively difficult to stimulate the human body's potential. The reason why dance practice is no less difficult than fighting is to a certain extent due to this reason.

But goblins and mimics are different. Crounpis and Sunny only need to know the movements and remember them firmly. It is easy to do this with the tree goblin's memory, and then they can perfect it by doing it a few times.

Reproduced, much easier than combat practice.

The reason why it is easy to reproduce perfectly can be understood by just cutting open their bodies and taking a look - the fairies embodied by the spirit of plant monsters and the mimic monsters that can change at will, in the non-body form of the human form, are almost single in the body.

It is composed of substances with almost no conspicuous organ structures, and most of the ingested substances are completely absorbed.

That is to say, there are no physical restrictions (on the contrary, no amount of exercise can increase muscle strength), as long as you know the pattern of the movements, you can do them well.

That's why Crounpis and Sunny lamented that human beings are pitiful and inferior creatures. What they can easily do in a few times, humans have to spend a lot of time and energy to barely do. These are not pitiful inferior creatures, but


After the song ended, Crownpis and Sunny retreated outside the dance floor to the applause.

This method does work, and it seems that I don’t have to worry about being pestered by boring people for the time being.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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