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Chapter 251 The divine tree under the sky

Crounpis, Chloe and Alice were taken to the high altitude of the stratosphere by bungee jumping in the Magic Kingdom theme park.

The children had no idea about the relationship between altitude and the thinness of the air, and had no doubts about the current situation. They admired the different scenery they saw at high altitudes.

Suddenly, the sense of urgency caused by the elastic potential energy of the elastic belt was relaxed and disappeared——

"Where is it broken?" Chloe was surprised.

"Who designed and made it?" Alice screamed.

"Mr. Veldora." Crownpiss read.

"That uncle, ahhhhhhhhh! I knew he wouldn't come!" Having lived in the Demon Country for a long time, Alice naturally knows what happened to Veldora, the legendary God of Destruction among humans and the legendary patron saint of monsters.

What kind of virtue is it?

"There is no other way, go down slowly, and you can just enjoy the scenery with peace of mind." Clawnpisi threw the broken strap aside, hugged a child with one hand, spread her wings, and landed slowly.

Children are not required to use their own skills to protect themselves.

"Is it exciting? Let's go down there." Crounpis rubbed their heads and said.

"It just so happens that there are still many places around the Magic City that we haven't explored yet. It's just a good time to see if there are any other good places to go." Naturally, Alice, who was being held, had nothing to worry about and looked at the scenery with peace of mind.

Then the children took out their telescopes from nowhere and looked around.

"Little Chloe, look, look, there are many trees in bloom in the forest behind that mountain. Isn't it very suitable for flower viewing?" Alice pointed to a place and said.

"Well, let's go together later." Chloe nodded and said happily.

"Your name doesn't look like an Oriental one. Why did you mention this festival?" Cronpis asked casually.

"Because it is Teacher Jing's hometown." x 2


"The lake over there is so big, and there's a beach! It's not a bad idea to use it as a beach for vacation." Alice pointed to the vast Heath Lake and said.

Crounpis: "There is nothing wrong with taking a vacation, but there is a water monster in the lake. He is the owner of the lake. Don't make others angry casually."

"It's just a water monster, let me kill it in two or three strokes -"

"It's a super huge tentacle monster. Even His Majesty King Rimuru gave it some respect." Cronpis said, making the girls tremble.

In fact, Rimuru wanted to obtain the resources in the lake more easily, and the tentacle monster was smart enough, so he reached a peace negotiation, but this had nothing to do with Crounpis who wanted to scare the children.

In fact, in the past, there was a time when I got super angry and violent after eating Shion's food, and did some bad things to some female monsters in the demon kingdom, but Rimuru forgive me because it was Shion's fault.

However, the films produced by "The Four Demons" are also somewhat popular in the underground black market.

After Alice's various reports, it was Chloe's turn.

"That tree is so big." Chloe said, pointing to the towering tree on the top of the mountain where the sealed cave was located.

"The flowers above are so big. Maybe picking off the petals can be used as a bed. Can I pick them? Teacher Princess." Alice was interested in some romantic things in this fairy tale.

"Sorry, no, that tree is also a super powerful monster." Clawnpis said.

That was the Ten-Tailed Sacred Tree that she planted herself. Because she ate the Suzusen, which was completely impure as an Otsutsuki tree, and watered and fed it with Veldora's magic, it had become somewhat mutated.

In terms of appearance, it is even more beautiful.

"Teacher Princess, can I go and see that mountain?" Chloe asked.

Kroenpis didn't want her child to go there, but after all, it was Chloe who made the request, so she asked: "It's not a suitable place to play over there. Why? If you want to pick flowers, I can help you."


"No...it's not appropriate to take away such a big flower. I just want to see it up close, no?" Chloe also said she was cute.

Crounpis was in trouble. The current state of the sacred tree was very dangerous to the children. Chloe's tone was not weird at all. I couldn't tell if she had any hints or saw any tricks.

Now Crounpis confirms that Chloe probably didn't see that he planned to catch Otsutsuki, but will he be suspected if he continues to be evasive?

Using this world and this country as bait to lure "enemies of the planet" to conduct experiments can still be fooled. After all, there are many "visitors from other worlds" in this world. If you mess up, you can be forgiven as long as you can clean up. But.

By the way, I also want to try [Infinite Tsukuyomi]. The idea of ​​whether I can directly change the world with my own will by combining the illusion of deceiving the world cannot be exposed at all.

There shouldn't be any timeline that Chloe has ever experienced that has reached that level, right?

"I will discuss it with Rimuru later." She simply postponed the question.

After some time, they fell back to the ground.

The children were panting, but they all looked very happy. Only Hinata's face didn't look good.

"We're back."

"Hey! What were you doing just now? Are you so happy?"

Alice and Chloe greeted the boys.

Kenya couldn't help but smile and said: "Hahahahahaha, I didn't expect Hinata sister to make that interesting sound... eh!"

Because he felt the chill emanating from Hinata, he had no choice but to shut up.

Hinata approached Crounpiss with a look of disbelief, and asked: "What is the speed of your roller coaster here? What is the level of the scary monsters you arrange?"

"Hey, can't you estimate your skill [Mathematician]?"

"But I must know if there is any difference between your standards and our levels!"

"Maximum speed 220 kilometers per hour, monster level A."

"You call this fun!"

"Ah, look at this, Hinata. Some of the most powerful guys in this world have burst speeds exceeding 100 meters per second. Humans hunting monsters and fighting between demons and monsters are also normal, right? How can it be exciting if it's not at this level?

"Don't worry, there was no accident on the track, and the monsters didn't really attack you, right? Rather, if they attack you, it will be dangerous for them." Kraunpisi said plausibly.

"Then why did you use skills to fill my collar with slippery pudding and water balloons? This is the first time I have seen skills used in such a stupid place."

"Aha, that's what you care about. If you don't do anything, there won't be a scary theme. The laundry fee can be reimbursed..."

“That’s not the problem!!!!!!!”

"Then what is the problem? If there is a problem with the amusement facilities, if you don't explain it clearly, we won't be able to rectify it, right?" Crownpis pretended not to know.

(to be continued)

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