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Chapter 66 The Hell Fairy Cult was established

Under the magic tree——

Luna has nothing to do with the pretentious behavior on the tree, and is still investigating the broken wood that came from the demonic tree itself.

She is hidden above her head by a lush canopy of trees, including native plants and saplings of little devil trees.

"Hey, isn't it? Isn't this already much stronger than Pith's own defense?" Luna knocked on a piece that corresponded to Croun. After Pith was poured with some kind of potion and injured, the original body corresponded to

He looked at the broken piece of wood and said in amazement, "It has indeed been corroded, right? What is it that can increase strength while corroding? I'll ask Star later... Wow!"

At this time, Clawnpith's masterpiece jumped directly from the canopy of the tree, accidentally trampling many branches, and even hit Luna.

"Ah, I'm sorry."

Crounpis scratched her head and looked at Luna who was buried by the branch she stepped on.

Luna, who didn't have a lot of passive skills, looked a lot more embarrassed. Even though Luna's level was over level 70, the person she stepped on was a guy over level 80.

"It's okay. How are things going?"

"It's going well, but it's really a failure. I turned to a higher race and gained eternal life. Compared with the 'evil path' of mine that Fluder is secretly studying, it's really inferior." Clawnpisi said helplessly, holding her head.

What Crounpis knew was that it was not about changing the race to gain a higher lifespan, but about killing the person and copying everything in his head, including personality, experience, knowledge, etc., and transferring it to a new monster.

Such a thing.

The human has died, and a goblin who has just obtained everything in the human's mind is born.

However, since the newly born elf has lost the "self" it can refer to as a reference, it will not realize that it is just a copy.

Alfin was like this at that time, but Alfin was already dead. If the resurrection magic is useless, he can only make a copy of Alfin, right? There is nothing that can be done about it. Alfin is really awake.

This was done in a certain state, and I realized that and accepted it, or in other words, I had no other option but to accept it.

But the mere human beings, who didn't trust their Crounpisi, had been treated with "general anesthesia" beforehand, and they didn't understand spiritual magic. How could they realize this?

On the contrary, they would really think that Crounpis could do such a thing, haha.

In this way, corresponding religions can be established and start to grow. I hope they can listen to me and support the research on the undead. After all, the undead also have some advantages over fairies.

Goblins and the undead are also races with no life limit. If goblins can be accepted, the undead can also be slowly accepted by others. Granbell will be happy, and this will fulfill the promise of getting together that night.


Thinking of this, Crounpis couldn't help but giggle. Some of the above ideas were just thought of by her, and she couldn't help but feel a little panicked and a little angry: "Star, is this also within your expectations?

If it is clear from the beginning that I am willing to do this, do you have to find a reason to hurt me and peel off some wood from me?"

Luna's attention failed to follow Crownpis's thoughts——

"Then, how about Pisi also developing real race-changing magic?" Luna knocked on the hard, dark wood, "In some aspects, it's very powerful?"

Crownpiss shook her head: "It's impossible, it's impossible. Even if it's possible, you have to pay: it's more steps than waiting for Fluder to do it himself, right?"

Luna looked almost stunned.

"I will never be lazy when I think it is really necessary to do something. However, if you have the opportunity to get something for nothing, wouldn't you be an idiot if you don't do it for nothing? The waste caused by repeated research is one of the original sins of the New Seven Deadly Sins."

Si expressed dissatisfaction.

"I can't refute my opinion, then... why don't we find someone to pry open his head when we are learning foreign languages?" Luna bared her teeth.

"During that time, I was still concentrating on fruit education and couldn't figure out the power of operating memory. Besides, if we did that - wouldn't we bring those people's dialects with us when we speak other languages?"

"Haha, that's true. So, can you really give me this wood?"

Luna knocked on the black wood again, "I feel like I can make something incredible."

"Will you come up with something that can destroy the human country?" Crounpis said casually.

Unexpectedly, Luna said this: "If it's something of this level, it seems to be quite easy to get."

If you think about it carefully, it’s not surprising. A Death Knight with a level less than 40 can destroy a country. What kind of ghosts can a part of the Demon Tree with a level over 80 do?

Crounpis smiled and scratched his head: "Well, be careful anyway. It cost me a lot of pain. If I don't make full use of this, it would be a waste of money."

"So, how to transport it and where to put it?"

"...It's so big...ah...even the Dragon King can't take it away, haha, ha...whenever you need it, you can take the appropriate amount, right? Hehehe."


Bajas Empire, Imperial Capital Owentar——

In the basement under the tomb, Star sneered as he looked at the people scattered on the ground in embarrassment, who finally became calmer, and said, "Have you finished confirming? What do you think Pisi is?"

"Ah, God!"

"This is the real God of Life!"

"Yes, that gentleman is the true god!"

Everyone has other ideas in mind, but they already have enough understanding of the height of Crounpis. The temples of the four gods and the churches of the six gods have no real miracles except for performing necessary institutional functions.

Crounpisi is different. In the eyes of humans, what Crounpisi does is the same as a miracle.

No one dared to question it at the scene, not even in front of the Sophia student council president who seemed to be just a "follower" of Crounpis.

"Quiet, do you think we don't know your little thoughts, Kukuku," Star smiled sinisterly, "But the organization needs a name, what should we call it? People like you who are greedy for the world only deserve to go to hell after death.

We fairies can allow you to continue to survive even in this situation, so let’s call them ‘Hell Fairies’. That Lord can give you a lot more charity than the gods you believed in in the past. It depends on how you behave in the future.”

The word "hell" also helps to make these people who already know that they are not good people consciously keep their bottom line.

After the meeting ended, Melphis, who was staying temporarily, couldn't help but touch her belly and asked: "President, why don't you let them swallow that?"

"They are just a bunch of worldly people, hee hee. The seeds I gave you are... well, did you think it would be easy to mass-produce? Merriface, be happy, she values ​​you more than these people, hee hee."

(to be continued)

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