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Chapter 89 Sword Spirit Yuyi


A red warning box appeared in Kirito's hazy vision, and he received such a message.

[If this continues, the heart will disappear. This rare bright and stable sample among the 200,000 samples, if this continues... will disappear. 】

However, Kirito had the idea that if these people were not eliminated, even if he could protect himself in their hands, the people around him would die because of them sooner or later. He cooperated with "him", and opened a fan with a dark sword light, crossing

over long distances.

Many unlucky monsters along the way were also involved in "his" violent sword skills and turned into pieces, but they still could not stop "him". "He" even ignored the large group of monster trains that had formed behind him.

Then came the second blow, and the team with red and orange names was completely wiped out, and the monsters gathered were no match for "him".

However, a systemically non-human and non-monstrous being appeared in front of him - like Tyrol, he could float in the air but had a complete entity. It was a tall, straight black man wearing only a thin white dress.

The hair girl has no cursor on her head indicating her identity.

It seems that he is smaller than a primary school student like Sei Wen. If he were a human, his age would only be in the single digits.

[That sword is a ‘foreign object’ that cannot be deleted by Cardinal’s error repair function, then...]

There was a burst of heat in front of "him", and the girl took out a red two-handed giant sword that was much longer than her height from the condensed fire ball.

The giant sword seemed to have no weight at all. The girl turned the sword in her hand with a bang, dragging the trajectory of the flames and intersecting with the oncoming black blade!

"He" was torn apart incredibly by the flames in the flames. Huge sparks ignited "him" and turned into a fireball, which then exploded.

The girl did not win. The black blade's sword light penetrated the flames and stabbed her delicate body.

Although the protection prompt window of "indestructible objects" popped up immediately, it appeared like a blurry screen like a poor TV signal, and soon disappeared, and the girl turned into a dreamy light like morning dew from one end.

The particles scatter and disappear.


"Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh?! What the hell?"

Crownpis found that the Xubai she had set in Kirito's sword had been deleted by the system by destroying some components that did not need to be activated.

"Logically speaking, I should have bypassed the system. What rules can be used to judge its abnormality?"

Crounpisi tapped the virtual keyboard to call up the relevant data, and immediately slapped her head.

That is the mental state management support program in SAO. Trial No. 1, codenamed "Yui", is an artificial intelligence program responsible for managing and caring for the mental state of SAO players. It should have been manually issued by Kayaba Akihiko's cardinal system.

The function that interferes with the player's mental state is blocked.

However, Yui's other tasks have not changed. Xu Bai does not seem to belong to the player's spirit, so can he interfere?

But according to this logic, many factors that make players mentally unstable or even take a turn for the worse can directly find corresponding targets in this world, and those factors are not interfered by Yui.

Unless Kirito's spirit is quite special in the current SAO, it deserves the attention of the mental state management support program.

"Well, after all, according to the plot information, whatever military AI program this country is doing later, Kirito is used to conduct experiments instead of researchers and soldiers. It seems that being the protagonist of this world does have its own characteristics. I am not just grabbing a few Otohimes.

The random magician experimental body can be compared. Moreover... Kirito didn't have the foundation of Hua Xia and others, but he learned all the attribute magic in one breath, which is quite embarrassing."

What surprised Crounpisi even more was——

Yui was not really killed. Although the polygonal unit she originally used to communicate with the player was indeed destroyed, her program sneaked into Kirito's sword and appeared in place of Xubai's control due to Xubai being forcibly deleted.

The bug has the power to run the risk of getting out of control - let's just say it's within the responsibilities given by the cardinal system. The sword is indeed extremely related to the player's spirit, but it's not the player, so it can interfere.

That is to say - Yui has become something similar to the sword spirit. If sao becomes a reality, it will be the sword spirit.

"Well, this is also very interesting. Let's extract the data and let Orochimaru and Aizen analyze it."


Kirito woke up from his coma.

"I...by the way, I just met Hong Ming..."

He grasped the hilt of the sword and suddenly stood up, kneeling on one knee and raising the sword.

He saw Fei and Argo not far away from him, each with their backs to him, looking on guard.

This is a wild place, so monsters will probably appear to protect him, or they will think of the situation he may encounter and rush to protect him.

Sai Wen had also recovered from his paralysis and was talking to Argo without looking like a player.

What puzzled him was that with Fei's str value, he should be able to drag him away easily. Why use such an inefficient method?

Different from male to female, there will be no harassment warning window pop-up or even the option of being sent to jail when a woman is against a man.

Then he received several pairs of slightly shocked and dumbfounded looks.

"Don't you know what state you are in? Don't you have any automatic counterattack skills during sleep?" Argo asked.


"We are late. You encountered some kind of accident during the mission, which caused the mission to be interrupted and a fight broke out. We all thought about taking you to a safe place, but as soon as we got close to you, you suddenly jumped up and attacked." Fei.

He said with his arms crossed.

"It's true, it seems that sometimes I get so crazy during the battle that I can't remember anything afterwards... It seems like this happens sometimes when I'm alone."

"Ah...good Kappa."

"What's that strange tone of your voice?" Kirito picked up the unmarked black sword that was still in his hand and looked at it carefully.

This is an ordinary single-edged blade sword. Kirito, who likes double-edged blade swords such as knight swords, changed weapons because single-edged blade swords can acquire great sword skills, and to save Asuna and Leafa, he has to fight with them.

The Snake Warrior Lord duels, for which it is necessary to be familiar with his sword skills.

The strange thing is that every time the potential value of this sword increases with her increased skill proficiency, she gathers enough strengthening materials to go to Lisbeth to strengthen it, but has not yet generated a name according to the system rules, and Krampis said

However, this is the most dangerous weapon among his candidates. The memory of fighting those players before is fragmented. He vaguely remembers killing them with murderous intent - he does not regret it, but this will not be what the setting is.

An evil sword that corrodes the spirit, right?

Yuuki has also experienced having her body controlled. This is really possible.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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