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Chapter 213 Rain of Thousand-Edged Swords

The Life Harvester pursued the Magical Girl in the rapids of the mountain gorge. The water became deeper and deeper, gradually becoming smoother, but it soon covered half of its feet and belly.

Although the resistance slowed down its speed, the surging water and the vibrations and rockfall caused by the body scratching around all illustrate its power.

Suddenly, its figure suddenly stagnated, and it fell forward into the water. It seemed that it tripped on something like a reef underwater. As the magic circles unfolded, the river instantly froze, and the hillsides on both sides also stretched.

A series of stone pillars were inserted into the middle of a large number of feet to block them.

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The magic concentrated on the head of the Life Reaper, and Stella, who had been pursuing him, also aimed at the head and launched an attack.

"Now, attack with all your strength!" A man who looked like a commander shouted and waved his raised hand.

In an instant, hundreds of players rushed down the hillside with various weapons. Various sword skills were aimed at the side and back with a huge impact area, and some were not magical girls but also had some magic and other long-range attack abilities.

Players supported from behind, aiming to attack every place where the Life Reaper might struggle to escape.

Naturally, the Life Reaper would not sit still and wait for death. It wildly waved its scythe to drive away Stella and other magical girls who were attacking its head. Its fixed feet and tail also struggled continuously.

But magic is also constantly being added. When stone pillars are broken, new ones are immediately replaced, and the ice surface alternates between cracks and repairs. If the output is left to ordinary players, the pressure of focusing on the restraints of earth and ice magical girls is not small.

But it seems to be guaranteed to last quite a while.

"Hey, that's the miko I'm looking for, right? The power she exerts obviously has the spiritual power of a miko." Hamster Skin pointed at a very eye-catching girl with long straight flaxen hair and wearing a short orange kimono.


He is eye-catching not only because of his bright clothes and his idol-like appearance, but also because he is clearly holding two long swords, but he is holding them high in his hands and using them like a baton.

There were a lot of knight swords beside her that seemed to be mass-produced, but the color, luster, and fluctuations in the distribution showed that they were all magic swords close to the artifact level. Those knight swords kept floating in waves, and the sword light was shining.

Shoot at the Life Reaper. After piercing it, it will disappear and reset to your side, and then continue shooting.

"NTM's infinite sword system?" Hamster Pisi thought secretly and asked, "What is that move?"

"[Rain of Thousand Blades of Swords]." Argo replied.

"Are you very candid this time?"

"Anyway, you can ask anyone at random. She is famous for using various means to maximize attack efficiency. In terms of remote output power, she is more powerful than most magical girl players." Argo replied.

[Thousand-Blade Sword Rain] is not a simple sword skill or skill magic at all. Of course, SAO cannot have such a foul thing, but because SAO is going to be realistic, it is not enough to always provide them with system assistance. Therefore, as long as you use your own

After practicing the combat profession, you can activate the original skill system. You can use the same method as regular training to improve the skills in the system that have reached the upper limit of proficiency, and you can also develop your own abilities.

That person probably acquired the unique skill [Witch] and then learned the derivative skill [Sorrow], and manipulated the sword to float. However, although the upper limit of this method is equal to the remaining capacity of his own item bar, it has no attack power, and he can kill by weight.

It is not available in non-vertical directions, but with the throwing sword skill [Flying Sword] that has no freeze time and no cooldown, it is very scary.

But the premise is that there is a way to recover the fired sword immediately. No one can treat a large number of powerful high-level weapons as consumables such as bows and arrows and flying knives. This is probably Kirito's way of simplifying the recovery of lost items.

This is because the code for "Phantom Book Technique" was given to Argo and spread among players in this area.

"Spiritual power blessing... The maximum simultaneous firing capacity is nine, and it can be struck about four times per second. However, [Flying Sword] is a sword skill that consumes more energy and physical strength than ordinary combat. Who can create and use this

You have quite a lot of perseverance." Hamster Pisi commented.

"I know the concept of spiritual power, but is there a way to perceive it? Well, this is the same as bringing you to see a witch. Spending this small amount of money to meet the person you want to meet, I said it is a favor.

Come on." Argo said.

"Hmph, you're such an afterthought."

The sound of killing was loud in the mountain stream, and the battle lasted for more than half an hour.

Being besieged by Stella, seven magical girls, and more than two hundred players, it still took such a long time to completely kill the Life Reaper. This shows that its life is really hard. If it weren't for Stella and the magical girls, it would have been completely defeated.

Having blocked the attack of the Life Reapers, even if more than 200 people can win with proper tactics, the time required and the casualties will probably be much greater. This is predicated on the fact that the morale of the students will not collapse if they are killed in battle.

The cheers were completely non-existent. Everyone sat down or even fell over on their backs, and drank the potion out of breath in small groups.


Aincrad, 80th floor, Kalyana——

This is a town located in an oasis in the desert. The transfer gate is located in the middle of the lake in the oasis and the center of the town. It is connected by bridges to all parts of the town built around the water. Climb to the high point of the city wall and you can see the Tianzhu Tower.

The high mountain where it is located is covered with multiple walls and defense towers, like a wild maze of a winding mountain fortress.

At the same time, this is also one of the base cities for Academy City students. In the past, the fortress near the Tenzhu Tower was just a "set" for setting up the walls of the open-air maze. Monsters could not climb up. Based on this, it can now become an academy.

Used as a temporary defensive base for urban players.

Of course, there are almost no people at this time, after all, there is no supporting urban infrastructure here.

"Thank you, please come with me here." Hamster Pisi waved to Stella who was about to leave.

"You're welcome. Although I think you're fine, I'm afraid Nimu will have trouble sleeping and eating if you don't do this."

"You're quite gentle, so it's okay to be strict with Nim. You take the initiative to take care of me, which makes me very happy, but your trembling look really makes me at a loss, hehe."

"Huh, goodbye. If you still need to break through any Tianzhu Tower, please contact us here." Stella also waved her hand, jumped off the defense tower, spread her wings and flew away.

"Hmm, the view of the town at the foot of the mountain is also very beautiful from here. Wouldn't it be bad if a hostile force occupied this place and launched an attack on the city?" The hamster said to himself pretending to be in the wind as he stretched his skin on the parapet.

(to be continued)

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