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Chapter 10 The Broken Ghost Ship

"Has the ship left the dock?" Yayaka looked into the distance, her face becoming dull and solemn.

Looking down the side of the ship, there were a lot of debris from the wooden ship, as well as floating and struggling skeletons.

Looking towards the stern of the ship, I couldn't see anything.

Looking towards the bow of the ship, there is a piece of wreckage of another ship nailed to the charging angle of the ship.

After standing still for a long time, she vaguely understood the current situation - perhaps the ship had disturbed the giant rats, which caused some kind of chain reaction and caused the ship to move. Maybe the giant rats' running wheels were driving the ship's oars.

Maybe - even though she didn't see any oars when she got on the boat.

Then, while moving forward, it seemed to crash into a ghost ship driven by an undead man.

According to legend, things like ghost ships are accompanied by mist when they appear and can fly in the air. To Yayaka, they only exist in fairy tales.

She almost guessed it right.

Those giant rats are indeed part of the ship's power plant. The connecting rod of the running wheel eventually leads to the propeller near the rudder.

Naturally, neither elves nor dwarves know how to make a mechanical propeller. The shape of the propeller is copied from the shape of the purchased magic fan.

In order to obtain the best power and battery life, it is necessary to use easily available power. The ones that are of interest are giant rats that are easy to reproduce and have considerable strength. In order to further improve the performance and production capacity of the giant rats, Granbell turns them into

After becoming a vampire giant rat, if you need to mass-produce it later, you only need to let the vampire giant rat bite other giant rats. Vampires have higher strength and speed than the undead such as zombies and skeletons. Giving a small amount of blood can increase the ability value.

It can be used at no cost in normal times. When necessary, just add some blood as "fuel" to increase the speed. How about it? Isn't it a very high-end power system?

This was an idea proposed by Crounpis herself. She was very happy about how smart she was at that time, so the design was left to other elves and dwarves.

However, it was later discovered that there was a serious problem: vampires are not like the low-level undead like skeletons and zombies. They can only execute simple commands. As long as the owner is alive, they are left motionless, just like statues. Once the owner is away, vampires will

They may cause trouble. They basically have one to three magic spells, such as the magic that makes Yayaka temporarily faint. It is not a powerful trick, but it is easy to cause trouble.

This is not surprising, any invention and creation has such a period, right?

This is the reason why this battleship is sealed here. Some methods are needed to make the movements of the vampire giant rats easy to control. If this is not possible, the only option is to reduce the performance and use a large number of skeletons to "play" the wheels.

However, before the new experiment could be carried out, Yayaka's intrusion stimulated the vampire giant rats that had been "hungry" for a long time, making them "alive", desperately trying to run towards delicious food, and driving the battleship.

A ghost ship brought by Granbell patrolled the waters (actually just to find things for these boring ships to do). After discovering an abnormality, it came to intercept, but was also attacked by a pig from the battleship.

Cut off at the waist.

"I just sneaked out to relax today. I feel like I have experienced secrets, fairy tales, and legendary things all over again." Yayaka held her head in her hands, and she no longer knew what expression and mentality to use to face it.

She felt that she might not be surprised if she encountered any other emergencies. In other words, she couldn't continue to be surprised. There was a vast sea and the undead around her.

At this time, there was a "rustling" sound like claws scratching from the side of the ship.

Although Yayaka had no actual combat experience, the scheduled training after school every day still played a good role in getting her to take action. She climbed behind the back seat of a large spear gun, grabbed the trigger, and turned it to aim in the direction of the sound.

A pair of skeletal hands with no flesh and bones grabbed the side of the ship. She calmed down, and when a skull face was revealed——

"Pah!" The moment she pulled the trigger, the skull face was stabbed to the core by the huge javelin and shattered.

The body that has lost its head still wants to climb up!

Yayaka quickly jumped to the adjacent spear gun and pulled the trigger!

"Crack!" Then, only the lower body of the undead was left, losing all support and falling into the water.

Suddenly, she felt the enemy coming from diagonally behind her, appearing at the corner of the cabin building. It was not that she had the ability to perceive, but the obvious prelude to magic, which she could feel without looking back.


There is no doubt that it is the third level magic [Lightning] which is very difficult in the academy! If you are hit, you will be injured even if you have the buff just added!

The sneak attack and the narrow passage between the side of the ship and the outer wall of the cabin make it easy for the opponent to hit with this straight-penetrating magic?

Yayaka held the speargun with one hand, stood upside down on it, and stood on the side of the ship!

In an instant, a white lightning strike passed through the deck aisle where she was standing just now like a flash of light.

Seizing this moment, Yayaka quickly rushed towards the enemy along the side of the ship!

"Does this look like the great magician of the dead?!"

Yayaka couldn't help but tremble in her heart. If so, then she was not a strong opponent that she could win in a one-on-one fight. But she couldn't escape. This kind of opponent's strength was long-range attack magic, and most of what she learned was close range or auxiliary.

He is a magician because he was raised as a warrior at home.

The already ugly face of the deceased great magician became even more ugly because of his wrinkles.

The ghost ship he is on was ordered by the powerful master Granbell to cruise here, so that his compatriots fairies can help the routes opened by their fellow dwarves from being invaded or exploited by sea monsters (collecting protection fees), and at the same time, it also provides support for the construction of new ships.

Provide some help, but why was this powerful ship that integrated the crystallization of elves, undead, dwarves, dragons and many other races "hijacked" by humans today?

Just now, even the ghost ship was smashed into pieces by a single blow!

It is difficult for the skeleton zombie to move in the water, and the only ones who can still move in the water are him and his captain (not Fukuman).

I wanted to hit this damn thief hard from both sides, but in the end, the captain was killed by the weapons carried by the ship, and he also dodged a blow that he was very confident about.

They are obviously just human beings, damn it, damn it!

Naturally, Yayaka couldn't care about the enemy's thoughts, so she accelerated towards the dead magician who was less than twenty meters away. She gripped the wand that was longer than her height and blessed the magic: "[magic weapon]"

,【Enhance low-level arm strength [lesser strength]】!”

To deal with this kind of undead, pure force strikes are not very effective, magic is better. As she is not good at attacking magic, the best thing she can do is to improve her arm strength and add magic to her weapons.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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