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Chapter 43 The naval artillery fires in unison

"It's basically okay within forty degrees. Okay, all the main guns, loaded with grenades, the target - eight hundred meters away, all the hairy guys, after a salvo, the fully armed self-calibration

Shoot, shoot freely." Yayaka ordered the entire ship.

“Bang bang bang!”

“Bang bang bang!”

“Bang bang bang!”

The two 500mm triple turrets on the bow and the one 500mm triple turret on the stern simultaneously sprayed out a whirlwind-like white air wave from the muzzle.

Nine huge cannonballs with ceramic shells weighing more than half a ton flew out of the white air waves, passed through the fog that enveloped the ghost ship battleship, and fell towards the city wall filled with onlookers.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The purple-black explosion instantly submerged a city wall and city head, and the screams of the orcs could be heard from it.

Perhaps a bit strange is that although the explosion was very spectacular and the scope was quite large, the city wall was almost intact. The moment the ceramic bullet casing hit the city wall, it began to compete with the city wall for hardness, and the winner was immediately decided——

The winner was naturally the city wall made of stone. The ceramic shells and warheads were shattered, and the self-destructive undead inside flew out. Using inertia, they hit the city wall and exploded immediately. Purple-black negative energy quickly spread to the surroundings.

Negative energy has no shock wave, it is just an energy opposite to vitality. If there is a strong enough race or a strong person in the heroic field among the orcs, it may be able to withstand it once or twice, but obviously these orcs staying on the city wall

There is no such strong person in the world, but the vitality of the orcs is still good - their strong bodies give them an innate advantage against humans, but here this advantage only brings them pain -

The orcs who were eroded by negative energy and failed to die instantly fell to the ground, enduring severe pain and wailing helplessly.

Some nearby orcs who were lucky enough not to be affected couldn't help but run to help, rushed into the black mist, and fell to the ground rolling together, but their sacrifices were not in vain. When the other orcs saw such a tragic situation, they immediately stopped and avoided more disasters.

What a useless sacrifice.

"What on earth is this? Poison gas!"

"Back off! Don't touch the black smoke!"

"Purify! Use purification magic!"

"Where's the captain?"

"Stop talking! He also fell into the black mist! Now I, the Tigerman, Razan, is commanding the priest! Priest Jeddo, come quickly!"

"Hey, Jeddo was overwhelmed by this from the beginning! We need a higher-level priest!"

"Oh, then - the chief priest! Lal, your legs are fast, go back and report, there are enemies hidden in the clouds, please ask for reinforcements! Call the chief priest here too!"

"Not here!"

"She must have just arrived the day before yesterday!"

"She was only here for a short time! She left for the front line yesterday! She's not here!"

"Then we must concentrate the priests as much as possible! Purify these damn black mist! This must be the enemy's trump card!"

Although the orcs were blown away by the objects falling from the huge clouds and panicked, they still grasped the situation.

But the gunfire of the battleship Lampards would not wait for them.

“Bang bang bang!”

“Bang bang bang!”

“Bang bang bang!”

There was another salvo, in addition to nine huge cannonballs, there were also dozens of spearguns and huge javelins fired from ballistae.

"You shot out a large number of javelins packed with small explosives in one go. Obviously the javelin itself has the power to destroy the city wall." Claunpis stood by the window of the bridge and looked at it with [clairvoyance].


If you want a low-cost method, it is best to use the method used by the Imperial Fleet for magic students to seal magic on the javelin. However, the storage time of that method is quite limited and can only be used immediately.

"That doesn't matter, I've been very idle these past few months anyway. It's okay to make self-destructive undead based on mice and other small animals. If you can give me more blood, I can make hundreds of them a day.

Yayaka said proudly, while continuing to command the battleship to start heading in another direction of the city, with the main and secondary guns pouring firepower into the city.

It's just that compared to the nine 500mm main guns, the power of the secondary guns, whose caliber does not exceed 100mm according to the speargun, is pitifully small. If the orcs are involved in a negative explosion with a diameter of one meter, they can still kill.

The only way to die is a direct hit. If it is outside this range, there will be almost no damage.

Crounpisi watched helplessly as she saw some orcs who were dying even if their vital parts were pierced by huge javelins. Some of the injuries suffered were not fatal. While enduring the pain of negative energy invasion, they were wailing while being dragged to the rear by their companions.

But this is really a disaster for the orcs. The proportion of orcs who can heal magic is smaller than that of human priests. However, the orcs still have non-magical medical technologies such as surgery that are more complete than humans. But in the face of negative consequences

To explode, these technologies are of no use.

Some of the defensive towers on the city wall are also equipped with large weapons. It seems that they were not destroyed in time when the Dragon Kingdom defenders retreated and were annihilated. They are also useless at this time. The elevation angle and range of the weapons are insufficient. Even if it is known that there are weapons in the "clouds" in the sky.

Nothing can be done.

But if they really dare to use defense towers with weapons with such obvious taunt value, those defense towers will soon be taken care of by artillery fire.

"Well, it's almost time to start organizing a counterattack." Cronpis said.

"What? Can they still fight back in this situation?" Yayaka was slightly stunned.

No wonder she was confused. In the past few months, she had traveled to the Central Continent with Crounpis, and naturally learned a lot about the characteristics of other races. The orcs were probably not a race good at flying and ultra-long-distance magic.

Just like the visual impression, orcs are a race suitable for being warriors. The proportion of magic casters is only a fraction of that of humans. If there are orcs who can use fourth-level magic, then this orc's status in the orc clan is probably the same as that of humans.

Fluder is the only human being who can use sixth level magic.

"Pick up the binoculars and take a look, take a look." Cronpis pointed at the small dots above the city that were as densely packed as a flock of birds.

"What?!" Yayaka picked up the telescope and took a look, and suddenly felt a little bad.

That was a large group of harpies! They were flying quickly, and their claws seemed to be holding something like a wine bottle.

Remember, harpies should not belong to the orcs, right? However, not every country in the Central Continent has a completely unified race, so it is not surprising even if the orc army unites with other races to make up for its own shortcomings.

They quickly climbed up and dispersed their formation, causing most of the cannonballs and huge javelins to miss.

"Artillery and ballistae are basically used for destruction. Is it really not possible to use them as anti-aircraft guns? There is no proximity fuze. Not only that, but the elevation of the main gun seems not enough?" Cronpis looked at it.

Looking at the group of harpies that passed through the battleship fire net almost unscathed, he summed it up to himself.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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