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Chapter 77 Hawker VS Miko VS Assassin

At this time, some young people who were somewhat confident about their backgrounds were already eager to strike up a conversation with Merriface. In fact, this was not the first time that Merriface appeared in front of the church. Because of the hostile relationship, almost

I came here every now and then to check things out, so I was recognized, and the young people were even more or less prepared.

But the first person who came into contact with her shocked all the young people. They were also stunned for a while and missed the opportunity.

"Oh, noble lady, I would like to dedicate this to the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life."

Luna, who had just finished her meal, was chasing her out. She noticed the surrounding situation and sighed in her heart that this was too unseemly, so she gave up the contact immediately. But it was not because of the person who struck up a conversation.

Melissa was a little surprised when she looked at the orange man who was selling fruits to her. Could it be a new pattern of striking up a conversation? Or was he really just an orange seller? Seeing that he was pulling a cart of oranges behind him, he should be selling oranges.

Fruity, right?

The orange he offered seemed to be peeled into a flower in his hand.

The accident naturally lasted only a moment, and Merriface did not stop. When she passed the man, she put down her hand and took away the orange. She turned it around in her hand, picked out a piece and gently threw it into her mouth.

"It's quite sweet."

After saying that, I left my back to that person.

This left an atmosphere of iceberg beauty to others, and the compliment also made that person smile a little. Naturally, he had no intention of pursuing this eldest lady. He was self-aware, but if he had confidence in his own things, he would first

The practice of offering free sales to rich people or nobles is not unheard of. Just the fact that this scene and conversation are spread will make his business better.

However, this is just that although Melphis has been accustomed to thinking that humans are inferior creatures, even so, she does not have any interest in bullying humans. But if something makes her unhappy - such as chatting up for the purpose of getting her, etc.

Yes, let that kind of guy who doesn't know Taishan see the world.

Not knowing that her actions with such a mentality had also brought benefits to a certain civilian and allowed some people who wanted to harm her to escape, Melphis walked into other streets.

Although her eyes seemed to be looking at the street casually, that was not the case in her mind.

To say that this tracking technology is too poor, there are six people?

One of them is Lady Luna? That shouldn't be stalking, just following. There must be something going on, but isn't it because the other five people didn't come to see me? They have been secretly following her since they left the cathedral.

Turn the corner and walk towards the darker area.

Then, Merriface began to lift up her long skirt slightly and started to run, and the pace of those people also accelerated.

Now it's confirmed.

"Come out! What are you idiots doing?"

Two men appeared slowly. They were wearing chain mail shirts, white coats, thick white leather gloves and boots, and their weapons were——

"Bola?" Melphis was a little dumbfounded by this playful weapon, and took out the wand and sword from the collar of her open chest.

This sword was a second-hand item that Star had eliminated. Because Melifis was the most used [Doll Possession] by Crounpiss to facilitate the "doll", Star gave this to Melphis.

Melissa was ecstatic, and her freely transformable body allowed her to hide weapons inside her body.

I just took it out from my chest because it was easily accessible and easy to take out. There was absolutely no special reason.

"People from the temple? Assassins from the temple?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Why are you always wandering around in front of the church during this time! You are in contact with those pagans under our noses. What are your plans to recruit them?"

Even though they shouted so low, the meteor hammers had already been thrown out!

It would be easiest for Merriface to blow them up, but she didn't want to make a big fuss. She turned her body to avoid the bolas flying from the left, raised her wand and sword to block the bolas chain coming from the right.

"Crack!" The chain was cut off by the wand sword, and the spiked iron ball was embedded in one wall through inertia.

It seemed that the other party had planned to use the bolas' chain properties to tie up Melissa, so there was a momentary wavering on his face.

"[Bind of liana]!" The moment Melifis activated her magic, she flew in front of the man with her feet and cut off his head with a sword.

The moment another person was pulled to the ground by vines, three other people came from around the corner.

Or they were planning to respond, but they didn't expect the battle here to end so quickly.

"[Wind Blade]!" Melifiss had already sensed it in advance. She turned around and swung her sword horizontally, creating an invisible curve in the air.

This is an ordinary magic that Melivis learned while in school. With the blessing of her own natural abilities, race level and wand and sword performance, it has exploded into unprecedented power.

The three of them felt themselves being blown away almost at the same moment, but they stared wide-eyed at their headless bodies still standing on the ground. When the three heads rolled to the ground, the three headless corpses fell down.

Almost at the same time, Merriface quickly dispelled the magic, otherwise she would have flown to the street and become a river of blood.

"Only one person is enough to ask questions." Melphis used the two sword flowers she learned during her martial arts training when she was forced by Crounpis, put the sword back in her chest, and reached out to grab the last living person, "

【Charm person】."

The eyes that looked at death became dull.

"The lowest level of spiritual magic was successful? It's not the priest-level priest I know who looks pretty powerful. He's obviously coming to arrest me, so he should have sent someone with better resistance."

In fact, there are definitely not many temple personnel who give Melphis a headache, and they are all high-level personnel. They can't be allowed to do this.


"We are the disciplinary force directly under the temple."

"Are you sent by the temple to capture those related to the "Hell Goblin"?" Melphis asked.


"How much do you know?"

"I don't know anything. I am only responsible for carrying out the orders of Chief Vulcan."

Chief Vulcan, Melifis knows this person, and he has made a public statement.

"Really? Then you go back and kill the boss who gave you the order. If you can't kill him, commit suicide." Melphis removed the vines and let the man go. Although she doesn't think it will succeed, it can still add some trouble to the temple.


"Then what to do with these corpses?" This was the first time Melphis dealt with this kind of thing. After a few seconds, she came up with an idea -

"[dimensional move [dimensional move]], [dimensional move [dimensional move]], [dimensional move [dimensional move]], [dimensional move [dimensional move]]."

I can't do mass teleportation magic, so I have to do this.

Four times in a row, she teleported the four corpses away and threw them into the corpse pit in the battleship that was used to breed self-destructive undead and make raw materials for cannonballs. This could not be wasted.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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