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Chapter 79: The guns and guns that succeeded, the times have changed?

The nine main guns of the battleship were still emitting slightly rotating smoke. They were not seen rotating at all. They seemed to be teleporting, from facing directly forward and directly behind at the beginning, to a state of locking the enemy's location.

In the middle of the two turrets of the main gun on the bow of the ship, there was Sugar, who should not have been there, and there were several other Alices on the stern turret.

Sugar is the best at illusions, making everyone around him think that the turret has never turned, but in fact it was facing that way from the beginning; while Alice, who has a four-digit sequence, is not so good at it, and is mostly responsible for the disguise illusion of one turret.

Imperial soldiers were desperately trying to maintain order among the panicked civilians, and there were casualties among them - a stampede.

"Are those people in the temple idiots?" Yayaka, who had just directed a round of volleys, said speechlessly.

"Sister, I don't think the enemy knows the power of this battleship at all." Max, one of the followers standing behind Gironde, said.

Of course, he had just learned about it. Everyone in the empire had just learned about it.

The temple rebels who attacked the ceremony site were all wiped out in an instant, because they had already investigated which surrounding houses were temporarily rented out or even bought during this period, where the funds flowed, which ones were really related to the temple, and which ones were just a cover.

Because this is a development area, there are not many houses, and with the cooperation of Alice's spiritual magic, the temple is responsible for organizing things with explicit transaction records. The people involved cannot be all priests who can resist spiritual magic, so

It's not difficult to check.

The total number was not much, but it was scattered around, so Yayaka's battleship was specially parked in a place where it could cover these houses with artillery fire at once.

Originally, the plan was to use a salvo to inflict the greatest physical and mental blow to the enemy, causing them to fall into chaos, and then to have the imperial troops guarding the noble officials charge in and kill them. However, they were killed by a salvo from a battleship.

In order to stay hidden and break in like a sharp knife, the Temple Rebels concentrated their forces very much, but were killed by naval guns. Because they used negative explosive grenades, the building was not damaged at all.

Perhaps it is because there are no elites from the empire or goblins here, and the dozens of Alices are also the weakest ones, so there are no masters from the temple arranged here. Otherwise, the negative explosion should be able to handle it a little bit.

"Then, the ceremony...continue? There may be chaos in the city now, why don't you go to support?" Yayaka's face turned dry, and she had a bad feeling.

"Of course, continue. We have other plans on how to deal with the enemies in the city. Under such circumstances, insisting on the ceremony is the best way to promote military power." Gironde said proudly, walking to the bow of the ship facing the audience, signaling that everyone did not need to


"That means I have to listen to several generals and officials giving speeches for several hours in a row?!" Yayaka's face suddenly turned bitter.

Taking advantage of this free moment, Max walked over to Yayaka and said, "Sister, you look good." This was the first conversation since the last angry breakup in Freeport.

"Humph, that's not good at all. I have become an undead. If the temple in this country does not collapse, I will probably never show my face here." Yayaka said angrily.

"Well, yes, but since you have become a ghost ship captain and have been reborn, and you are still with the 'god', let's keep doing it well. If we can still think of our family occasionally, we will all be very happy."

Yayaka was a little embarrassed by what he said, so he had to turn his face and not look at his brother: "It's probably because of hope. If you plan to use me to do something you shouldn't do, you'd better think twice. My ghost ship

No matter how high you fly, you can't reach the sky, but...well, it makes me unhappy that you all come to me so early, so I will think of you when I have time, and you can take care of me, huh."

"Well, now the country has to break off diplomatic relations with most of the surrounding human countries. As soldiers, we may die at any time. If my body unfortunately rots and I can't wake up, I'll leave it to you." After that, Max said

Walking towards his original position, before standing at attention——

Yayaka saw Xiao Se's back.

"No, at least let me turn into a military undead and be my deputy captain, huh."

Military undead - it feels a bit dangerous, at least it is something that the empire has not put into use so far.

The undead that can now be widely used are for civilian use. There are only the lowest bird-type undead, which have their original sharp beaks and claws smoothed out. They are used to deliver letters and small packages in post offices opened by the empire.

Limited, faster than homing pigeons and owls, and without the "weapon", it is not dangerous, so it is very popular. Humanoid and large animal undead have a certain lethality even with bare hands, and I am afraid that there is still some way to go before they can be put into civilian use.

Considering the need to increase the safety of the undead, as well as the control and management of the undead in the future, the Imperial Academy of Magic has also established the profession of "Necromancer".

But now the moment the flag is handed over, the status quo is broken - this battleship is obviously military, and all the crew members are undead.

"No, it's just an excuse, right?" Yayaka just found that she seemed to be a little shaken by the fact that she was happy about becoming an undead——

It seems that we have to watch people who are still relatives even if the family relationship is relatively weak, grow old one by one until they disappear? The undead who became undead after natural death are not qualified to regain their sanity and memory, so Yayaka wants to take her back.

Relatives whom you like become your vampire followers.


Luna sat on the top of the bell tower not far from the center of the city and watched.

"Bang!" There was a sudden explosion, and someone dozens of meters away from Luna fell down on another roof who was shooting a bow and arrow at Luna.

"Until now, I have been too focused on external objects, and I haven't even learned any useful attack magic." Luna said to herself.

[Shock wave] and [Astral smite] are Luna's only attack magics. The first one is not very powerful in terms of attack and damage, but the second one is too much for the natives.

In terms of creation, enchantment, transportation, space magic and technology, her proficiency (not strength) is actually much higher than level 105 Crounpith. This is not something that can be obtained immediately by copying memory.

"But it would be fun to copy the gun and make it into a magic gun for fun (because it is a magic gun, the lowest-level skeletons cannot use it, so it is not installed in the tank)."

Luna played with the Walther ppk pistol that had just fired a magic bullet, Hitler's suicide gun and 007's special gun type, and rummaged through the pair of World War II "junk iron" that Layla had obtained, and based on the characteristics of each part

The shape and overall assembly structure are made piece by piece using materials from this world and added with magic.

(to be continued)

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