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Chapter 91 Peith Never Knows Her Spokesperson

Crownpis slapped her forehead and was annoyed that she had forgotten to understand the relationship between the national government and religion. After all, she actually didn’t know much about religious countries. It was just subconsciously because she was too high-ranking. She took it for granted that she thought highly of herself and the country.

The relationship between them is regarded as a superior-subordinate relationship.

It's just a formality, don't worry about it.

The important personnel from both sides have been assembled and are waiting for Crounpis to arrive.

It feels like the goblin team is two or three heads shorter than the human team, a little 1o. It is definitely not just Crounpis and her companions who would think so, but of course it is impossible for others to really complain here.

But Crounpisi still went to find some red dragons that she had fed a little before she remembered, and sat behind them to regain her momentum. They were extorted from the red dragon nest of the Feilong Tribe many years ago. They grew up really slowly.

I've had it for about ten years, and it's just the same size, but now it's nice to have some momentum in the eyes of humans.

In the eyes of Crounpisi, it feels good, at least it looks more imposing than the flying dragon knights who maintain order.

Behind the queues on both sides, there were magic-suspended flags of the Bajas Empire and the flags of the Hell Goblins. There were also magic casters hiding behind and "fighting" to make the flags flutter.

In the middle of the two teams is a long table, which Crounpisi spent five minutes using magic to make based on the baroque style in accordance with the aesthetics acceptable to the world and himself. Such a finished product, in

In the eyes of Crounpisi, it was not as technical as the figures he made, but it made the people of the Empire feel how superficial they were in the field of art.

An isolation zone was erected by guards further away from the square. Outside, there were crowds of Imperial City residents. After a week, all those who needed to deal with the aftermath had been dealt with. The residents who had lost their relatives and friends were still immersed in grief, but during the aftermath, they were

The goblins "carefully" treated and took care of the people who wanted to witness this moment and the people who just wanted to eat melon, but there were many people there.

If you look from a distance, you can see that the newly planted trees on the roadside (part of which are the bodies of Midori Dryad) and the roofs of houses are actually covered with people.

"My appearance can't be too 10, after all, the temple is a guy who adds a wave of cool light effects to ordinary buffs." Crounpis thought, and used low-level illusion magic.

She had been waiting in front of the table invisibly. With the flying golden petals and green leaves that matched her body color, she appeared in mid-air with thin shining wings. She slowly fell down and stood side by side in the line of fairies.

The leader in front and Star who also participated in the ceremony, and Luna in front.

For people who didn't understand magic at all, this was something similar to a miracle, and there was a lot of noise.

"Then please make more noise, and please remember to pay for treatment next time you come to see the goblin." Crounpis cursed secretly.

"We invite the representatives of the Bajas Empire, the Marquis of Gucimont, the Marquis of Robert Bardo, and the Duke of Vanerlant."

The etiquette officer announced loudly that three people came out of the imperial team. According to the etiquette norms, the status gradually increased from front to back. At the same time, only important figures in important occasions such as ceremonies or banquets would announce their full names, while others would only announce their full names.

Will simply report the position, title and family name.

In the empire, the status of religion is not as high as in religious countries. Now announcing the representative of the empire like this can be regarded as not only the emperor's personal visit, but also giving Crounpith enough face.

But Crounpis, who didn’t particularly care about etiquette, focused on something different——

"Oh, the Cushmont family that I take good care of has been promoted to the nobility. This kind of attention makes me even happier." Crounpis thought to himself, although it is meaningless.

The etiquette officer continued to announce according to the process: "We invite the new national church of our country, the representative of the hell fairies, the leader Drest, and the right-hand man of God, Lady Luna Chelud and Lady Star Safiya! Finally, the Supreme

The master of life, Clawampis Lampards!"

"So the leader's name is Drest?"

Crounpis took a sneak peek at the nobleman whom he had turned into a tree demon. It seemed that he had never cared about this person who only had good management and instigation abilities. Perhaps he had the highest status among the hell elf cultists, but among Crowe

In Enpisi's eyes, he is just a management tool.

"Then what are the left and right hands of God? Is Sunny the third hand?"

There was nothing that could be done about it. Goblins had no human occupational system at all, and the empire officials racked their brains to come up with a title that was worthy of them.

While thinking about this, Crounpisi stepped forward and led the three of them out of the queue to the table. He looked at the opposite side and gave a symbolic smile.

"Um... Lord Duke, although this is our first meeting, your stiff eyes and expression are a bit rude, aren't you?" Cronpis would naturally not say such words.

With this in mind, she tilted her head slightly and gestured to Drest.

Drest understood it and stretched out his right hand from under his robe. At this time, a glimmer of light appeared on the ground. From the dim light, a cluster of vines with flower buds grew out. The moment the top reached Drest's fingertips, the flower buds appeared.

It opened and spit out a document.

It's just a slight change in the appearance of the second-level plant magic. It's not a big deal for dryads, but in front of humans, it should be pretentious based on racial characteristics.

Drest picked up the document and opened it and read: "Here, as the representative of the Hell Goblins and the leader of the church, I read to all the representatives of the Bahas Empire and all the people our obligations and rights as the state religion of the empire...


The specific contents are summarized as follows:

1. Replace and take over the medical, land, public facilities and industries of the Temple and other similar groups in the Bajas Empire and its allies, and reduce the medical fees and public transportation fees of ordinary people by 10%;

Second, the goblins of hell goblins (excluding believers) will not interfere in general political affairs;

Third, the hell goblins advocate more exchanges with surrounding people and external forces, but respect the locals’ attitudes towards other races;

Fourth, just a suggestion: Hell Goblin advocates that the undead can be used in the civilian field on the premise of ensuring that the undead do not harm the living. Using the undead as labor can reduce labor costs and help implement the "six-year obligation" to exempt tuition fees.

The implementation of "education" will improve the basic quality of the people and thereby enhance national strength.

As mentioned above, the empire should do a good job in propaganda and guidance.

When Clunpis listened, it felt like something that should be very familiar to her human memory was mixed into it. It should be something good.

Naturally, the specific speech will not be so simple and clear. So many people have already gathered, so we have to work hard. How can we not talk about it for an hour?

(to be continued)

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