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Chapter 7: Imagination: Playing with Loli Rin

Tokiomi didn't care about Kirei's unscrupulous comments, and picked up the coded paper: "Report from the Clock Tower, Lord El-Melloi has obtained a new holy relic. It seems that participation in the war has been confirmed. Huh, it's a tricky thing.


"There are still two empty seats, which is really worrying." Kirei said.

Unlike when he interacted with Crounpisi in his personal channel, his voice became increasingly dull.

"What, there must be no suitable person. When the time comes, a few insignificant pawns will appear randomly, so there is no need to be vigilant." Tokiomi expressed very confidently.

[Where did he get his confidence?] Crounpis was speechless.

[This is in line with the teacher's optimism. After three years of teaching, I already know the teacher very well. When preparing, I think about everything carefully, maintain an elegant and calm attitude, and then slip up at the critical moment of implementation.] Kirei made



[Is it happy for a teacher to have shortcomings?] Kirei's tone revealed his displeasure, as if he was dissatisfied with Cronpith's mocking of Tokiomi's shortcomings.

【No, no, forgive me.】

[It is probably my duty to handle these minute details for him.]

[Ah?] Crownpis opened her mouth wide. At this pace, wouldn’t she have to clean up Tokiomi’s mess?

The conversation that spread in the air ignored the progress of this interaction. Tokiomi said: "Kirei, no one else saw you entering this room, right? Since you summoned the Servant, we are hostile."

"Don't worry. Because——" Kirei's eyes looked towards using the Heroic Spirit Dress to activate [Complete Agnosticization] and help you turn gems into beautiful flowers."

The gems are rich in magic power, so she doesn't even need to spend much magic power.

The gem, which had an ugly shape like pieces of a battered rice ball, emitted a burst of dazzling light and began to deform.

"Eh? Eh? Eh? Why did the magic power of the gem suddenly start to run wild on its own? Out of control?" The young girl with black twin tails quickly put her hands on the gem, as if intending to suppress the magic power activated by Crounpith.

Ah, no, the magic power of the black twin-tailed girl is too weak to stop Crounpiss. However, the result of such forced interference with different magic powers is——

The gem exploded with a bang.

"Oh, we got into trouble. This looks so expensive, [dimensional move]!" Hearing the cute scream of the little girl, Crounpis immediately ran away and came to the hall.

"It's better to be calm next time."

Crownpis simply watched the outside, eavesdropped inside, and opened her laptop to play a card game.

Time flew by so fast that before I knew it, the minute hand of the clock on the wall turned twice.

"Ding dong~"

"Huh? Doorbell?" Crounpis raised her head and realized that the person coming was just an ordinary person. In the eyes of the little elf who was watching, he was just a delivery boy.

"As a precaution, let the invisible surveillance goblin go in and check the contents of the express, although it is unlikely that a time bomb will be mailed..."

"Ding dong ~ ding dong ~"

"Isn't anyone going to get it?" Crownpis simply connected to Kirei's personal channel.

【Kirei, a courier is here.】

[Understood, I will notify the teacher immediately to get it.]

Crounpis breathed a sigh of relief, but there was a "click" in his head, and he almost broke out in a cold sweat - the little goblin who secretly checked the contents of the express accidentally broke the contents of the express.

That strange-shaped thing obviously looks quite strong, why did it break so easily?

"It's okay, I don't know anything, I don't know anything...it's just a relief or a fossil, and it's not a magic item. Tokiomi Tosaka should be able to repair it easily."

After a while, Tokiomi picked up the express and went upstairs. After a while, Kirei returned to the lobby and planned to meet with Crounpis. He saw a young girl with black twin tails struggling to drag a huge suitcase through the living room.


"Good afternoon, Rin."

"Good afternoon, Kirei."

Compared to Kirei's very friendly voice, Tohsaka Rin's voice was very stiff, but he still had a dignified and decent attitude.

"Are you going out? This luggage is really big."

"Kirei, you stay with your father and fight with him, right?" For some reason, Rin seemed to be full of dissatisfaction.

Logically speaking, Rin should not have the element to hate Kirei now, and Kirei treats Rin very politely and humbly, but Rin obviously hates Kirei. This makes Crounpis feel doubtful. Could it be that she thinks

Did Kirei steal Tokiomi's attention from her?

"Oh, so she is Tohsaka Rin? It's really inconvenient that the impression is a little blurry. At this time, I actually hope that the owner of that human memory is a loyal otaku." Cronpis thought.

(to be continued)

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