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Chapter 24 Pisi Double Kill: Berserker

"Matō Kariya, continue to order him to give up resistance!" Seeing that Berserker could easily resist him even if he stood still, Crounpis shouted at Kariya who was being controlled by him.

The second command spell is activated.

"Poof!" The red spear finally hit the target. The strong armor transformed by magic power was meaningless in front of the demon-breaking spear. Berserker's spiritual core was destroyed, making him regretfully retreat and dissipate, turning into a blue halo and flying away.

Enter the soul-eating staff of Crounpith.

"Not bad, hehe, Berserker's Noble Phantasm, get it!"

Crounpis picked up the pitch-black magic sword "Aroundight" that was about the same height as himself that fell on the ground, shook it in his hand, and showed a hint of disappointment: "It's not very easy.

...That’s right, weapons like this in this world will not automatically adapt to the user’s body shape.”

But I feel that "The Snatcher" is really a good thing. In the past, I always collected everything from other people as my own primitive accumulation, and in this world, it has become such a treasure. It makes Crounpisi feel that her past

It's a very wise approach.

But it's still a bit regretful that I can't activate the usurp the true name of the Noble Phantasm at all. Maybe if I hadn't been too troublesome in the past and studied everything I got, maybe the real name of the Noble Phantasm usurped here could be activated.

But there is no point in assuming, and there is no point in regretting. Being able to get so much has already increased your chances of winning.

"Next, what should we do? There should be one more Command Seal for this Kariya... gone?" Crounpis glanced at Matou Kariya's hand and suddenly had a headache, "I still have to find a new one..."

Only the master will do."

Crownpis felt that there were no other surveillance familiars around for the time being - they all seemed to have been eaten by the bugs released by Kariya, and Kariya was also wary.

"Just in time, since you are so persistent, then I will 'help' you." Crounpis came to the collapsed Matou Kariya, squatted down, and put her hand on him, "[Collective Healing of Serious Injuries"

[mass heavy recover]]!"

Not only did he treat Matou Kariya, who had a lot of body parts eaten by the Marking Worms, but he also treated the Marking Worms that had been lost due to the battle.

The imprinted insects came alive all of a sudden. They were hungry because of the battle. It happened that this host rarely grew a fresh body that was as delicious as the first. It was really good. Eat quickly and eat quickly. Only when you are full can you fight in the best condition.

"Uhhhhhhhh!" The severe pain caused Matou Kariya to twitch and twist his body, struggling desperately, but the strength of Crounpisi's muscles held him tightly.

The treatment continues. The more happily the marking worms eat, the stronger the magic power becomes. It doesn't matter. No matter how many are eaten, Crounpisi can cure Matou Kariya until the marking worms can no longer eat.

The body is completely repaired.

"Hehe, Kariya, I adjusted your body to its strongest state, so you have to thank me, right?"

Matou Kariya gasped for breath as he regained consciousness from the pain. He had long been accustomed to the pain, but he asked in confusion: "Where...are you...from?"

Already hopeless, he didn't understand why he was saved. Was it to make himself suffer even more?

"You don't need to know," Cronpis said. "You just need to know that I am an enemy of Tokiomi Tokiomi's camp now. I'll give you these."

With that said, he took out the revolver Kirei gave him and the remaining pack of bullets from his infinite backpack (this gun is not as useful as the other double-barreled shotgun anyway), and explained this.

"If Tohsaka Tokiomi and his companions are separated from the Servant, you can use these to deal with them. It will be much more effective than your bugs." Clawnpisi said with a smile, to those who had already declared that they would kill him.

It would be nice for the archer to add some blocking.

Matou Kariya knew that he had no capital to negotiate terms, but he still said in a pleading tone: "I understand, ah... then, can I take Rin... away? I want to bring her to... her


"Please." Crounpisi agreed with a secret smile. Did this poor man, who specifically emphasized his mother, deliberately hint at himself because he was an enemy of Lin's father?

"That's right, because your body has returned to normal for the time being, but the marking bug is still there. If you don't use your magic power to alert the bug, you should be able to live for many more years, but it's hard to say if you fight with all your strength."

"Ah, anyway, my life has been decided a long time ago." Matou Kariya pulled up his hood, carried Rin on his back, and walked away with his back to Crounpis, almost defenseless.

No, it's not that I'm unprepared, but I know there's no point in taking precautions.

After watching him leave with Rin in his arms, Crounpis returned to the small underground dark room, woke up Ryuunosuke, and continued to sit in the corner and play the abducted child.

Not long after, Caster, dressed as a dark wizard, appeared in the room.

"Oh, sir, look, I got so many children this time. I can complete a lot of works of art!" Ryunosuke greeted Caster happily.

But Caster's face was full of nervousness. With one hand he opened the human skin book that he had been holding in his arms, and pointed at Crounpis with the other hand: "Calm down, Ryunosuke, that is the Servant." At the same time, he began to recite a spell with unknown meaning.

"Wait!" Crounpis quickly stood up and raised his hand to indicate that he had no plans to fight.

"What's going on?" Caster closed the book and stared straight at Crounpis with his piercing eyes like a frog. He had already finished chanting, and as soon as he thought about it, dozens of tentacle monsters would appear.

, so that you can talk to Crounpisi calmly.

"If you want to see your saint, how about tonight - twenty-two hours later, at Warehouse Street in Seaside Park?"

"You mean... Joan of Arc! Why! Who are you! Why do you know her existence!"

"I'm Assassin," Crownpis smiled kindly, "Is it strange to collect information covertly?" After saying that, he raised his hand and threw out a photo of Saber. It was prepared by Saber and Irisviel in Fuyuki City.

A corner of the photo of getting on the car.

This is a file photo that Kirei obtained from the Holy Church. Crounpis really doesn’t know how the church can immediately get the file photos of the characters in each camp whenever it gets news. Currently, there are no file photos in the church.

, there is only this pair of masters in front of me.

"Oh oh... oh oh oh oh... Joan of Arc!" Caster actually held up the photo and shed tears of excitement. When he arrived, he had already endowed the Holy Grail with modern knowledge. The background of the photo was undoubtedly from this era.

"Master?" Ryunosuke was confused by Caster's reaction, but Caster's mood became even higher.

"It's come true, everything...has come true! I once thought it was impossible!"

"What was achieved? What?"

Caster held the photo tightly with both hands, almost touching his face: "The Holy Grail chose me! She is finally resurrected. This! This is a miracle! I eagerly look forward to her rebirth, and she is here! My wish has come true!"

(to be continued)

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