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Chapter 27 Melee with Saber is indeed a death sentence

Maiya is holding an assault rifle with a scope mounted as a sniper rifle, and is monitoring the battlefield next to the cab of the tallest crane on Warehouse Street.

There was a bat on one side with a small monitor, which also illuminated the battlefield and passed it to Kiritsugu.

If possible, I should have picked up the Wasser 2000 semi-automatic sniper rifle, which is more suitable for surveillance and long-distance sniping, but that gun was snatched away by Crounpis. There is no way that a gun with such a small production volume can be used in a short time.

Start again within.

Then, she saw other objects appearing on the top of the container four hundred meters away.

Judging from the color indication of the thermal imager, it is rn. It is the one who was among the monsters just waiting for an opportunity to attack br. It should be ssssn.

Clunpisi had no idea that even if she had hidden her figure, the subtle difference between her body temperature and the air temperature still caused her to conduct heat transfer with the air, making her particularly clear in Maiya's eyes.

However, Maiya would not attack SSSSN stupidly. That would be an act of seeking death. Since SSSSN had no intention of continuing to participate in the war, she also continued to observe the battlefield. She had expected her opponent's SR to be delivered to her gunpoint nearby, but it seemed that

This expectation was dashed.

Maiya turned the gun and continued to observe the battlefield between SR and BR.

Not an optimistic situation for br.

A large number of magical beasts are no match for br's superb swordsmanship, but the magical beasts are constantly being summoned, attacking one after another like ocean waves.

SR is not in a hurry to win, he just mobilizes and arranges the battle to consume BR. He does this to make BR tired, and perhaps to create opportunities for ssssn.

I know it but there is nothing I can do about it. Although BR should have a way to quickly defeat SR in a pair, but

br After defeating dozens of tentacle monsters, the problem was discovered. sr The magic book in his hand had extremely strong magic power. Could it be infinite magic power? No wonder the summons kept coming.

Even killing them at several times the killing speed is meaningless. These monsters can use the remains of living creatures on the ground as seedbeds to regenerate. The faster they kill, the more regeneration seedbeds they will create.

Unless you knock down SR with one blow, this is easy to do if you release the Noble Phantasm.

But there is a big flaw when liberating the Noble Phantasm. BR must beware of SSSSN who can defeat NR who is also one of the three knights with her. What should we do?

We can only take a gamble, br made up his mind, otherwise she will be consumed first.

brIn her hand is a seemingly invisible sword that is wrapped and hidden by the Wind King's barrier. Hiding the weapon can give her a certain advantage in frontal combat, but if she wants to release the treasure

The Wind King's barrier peeled off, revealing a sword blade that glowed with golden light.

Among the hordes of monsters, the girl held her golden sword high, standing like a god of war. Her majestic magic power and aura made the monsters stand still for an instant.

In br's intuition, ssssn should not be nearby now, at least not within a hundred meters, so activate the Noble Phantasm as soon as possible: ""

"The ground is cracking rnrn!"

Taking the lead, Crounpis jumped down from the container and stuck his finger on the ground.

"Boom!" The crack in the earth, which was more than a hundred meters long, expanded to br's feet in an instant, causing her to lose her footing and fall.

This level of difficulty did not faze br, so she immediately turned her body over and kicked off the rock wall, preparing to jump back to the ground on both sides of the crack.

With a thought in his mind, Crounpisi made the cracks close with a bang, burying him alive.

"Wind King Iron Hammerrr!"

The storm tore the ground from within, and br took advantage of the wind and jumped out of the hole dug by the blow.

"Is it a trap!" br discovered the clue in an instant, but she had no other option except to use the storm to break through the ground.

Seeing Crounpisi teleporting below her and thrusting the golden short spear straight out, her heart skipped a beat, and she swung the holy sword backwards with one hand, performing a beautiful flip and turn in the air, and clashed with Crounpiss.

Pisi faced each other.

While wielding the sword in his right hand and slashing at Crounpith, he used his left hand gauntlet to block the thrust of the golden short spear.

"Dang poof!"

This time, Croun's silk egg was full of strength, and he also released the martial arts skill "Strike", causing the tip of the spear to pierce the gauntlet and penetrate the wrist!

"Stab it!"

The holy sword struck Crounpisi's shoulder, and continued to penetrate deep into his armpit. An arm came out of Crounpisi's body!

"Ugh, the pain is dulled! Fireball r!"

The fireball released by Crounpith exploded between the two people, and the impact caused the two people to separate from each other. Crounpith fell near SR, and br fell fifty steps away.

"I wanted to take off both of her feet and let her kneel down to be slaughtered, but my left hand was disabled instead? Is it a good deal?" Crounpis said with a twitching smile.

"ssssn, is this injury okay?" SR asked with concern. It is difficult to meet someone with a common topic of body art in this world.

"It doesn't matter." Crounpisi activated Serious Injury Healing R, regenerating the arm within one second.

Crounpisi moved her fingers, but it wasn't very neat. brThat blow did a lot of damage. It was difficult for a single healing spell to replenish the lost physical strength, but as long as the appearance was repaired quickly, it could put pressure on the opponent.

br did not act, because she was also estimating that the damage she suffered was very bad. The wrist joint was completely destroyed. Even if she could barely repair the appearance with her own magic power, she might not be able to use her left hand, and it seemed that she couldn't even use the Noble Phantasm.

, is there a curse on that short gun?

Now her opponent was almost unharmed, but she lost one of her hands, which was very unfavorable. She was not careless, but she didn't expect that the enemy's attacks were cursed and that the enemy's regeneration ability was so strong. It was a first-time battle experience.

At this time, those monsters and dead monsters that had been stagnated due to the sudden change finally woke up and resurrected, and rushed towards the br again!

At this moment, the attack of monsters has not closed yet. The only time br can move forward is now. If you hesitate, you will be surrounded.

br rushed towards the slight gap, but the monster on the rear left concentrated his strength to attack! This became the flaw of br, whose left hand was crippled. He had no choice but to release magic power to blow the monster away. Although even if he lost his left hand, he could still release magic power alone.

Even monsters can be easily blown away by strong winds and storms, but this will play into the opponent's hands br and the magic power consumption rate will increase.

The only gap in front of him closed again, and br, who had lost the opportunity to attack and could only consume more magic power to defeat the monster, was extremely anxious.

"When she is exhausted again, take off her legs." Crounpis muttered as she played with the golden short spear in her hand with her still intact hand.

What if magic tricks worked?

The whole group confuses ssrps, the whole group controls ssrnps, the whole group confuses ssnsnps, etc. She has lost several shots from the beginning, let alone letting br resist a little bit, she is completely useless.

Even the scan level was turned away.

to be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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