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Chapter 40: Awakening

While riding on the defenseless Diarmuid, who seemed to be about to dissolve at any moment, Cronpis beat him hard while venting her emotions.

Your wish is to be loyal to your master and fulfill your regrets during your lifetime, right?

But it was still reasonable for you to steal the wife intended by the master! Because of the curse of being too handsome, you attracted the unmarried woman to you. If you were really loyal to the master, then you should refuse it for your master! You had to run away with his fiancée on the spot.

, keeping the desire to be loyal to the master until now?

Your wish is to be loyal to your master? Why do you feel like it doesn’t matter who this master is? Are you kidding me?

Crounpith completely beat Diarmuid into a puddle of mud, and only after it mixed with the surrounding black mud and dissolved did Crounpisi wake up.

This is the "stomach bag" where she once devoured souls crazily during the Holy Grail War. Unlike those ordinary souls, these high-level heroic spirits were not digested and absorbed so quickly and broken down into energy clumps to provide the parameters for Crounpith. But

They obviously had no other ability to resist except howling.

As for why it is black, it is not "evil in this world", it is just due to the nature of the underworld fairies that tend to be dark.

"I hate it! I resent it...because of her immortal glory, I will be forever degraded!" The tall black knight Lancelot appeared.

"Fuck, come again!" Crownpis slapped Lancelot's helmet off, summoned vines to tie him to the ground, and continued to beat his howling head with the vines.

Why are these people’s chivalry so troublesome?

Another guy who stole the king's wife, Lancelot hopes that the king will ask him for his anger.

But this perfect king did not regard the irremediable injustice as treachery. All this was caused by the king concealing his gender.

This led to him not being redeemed until his death. He deeply blamed himself for betraying the most important person. This self-blame carried with him for his whole life. In the end, he actually became suitable for the berserker class? He blamed himself so much.


If you live a thicker life, you will die!

Chivalry may seem noble in dramas and movies, but it really feels troublesome in reality.

You know, there is not a single creature among the children and subordinates that Crounpith likes who advocates chivalry.

"Oh oh oh, Joan of Arc!"

"Fuck you, you frog-eyed Bluebeard, come here too!" Without saying a word, Crounpis stabbed the dark wizard's big bulging eyes with his scissor hands.

The only good thing is that none of the kings she defeated showed up.

After finally digesting all the souls into energy clumps, Crounpisi actually saw new heroic spirits appearing one after another.

Yes, they keep appearing. Various men in black with different shapes and sizes, wearing skull masks.

"What are you doing... A wave of Hassan is approaching, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm taking your place in the Holy Grail War and they're coming to fight with me!"

Clunpisi, who has been unable to leave this void space, is really impatient.


"We are forced to be pawns in the Holy Grail War."

"Isn't this nonsense!" Crounpisi was extremely unhappy and summoned the demon tree itself on the spot. A large number of roots, branches and vines rolled up all the Hassan, sucked them dry, and swallowed them.

This time it felt a little different, it felt like what I was eating was like a living Hassan, but so what, it doesn’t matter if Clawnpis eats a living person!

Eat them, eat them...


"Wow!" Crounpis suddenly jumped up from the grass.

I felt it was quiet around me. I looked around and found that I was in the forest.

She spread her wings, flew into the air, and looked into the distance.

"This is the suburb of Fuyuki City? Why did I wake up here? And...I can't feel the presence of any living things?"

It can be confirmed that the entire Fuyuki City is an empty city without human habitation. Not only that, the existence of trees can be clearly seen, but the life of these trees cannot be felt, as if these trees do not exist, even if these trees are tangible.

"I want to escape from the 'painted world'!"

No response.

Then Crownpis committed suicide.

I don't know how long it took, but she came back to life.

"Sure enough, this is still some kind of unreal space, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Anyway, let's go to the city first and collect information——"

Crownpis left a sonic boom in the air and headed towards the city.

"Weiyuanchuan's reaction is so fast! That's it!" Crounpisi stopped and looked at Weiyuanchuan, which should have been calm, but was now turbulent.

Standing in the center of the waves is King Arthur Saber, who is standing on the water and wearing full black armor. She holds up the holy sword that is enlarged with dark light——

"Why?!!!!" Crounpisi left a half-sentence in front of the dark sword light.

"How can you possibly kill me at this level!"

Crownpis realized that she was not in the state of a Holy Grail War Servant, and that there was no spiritual core weakness. To be precise, the current core was much stronger than before, so she felt a little more confident, and immediately flapped her wings and flew out of the range of the black sword wave.

.Raise your hands and open the magic circle——

"The most enhanced triple magic - meteorite falling!"

In order to counterattack as quickly as possible, Crownpith used abbreviated chanting that was not used in the previous war.

"The Sword of Promised Victory!"

The thick black light cannon met the three falling meteorites and pierced them like skewers of meat.

It seems that Crownpiss failed in this confrontation, but the moves of both sides are decisively different——

The Saber Liberation Noble Phantasm must stand still and fire out the light cannon; while Crounpis can continue to start new actions after dropping the meteorite.

Taking advantage of the gap when Saber had to stand still, Crounpith teleported behind her and stabbed the soul-eating staff "Torch" that was attached with immortal flames and strengthened with high-level equipment enhancement VI on her waist.

Release lavender fireball from zero distance!

The martial arts released by the strengthened weapons, which are attached to the immortal flames to strengthen high-level equipment VI, are already comparable to eighth-level magic.

Saber, who received a heavy blow, slid sharply back on the water amid a burst of armor shattering sounds.

"Tch, not only is the 'Anti-Magic' skill powerful, but did you subconsciously use 'Magic Release' at the last moment to offset part of it?" Crounpis was unhappy that her attack only shattered the opponent's armor.

But it was almost completely broken, so it probably wouldn't be possible to repair it in a short time.

"But, I also found something good -" Looking at Saber who was repelled by him, Crounpis grinned.

(to be continued)

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