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Chapter 43 The Sword of Broken Stars

Crounpith, whose body was torn apart by the pressure of Saber's sword, fell to the ground, his posture like a puppet with its strings cut off.

Saber also fell to the ground, glanced at the mutilated Crounpis, and just turned around——

"call out!"


Saber turned around and raised her sword to block the golden short spear "Gae Buidhe" that was shot at the back of her head.

Who wants to have anal sex with Saber? The person lying on the ground was a substitute created by a certain skill.

"Tch, the sneak attack failed!" Crounpis rolled over and rolled to the side, "[Expansion of the effect range of the strongest magic level increase·Real resurrection [m-b-w-m·t-r]]!"

The green brilliance quickly swept across the Crounpith like a scanner. For a moment, it was intact as before. Even the hand that was flying away and still holding the "torch" flew back to catch it - even the substitute was not completely in time, at least.

The hand being chopped off is real.

Because the magic tree's main body is absorbing magic like crazy at the nodes of its roots, which is equivalent to infinite magic. At the same time, even the size of the water outlet has expanded. Crounpisi was very extravagant to add all the enhancement effects to the most advanced resurrection spell and use it as a healing magic.

"As long as you sit firmly in this place, there is no chance of failure, [the pain will be dulled]!"

Saber faced Crounpis again, pointing the sword at her expressionlessly, and black light surrounded her.

Crounpisi's "torch" twirled, shot out several lavender fireballs, and disappeared from the spot.

The phantom of the Stars and Stripes flashed around Saber, and lavender fireballs almost covered Saber's surroundings.

Pure magic and magic have very little effect on Saber. The immortal flames that have been strengthened after the Fourth Holy Grail War contain negative energy that has nothing to do with magic, as well as the physical effects of additional martial arts. Among Crownpith's own methods, they are the only ones.

Second to meteorites, it is the most effective attack against Saber.

"Continuous teleportation is enough to make her dizzy. I really don't want to experience it too much...but ordinary sneak attacks won't work on her."

Low-level concealment methods such as "transparency [invisibility]] and [silence] are equivalent to nothingness in front of Saber. [Perfect unknowable] cannot completely hide from Saber, and will be dispelled once attacked. Compared with

Instead of focusing on these little tricks that take up a lot of your time to release magic, it's better to attack as much as possible.

Saber remained as calm as before, the black light on the holy sword suddenly erupted backwards, and more than a dozen lavender fireballs exploded on her armor, but Saber still moved forward bravely——

No, it suddenly turned a corner.

"How did you know I was here last! The magic power is sufficient and the intuition is improved?" Crownpiss hurriedly raised the "torch" in an attempt to take Saber's sword head-on.

"[Not perfect warrior]!"

"Dang!" The swords and staffs intersected, and the eruption of lavender flames and black light blew away all the surrounding plants and trees!

Crownpis's hands were trembling: "It's so heavy! Even if I haven't merged with the main body, this new suit has obviously increased my strength by 20%, and it has also used all the magic and martial arts to enhance strength.

It’s over!”

Saber did not withdraw the sword after failing a blow, but continued to apply pressure, and black light was sprayed behind the sword path, making Crounpis feel as if she had been hit by a jet.

"Not good!"

Seeing that the soul-eating staff could no longer hold up and the sword blade was slashing along the soul-eating staff, Crounpisi immediately withdrew the soul-eating staff and leaned back.

The black light from the fan passed by less than a centimeter from the tip of Crounpi's nose.

In the upside-down world that Cronpisi saw when she leaned back, the tree trunks within a few dozen meters were cut flatly.

"Not good, not good, not good!"

Following the backward posture, Crounpis kicked Saber's lower body, and Mimic Pantyhose launched [full swing] to whip Saber away.

Saber stepped forward with both feet on horseback, plowing the ground backwards, and stopped ten meters away, only to find that her opponent had disappeared.

At this time, it seemed that the sky became brighter.

Saber looked up and saw three meteorites that were rubbing and burning in the air and pouring down!

As infinite as magic power, the black light wraps around the holy sword. A closer look reveals that many of these black lights come from the outside. At first, they seemed to be light particles seeping out from the ground. The light particles turned black and merged into black mist, and finally gathered in

The sword turned into black light.

With a sword, the sword pressure swept across the meteorite, and the meteorite was cut in half.

With two swords, the black light turned into a sky pillar and exploded the meteorite into pieces.

Now, Saber's sword pressure is comparable to that of the former Noble Phantasm Liberation True Name.

Saber was about to break the third meteorite, but her hand that wanted to swing the sword paused - the plants under her feet that had been almost trampled to dregs turned into fierce vines and sprouted out of the ground, binding her hands. Because it was a

The sword is raised behind his back. In this position, his hands are tied up, as if he is being hung up, making it difficult to exert force on the vines.

This vine will soon break due to the "release of magic power", but this moment is what Crounpis fights for.

"Seal her Noble Phantasm before we talk!"

Crounpisi teleported to Saber and stabbed Saber with the golden short spear.


Although he deliberately avoided the gauntlet, Crounpith failed to stab Saber, and the tip of the spear was actually blocked by the rich magical black mist!

"[Time stands still [t-s]]!"

The surroundings turned into solid black and white, and Crounpisi pulled out the red gun from the infinite backpack, preparing to attack with both red and yellow guns.

"Boom!" The black and white world was shattered!

"Eh? Can you destroy the time stop as well? Why didn't you do this when dealing with the spearmen?"

The actual answer is that Crounpisi's unconscious and continuous activation of [Advanced Equipment Enhancement 6] strengthens the effect of the red gun, but Crounpisi's analysis cannot be tolerated——

"Bang!" Saber kicked Crounpisi in the stomach and kicked her away.

The Mimic's counterattack was a beat too slow, and its tentacles failed to reach Saber.

"How could you get a wasted move like this!" Crounpisi, who was retreating rapidly, raised his hand and dodged a magic circle.

At this time, the meteorite was approaching.

Saber broke free from the vines and released a black sword pressure, instantly smashing the meteorite into pieces and dissipating it into light particles.

Suddenly, a huge tree man rushed out from the gap between the light particles, swung his huge branches and arms and knocked Saber away with a bang.

This is when Crounpith flies upside down and instantly summons monsters hidden in the shadow of the meteorite. Because when the meteorite is broken, it turns into light particles and disappears, so there is no need to worry about the secondary physical phenomenon of the meteorite causing damage to the tree man.

Saber adjusted her posture in the air. As soon as she landed on the ground, before she could stand firmly, several more vines came out of the ground and entangled her feet. They did not intend to restrain her in place, but continued to grow at a rapid speed, spinning and shaking hard.

He threw Saber into the air.

The next moment, three more meteorites were approaching!

The force of the upward throw caused Saber to hit the meteorite!

Clunpis, who was hiding and unleashing continuous magic attacks, was stunned. Saber used her "magic release" to disperse the flames from the corner of the burning block of light, stepped on the meteorite, and ran upwards along the huge meteorite!

Stepping on the meteorite towards the sky!

Stand on top of the bottom meteorite, swing the holy sword, release the pressure of the sword, and smash the two meteorites above it.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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