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Chapter 104 Dr. Hartless and Faker

Crownpis looked at the teddy bear on the table in embarrassment: "Eat this?"

"Yes, this world is very interesting." Francesca took the parasol she brought with her and tapped the teddy bear.

The teddy bear suddenly turned into a snack.

"Is this okay?" Seeing that Francesca had started her meal, Crounpis also put a piece of chocolate beans in his mouth, chewed it, and took a sip of tea.

"Um...it feels like this." Crounpis wanted to complain.

"I'm really sorry, isn't it to your taste?"

"No," Crounpis planned to spit out, not about tea, but about tea, "Why does it taste like the bagged chocolate and canned tea I bought at the convenience store on the street not long ago?"

"Ah...is that so? Just delicious, right?" Francesca also looked a little embarrassed, "High-end food requires high-end puppets."

In fact, Francesca took it from Shinji's snacks at Matou's house.

"Indeed, it's good as long as it's delicious. But - will you bring the high-end stuffed animals later?" Crownpis ignored this major doubt and continued to eat.

"Well, of course." Francesca seemed very happy with Crounpis's response.

If Crounpis came here from Fuyuki City, she might have more questions and be more vigilant, but she landed from outside the "Painting World", and as a result, she was more concerned about what went wrong when she was painting.

In other words, if you suspect that the world is fake, then this person is probably a psychopath.


Einzbern Forest——

Shiloe was at the window on the second floor of the castle on the same side as the gate. She saw two pairs of men and women confronting each other in the open space in front of the castle.

On one side is a little old man on crutches and a girl with long silver-gray hair holding a parasol, and on the other side is an upright young man with glasses and a black-haired woman. Although their features are very different, each pair is inexplicably matched harmoniously.

Shiloe was not neglectful in observing the forces in the city when she was in school. She liked to use the physical ability of the Heroic Spirit to pick up telephone poles, street lamps and roofs everywhere, so she recognized people she had not interacted with: "The person near the door is Cores...

Falwege? What does it mean to confront Magiri?"

The two sides remained silent for a long time, as if they were waiting for an opportunity. The girl with silver-gray hair moved her parasol as if it was a signal, feeling that some kind of spell was ready. What was arranged in the forest?

Matō Zouken spoke: "I never expected that the person trying to repair Einzbern's Great Holy Grail would be such an outsider. But what's the point of attracting more people from the Clock Tower to Fuyuki City?"

"Oops," the bespectacled young man adjusted his glasses and said calmly, "I think I should have perfectly interpreted this young man's identity and character before."

"Hehehehe, we Matou are indeed in decline, but the moment we step into Fuyuki City - hehehe." Zangyan smiled, not showing off his secret.

The answer is that when Crownpis visited the team brought by Weber, although Crownpis paid attention to the engraving insects, she still did not find anything unusual about the bugs that were living in her hair (branches and leaves).

The Matou family is good at controlling insects, not just those with special shapes that serve as living magic circuits. There are also insects similar to silkworms, caterpillars, and even moths and butterflies. There are also many that are too small to be detected by ordinary magicians. Those with the same

Mixed in with the bugs that Crounpis packed and parasitized in his hair, of course, these weak things would have difficulty invading the barrier of ordinary magicians, but they managed to sneak in during the visit at that time.

In this way, Zang Yan easily invaded other people's fields and found what he wanted.

It's really dark under the lamp. The cloak of Emperor Iskandar collected by Weber was stolen. The thief disguised himself and mingled among his students. I'm afraid there are other real students acting as internal agents. Otherwise, if a student is replaced, he will soon be betrayed.


As for the young man in front of Zangyan, the person next to him should be the servant summoned by the Great Emperor's cloak, not the Iskandar summoned ten years ago. The appearance of Iskandar recorded in history is a thin black-haired man, Weber

The one summoned back then was a big, muscular man with red hair, but the servant in front of him matched the characteristics recorded in history. He was the Emperor's confidant Shadow Warrior, Hephaestion.

"Why don't you speak more frankly," Francesca added, "former head of the Modern Magic Department, Dr. Hartres."

The body of the bespectacled young man was wrapped in a burst of mist. When it dispersed, he turned into an older man. He was tall and thin, with flaming red hair. His skin was quite white. He was wearing a sea-blue suit. His appearance gave people a very strange look.

The impression of a reliable and skilled magician.

"I thought that the first person to discover my true identity would be Webber Velvet, a famous person in learning and reasoning," said Hartresses.

Francesca: "Unfortunately, I don't have that detective ability, but I will live longer."

Zang Yan tapped his cane and continued: "If your purpose as an outsider is to study the Holy Grail, I won't have any objection. However, I will not allow you to seize the Holy Grail."

Hatreth looked a little disdainful and raised his neck: "Humph, isn't the Holy Grail War used to capture the Holy Grail?"

Although he said this, he naturally understood that the participation of outsiders in the great magic trick performed by the Yusan family was just to cooperate with the process. Hartreth continued: "I am very interested in the Holy Grail War. To be precise, I am very interested in the Holy Grail War.

, I am very interested in being able to summon heroic spirits. Summoning heroes from the past is an incredible legend for a magician. This is what fascinates me more than getting powerful power or a wish machine."

"But, you used false master qualifications and false command spells," Zang Yan looked a little angry, "Such a ridiculous thing is impossible. The Holy Grail was restored this time. Since your servant was

After confirming the summoning, the servants that can be summoned are all strange."

Crownpis summoned Medusa, but what came out was not a female monster, but the existence that Medusa herself expected to be like her two sisters; King Arthur did not pull out the sword in the stone and stop growing; Jack the Ripper did

Not that murderous ghost in the night fog...

"The Holy Grail has been distorted since Einzbern summoned the illegal servants in the Third Holy Grail War. We cannot allow this distortion to continue." Zouken said.

"Is that guy the reason why the Ouija board shows that Rider is abnormal?" He squinted at the servant next to Hatteras.

Hartres seemed quite proud of this: "That's right. Because it's false, it's not good to be included in the seven major classes, so I call this class faker."

"For me personally, it doesn't matter if we start a war here," said Hartres, who did not give in because of the announcement of one of the three main members of the Royal Family. "But the restoration technology is unfortunately lost, isn't it a loss to you?


(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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